Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Behind The Scenes At CNN

"Journalists" Pay Their Respect

I watched a little of the debate last night. I was put off from the get go by the game show look of the whole thing. 

Oh and, get off my lawn!


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I didn't watch. I cannot anyway-- no cable.

It sounds like it was the Hillary coronation session. I like what Haz posted at Glenn's. As predicted they fell all over each other with promises of more FREE STUFF!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The dems are going to nominate the hypocrite-crook. Oh joy.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No press bias or anything.

Why can't the hack press get back to adoring and pimping their preferred candidate?
Poor sad press. The press are sick and tired of feeling like they must report Hillary's corruption. Why can't the hack press celebrate her corruption!? She is so clever! and besides, you're just jealous she is above the law.
boo hooo waaaaaa!!!!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Dodgers and the Mets where battling last night too.

Although from I've picked up on twitter, about the debate, there wasn't much debating.

Tantaros... "Pretty disorienting to watch 5 liberals rail against Bush as if he were still in ofc, yet tout Bush-like nation building in the Middle East"

Methadras said...

It was partly a mutual admiration society. With 'I agree with so and so' and 'yeah, i said the same thing too. me too'. Dull as watching paint dry. All of them promising the sun, moon, and stars without a plan, all based on higher taxes and Hillary's screeching of 'Taxing the Rich' screed. Lung Butter Sanders sounds like Howard Stern doing an impression of Howard Sterns father with his moronic accent. Then they all attack the GOP for being the party of no, while they are gloriously the party of YES!!! Free Tuition? YES!!! Universal Family Leave for 1 year for both parents? YES!!! Single Payer HealthCare? YES!!! Legalization of Pot? OH YES!!! How is all of this going to be paid for? Why you, the vacuous citizen of course will be held upside down and have yourselves shaken to see what falls out.

The last question was funny as hell. In effect, Anderson 'the giggling poofta' Cooper asked them that if their successes are judged by the enemies they make, so who do you think your enemies are and they all rattled off the usual leftist hate mongering; The GOP, The NRA, Big Pharma, Big Oil, and poor Jim Webb is just pissed at the guy who grenaded him. The entire thing was a giant double epic facepalm. Afterwards, they all got together in the back room and finished each other off.

bagoh20 said...

Everything they lamented last night (lack of jobs, outsourcing, low wages, wealth gap, women's pay, gun violence, etc) are directly attributable to liberal policies and exactly the ones they were calling for more of. We have been following almost exclusively a left direction in this country since the 50's after a big surge left before that. If you like where that's got us now, then vote Dem, because they intend to do the same, but harder. The only thing keeping us afloat has been the hard work and entrepreneurial spirit of shrinking minority of our nation who are creating the jobs, inventing the miracles and paying the bills. The Dems don't like them or how they create the wealth that they then use to pay off voters as they make them helpless, dependent, and dreamless.

After their policies destroyed the middle class, they wonder why their is such a wealth gap. It's because you created a place and a population where you have to be rich to not be poor. Now, the only way you know of to deal with that is to take from the few and spread it around while asking nothing in return, exacerbating the very mechanism of the problem.

Leftism is simply doubling down on mistakes.

bagoh20 said...
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ricpic said...

Didn't watch. From what I read Bernie won all the polls. How do the Dem bigwigs deny Bernie the nomination if he wins Iowa and New Hampshire, after which his momentum will be YUGE? Obviously a speculative question, but how will TPTB stop him if the base wants him? Sort of a reverse Trump.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Clintons are worth 230 million and she has the audacity to tell "rich" working class that they don't pay enough in taxes.

F her. I wish she would die.

bagoh20 said...

It was rich to watch them talking about smart diplomacy, being tough in foreign policy, and fighting terrorism with better intelligence when the worst intelligence breach hole we have was standing on the stage, and nobody wanted to talk about it. Yea, they are serious people.

bagoh20 said...

I hate leftism with a white-hot passion, and Sanders is about as left as anyone who ever got so close, but choosing between him and Clinton, I think I prefer him. It's stupid ideas versus total dishonesty and corruption selling stupid ideas. Can you imagine a more depressing outcome than Hillary winning the Presidency now? I doubt that even Dem voters would feel good about it. They will vote for it and feel about the same as if they saw their daughter jump on the back of my motorcycle on Friday night, because they were afraid otherwise she might marry a Mormon.

Amartel said...

Not a debate. Not one issue was debated. Some issues were mentioned and everyone nodded knowingly and made appropriate noises of dis/approval. As usual, the bullshit party has altered the semantics and provided debate-like set dressing and hired some actors, a couple of "politicians" and a "moderator," to disguise the truth.

bagoh20 said...

