Thursday, September 7, 2017

"Civil rights group wants Kid Rock Detroit concerts canceled"

Via my web home page: The choice of Kid Rock as the opening act for a new sports arena in mostly black Detroit has injected the musician into the national debate over race and culture because of his embrace of the Confederate flag, an expletive-laced criticism of NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick and unabashed support for President Donald Trump.

Olympia Entertainment selected Kid Rock to open the new Little Caesars Arena with concerts next week. Kid Rock, who is white, has been lauded for his philanthropy and support of Detroit, but his recent criticism of Kaepernick has prompted one civil rights organization in Detroit to plan a protest and call for the concerts to be canceled.

Kaepernick, who is black, refused to stand during the national anthem while with the San Francisco 49ers last year in protest of police violence and social injustice. During a concert last month in Iowa, Kid Rock told fans that "football's about ready to start," then went on to say, "You know what? (expletive) Colin Kaepernick," the Des Moines Register reported.

Kid Rock, who is from the Detroit suburbs and proudly claims the city as his home, has six concerts scheduled at the $860 million, 20,000-seat arena, starting Tuesday — a move that Peter Hammer, director of the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights at Detroit's Wayne State University, called "incredibly tone deaf."

"Everything is different post-Charlottesville,"

(Link to more)


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No mention that Kaepernick also displayed anti-police "pig" socks while on the field - suckered by the big meida-D Ferguson lies.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Kid Rock - No free speech for you!

Free speech is for Rachel Maddow and CNN "hands up don't shoot" liars.

edutcher said...

No matter Kid Rock has tried to help Detroit and black people. No matter the Motor City had no plantations in it. But since Peter Hammer, director of the Damon J. Keith Center for Civil Rights is offended, all that is for naught. We've seen Lefties pull this under the guise of PC for years. And blacks will support it.

Interesting point made by Mr Surber on this, which we have seen over the years in different forms.

Call it the Soul Brother Effect: Interesting that all the kneeling Marxists can't play well. It's the Kaepernick Effect. When you can no longer cut it in the NFL, you become a social justice warrior. It's been a pernicious element of black culture for many decades - when a black person louses up, (s)he is not criticized, called to account, etc. The whole "Don't drop a dime" mentality.

It was so bad in WWII, good black units brought in to raise performance in bad ones, ended up being degraded.

Whether the Lefties invented this or took advantage of it is up for grabs.

deborah said...

The best course is to ignore the Kaepernicks of the sports world; freedom of speech,etc. Yawn. It's a far cry from those two black Olympic athletes being stripped of their medals.

deborah said...

Thanks, Nick, I think I've seen it, but have gotten it mixed up with a Paul Newman movie where he plays an alcoholic who hasn't done well in life. I recall recommending it to my dad, but he commented he didn't care for Newman. Now what was that movie...I think it was around the same time as Ulee's Gold.

deborah said...

April, I still find it delicious that Maddow had to wear a hijab in Afghanistan.

Leland said...

It should go without saying that these various actions is how we will get more of Kid Rock, not less.

Trooper York said...

This will mark the second year in a row that I will not watch one snap of NFL football.

The NFL has abandoned its white working class fan base.

They celebrate social justice warriors and the criminal element that make up the bulk of the players in the league.

None of whom buy tickets. Or the beer and cars advertised on their games.

They just carjack and loot convince stores in honor of heroes like Michael Brown.

Good luck with that.