Saturday, September 30, 2017

some dude

They're all wrapped in what you said and what you did. 
“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
The thing is, I don't have to hate you.

And I don't have to purchase your psychic disturbance.

Nor accept your read on our country.

Your attitude is not my problem.

And there is nothing I could do about it anyway.

I don't have to be jealous of your tremendous American achievement. And I don't have to get involved with your conflicts. Nor the paradoxes your life with your protests create.

I don't have to care about what happens to football.

I never could care about football before so there's no point in starting to care so late. And I don't have to take glee in it suffering either.

Instead, I can just marvel at your face.

I really did enjoy drawing your interesting face.


edutcher said...

"a country that oppresses black people and people of color"

Sure, that's why so many of them want to come here.

edutcher said...

This is making the rounds.

When My President… I Didn’t Take a Knee – WORTH SHARING!

This is a good one to share:

When my president lied to me and claimed 4 of my comrades were murdered because of a video insulting Muslims…I didn’t take a knee.

When my president shipped pallets of cash to my sworn enemy…I didn’t take a knee.

When my president failed to identify Muslims as terrorists and Islam as an enemy of the state…I didn’t take a knee.

When my president claimed that a man who tried to kill another man who lawfully defended himself could be his son…I didn’t take a knee.

When my president defended a thug who bum rushed law enforcement…I didn’t take a knee.

When my president ordered businesses to spend unnecessary funds to appease a minority of people who need mental intervention far more than they need their own toilet…I didn’t take a knee.

When my president ordered that words ‘one nation under God’ be removed from the pledge of allegiance…I didn’t take a knee.

When my president lied to me and said I could keep my doctors and my premiums would go down…I didn’t take a knee.

When my president spent my tax dollars in foreign lands to interfere in their elections…I didn’t take a knee.

While my president sat by passively and enabled ISIS to emerge as a stronger force dedicated to spreading Islamic ideals by committing murder, rape and torture…I didn’t take a knee.

When my president allowed dictators and murderers to violate his red lines and continue to murder women and children with chemical gas…I didn’t take a knee.

When my president chastised law enforcement for their actions but ignored the violence in our streets…I didn’t take a knee.

When my president identified the weather as the greatest threat to America’s safety while Muslims worldwide are murdering innocent people…I didn’t take a knee.

While my president’s insistence that pacifism and reform in numerous areas of the globe would bring peace but instead led to the strengthening of those that seek to destroy us…I didn’t take a knee.

When the election of my president broke barriers never thought possible in America ended up being the high point of his eight years in office…I didn’t take a knee.

In all that time I never disrespected our Country, our Armed Forces and Veterans, or our Nation. I remained vigilant.

I didn’t take a knee. I got a new President.

ricpic said...

You can't condemn studying or even being less obstreperous as "acting white" and then when the inevitable results come in wail that you're being oppressed. Well, you can but it won't wash with those - the majority - who don't stand to gain from your lie.

Chip Ahoy said...

Unrelieved epistrophe where the last line is not switched out is annoying as fuck.

The kind of fuck where the beached whale just lays there, not even moving or making a sound, in some kind of apparent trance, and possibly even dreaming of somebody else. And does that every single fuck over a series of fucks so that over time, maybe even four or eight years, it characterizes your fucks together and eventually you go, why am i even in this relationship? That kind of fuck.

Wait, what?

Where was I?

Oh yes.

Driving repetitious unrelieved rhetoric.

Perhaps the writer of that statement that resonates with people didn't take a knee, that is a rather unique form of public protest you have to admit. Maybe they weren't that imaginative.

Maybe nagging repetition is the best they can do. Over and over and over and over the same well thought protests, saved up and organized, mulled over as ruminating cow chewing cud, as drunks do under distress, delivered as litany.

Kneeling did successfully get attention, even if it did wreck his career, and perhaps the writer isn't protected by race such that they can protest at work and not get fired, and perhaps they DID protest in their own way all along, and did that serially and did that at work, in their own way like bitching incessantly and cogently at each and every affront.

Adding them up, and reading them off.

And maybe, just maybe, that bitching did actually work for them, or maybe it is still working presently, to disrupt a political party so badly they're completely overturned, observably and in realtime, and still in process, to become something different entirely, something that does represent their non-knealing bitchiness more precisely and has the side benefits of doing the same thing to the opposing party, presently flailing hopelessly without direction, and no clear targets in sight, just stupid chanting and drumbeating and riots, also disrupting its colluding corrupted media so that nobody sensible even listens to them anymore, and to its vastly annoying politicized entertainment industry. All disrupted and driven out of their minds.

Maybe that bitchiness is so exquisitely sterling it rampages through American institutions even destroying football itself, once considered unshakable. Maybe that supreme constant rock solid never ending constant and consistent reliable protesting and never kneeling bitchiness gets things done like impotent kneeling behind flawed arguments never could do, once again demonstrating their white supremacy, showing once again that if they cannot have things their way then they're taking their ball home, or changing the referees, or shutting down stadiums, or pulling the rug from careers, or overturning political parties, destroying entertainment industries, unplugging communications, doing everything available for them to do, except kneeling.

Thanks. That ↑ was actually fun.

Be of good cheer for all is well. All is as it should be. Goddamnit I love America. I love being alive at this moment. I'm so glad I could burst. I must now pray.

Thank you, God and angels for watching over me and keeping me alive to see these outstanding developments. Best American election ever, and I mean it. The clarity is exhilarating and the very solid actions a real joy to behold. Thank you for letting me be here to see all this. Amen.