Just a nonstop parade of lies from these people. If you care about the truth, you simply cannot support Democrats. The Repubs are certainly not innocent, but the comfort and closeness Dems have with lying is just unsupportable. Republicans put themselves at a tactical disadvantage by not being anywhere near so bad, and I respect that.

Todays example

Amartel said...

Obamacare benefits for illegal immigrants! Audience monkey-pawns/Dem base: YAY!
Free college! YAY!
Newnewnewnewnewnewnewnewnew "deal." YAY!
Stop Climate! YAY!
Tax the rich! YAAAY!
Revolution! YAAAAY!
God Bless United States of Idiocracy! YAAAAAY!

ricpic said...

Socialism is a lie so encompassing that it demoralizes all opposition. Perhaps that is its final triumph.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We really are F*ed.

bagoh20 said...

I just heard Dennis Prager make a great point: ~"No matter which party's debate you listen to, you get mostly criticism of Republicans.~"

bagoh20 said...

To be fair about the journos in the post, I don't feel you really have to stand for the National Anthem anytime you hear it. If you are at the event, then yea, but just because it's on a TV screen or the radio?

On the other hand, claiming you didn't stand because you are supposed to be neutral is just stupid. Are they suggesting there are two sides here: the patriotic and the unpatriotic? Who exactly are they claiming neutrality between?

Amartel said...

ricipic "Socialism is a lie so encompassing that it demoralizes all opposition"
Exactly, because it's a beautiful lie, a fairytale, starring the amazing Ego.
The opposition is dreadful, horrifying, boring reality, viz., other people.
Other people are not going to give you things for "free," other people don't care to be props in your fantasy utopia world or underwrite your socialist paradise, other people want actual compensation for their services, other people are aggressive and willful and greedy and power-hungry and don't care to coexist.

Amartel said...

Great point by Prager.
Republicans debate. Democrats coronate.
Let the sleeping lapdogs lie.
There were some shots at Clinton, and Dems in general, during the Republican debates whereas in the Dem "debate" everyone just had a good ole laugh about the foolish email controversy, such nonsense!, and rolled on down the red carpet.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I love Dennis Prager.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The R debates accommodate and inspire the in-fighting. The Donald loves to pick stupid fights with people over their looks and other immature nonsense.

It's a clown show on all sides.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

While Hillary bashes - they give her cash.

Corruption and lies.

Another day, another example.

Amartel said...

Yes, her "enemies," the insurance companies and the drug companies (among other large corporations), are bankrolling her campaign.
Only a complete moron would buy into this load.

edutcher said...

"I was put off from the get go by the game show look of the whole thing."

You noticed that, too.

All I saw every time I flipped over was Bernie yelling about something that had made this country great that he was going to destroy.

AprilApple said...

The dems are going to nominate the hypocrite-crook. Oh joy.

Don't count on that, kid.

The media may be drooling over her, but the public seems to have been less than enthused.

Looks like they thought Bernie won (which was also my impression).

deborah said...

Bless those 8 or 9 that did stand.

Chip Ahoy said...

I glimpsed at the moment the camera swung over the seated crowd to pick our and draw in to focus our precious little Chelsea Clinton, brilliantly white and holding perfectly rigid Peoples' First Daughter posture, utterly fartless, in perfect imitation of Oscar Awards.

This is not a political party. This is an actual class. An actual class of presumed ruling elite.

Was there any such Oscar type production or glamour technique at Republican debates? Maybe there were. Maybe the camera zoomed in on one the candidate's kids. I don't know. I don't recall. But this is the single thing I saw of the Democrat debates save for the vine bits, gifs, and clips unavoidable elsewhere. Cable is the big suck. Goodbye Cable.

I read by this time last presidential campaign, the Democrats held eleven debates. As a Party there is nothing of substance to squeeze. Nothing to debate. This is apparent in their Supreme Court rulings as well. There is only the emptiness of Little Rock trailer park glamor.

Nothing against Little Rock. I've been there, by way Shreveport, Arklatex and all that, it's lovely.

deborah said...

People bitched when Palin's kids were zoomed in on. Dems: disgusted when the little girl licked her palm and smoothed baby's hair; Reps: adored it. A-DORED. (Of course there were exceptions on each side.)

Michael Haz said...

Have you noticed that Republican candidates talk about ending poverty, while the Democrat candidates talk about ending wealth?

Oh, and thanks April for your comment at 10:38.