Friday, September 22, 2017

"Poliovirus kills off cancer cells, stops tumor regrowth"

The new research - which is published in the journal Science Translational Medicine - shows how a modified poliovirus enables the body to use its own resources to fight off cancer. The modified virus bears the name of recombinant oncolytic poliovirus (PVS-RIPO).

PVS-RIPO has been in clinical trials since 2011 and preliminary results have offered hope to patients with one of the most aggressive forms of brain tumor: recurrent glioblastoma. So, the researchers set out to investigate more deeply how exactly PVS-RIPO works.

The researchers examined the behavior of the poliovirus in two human cell lines: melanoma and triple-negative breast cancer. They observed that the poliovirus attaches itself to cancerous cells. These cells have an excess of the CD155 protein, which acts as a receptor for the poliovirus.

Then, the poliovirus starts to attack the malignant cells, triggering the release of antigens from the tumor. Antigens are toxic substances that the body does not recognize, therefore setting off an immune attack against them.

So, when the tumor cells release antigens, this alerts the body's immune system to start attacking. At the same time, the poliovirus infects the dendritic cells and macrophages.

(Link to more)


edutcher said...

Go figure.

Polio was the terror of the country until Salk came up with the vaccine, now it may be the cure for cancer.

deborah said...

More good news on the gene therapy angle (or whatever the term is) for fighting cancer. Very, very encouraging.

I have a cousin born in '46 who had polio. Doc said he'd never walk, so his dad built him a tricycle-like affair out of wood so he could go along with his mom while she pushed younger brother in carriage. This ended up strengthening him, so now walks with rather a limp. Unfortunately, he has been falling fairly frequently as poliomyelitis sets in...the 'sleeping' polio virus re-emerging and weakening the muscles. He's a good'un.

My other cousin has had good results with the Hep C eradicating drug. I never told him, but if ever needed liver donor I intended to step in like Cool Hand Luke and make the offer lol.