Saturday, January 18, 2014

Uncovering Coverage


bagoh20 said...

If you don't have the dime, do the crime.

Shouting Thomas said...


What's the best crime to commit in order to acquire desired medical services?

Shouting Thomas said...

Crack is slowly convincing himself that stealing from whites is revolutionary justice.

Do you think he'll go in for the sex change when he goes to jail?

edutcher said...

The Agenda has superseded the Constitution in the People's Republic.

Icepick said...

And don't we all just feel SOOOO civilized about this? I know I personally feel extremely enlightened.

AllenS said...

So, after the sex change, will he be sent to the women's prison?

The rule of Lemnity said...

The women will be glad to have a guy to order around ;)

He is going to wish he never asked for it.

Unknown said...

After he tires of his new sex, I suppose we'll have to pay to put it back.

It's only fair.

The rule of Lemnity said...

What do judges know about budget cuts?

bagoh20 said...

That cracked me up, April.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I knew they were desperate to get people covered. But this is ridiculous. Talk about going to any lengths.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The very last thing I did before coming here was to look up the death of Edward II.

Red hot poker up the ass.

Seems somehow apropos to mention that.

bagoh20 said...

I suppose that eventually once it's possible, the most popular procedure to get will be to just leave what's there, and add what's missing. Hermaphrodite will be the ultimate gender. Then you can do whatever you want at a moment's notice, and double your target density. I suppose there is already video out there, but think of the magic possible with two fully functional hermaphrodites going at it. Oh, I guess gay guys have done that too. Back to your breakfast.

ricpic said...

Our society has reached the "Everybody jump in the pool!" moment.

Unknown said...

@ Bagoh. I aim to please. Well actually... I can't aim to please. I like your idea, however. I'd like to find that box of dicks so I can pick out a good one.

Shouting Thomas said...


Don't you remember?

Althouse is in charge of the big bag of dicks.

She's been collecting them from all us homophobes, who are secretly just afraid of that big bag of dicks gay men are fond of.

bagoh20 said...

Dicks prefer a nice box. Bags are to be avoided.

bagoh20 said...

Speaking of bags: You may have heard that the stupid nannies on the L.A. city council have banned one of the greatest invention in human history - the thin plastic grocery bag. A measure of plastic the size of a peanut formed into a device that can carry pounds of bulky, wet, messy, or stinky items; can be reused many times, is nearly free to produce, can be recycled, or occupies a tiny amount of space in a landfill after serving us all very well, often in multiple roles.

You can't imagine what a hassle it is to live without them. It's not like you see these bags just flying around everywhere, because I've been looking for this bogus problem for months and it just doesn't exist. Now I have to not only buy paper bags which are useless by comparison and worse on the environment, but I also now have to buy doggy poop bags. So, they have at least doubled any perceived problem with a couple new real ones.

So now every time I buy anything, I'm reminded of how much I hate those people, over and over again, day after day. Geniuses.

The rule of Lemnity said...

In a bag they are all over each other like dicks.

Unknown said...

The leftwing nanny do-gooders never ponder the negative consequences of their nanny do-gooder laws, do they?

Here in prog-town, a bunch of leftwing high school students came up with the brilliant idea to force grocery stores to charge a 10 cent bag fee for every plastic bag. It's now the law.

I'm all but certain the outlaw of the plastic bag is next, on our progressive march to a bright new future. But in the meantime, the negative consequences seem to be more theft at grocery stores.
Folks fill their re-usable bags with groceries and walk right out the door.
Good thinking, lefties.

Shouting Thomas said...

The leftwing nanny do-gooders never ponder the negative consequences of their nanny do-gooder laws, do they?

The job of the leftist is to create problems that demand that they play the savior.

Once the problem is created, they believe they are indispensable.

Only they have the solution.

Once that solution creates a new problem, they rush in with the fix.

Full employment!!

President-Mom-Jeans said...

This is one of the most retarded things I have ever read. Utterly unsurprised that it occurred in the People's Republic of Massachusetts.

The judge is a fucking idiot, and I hope there is some chance of an appeal to someone who is not a liberal, taxpayer hating, piece of shit.

I'm sure Titus is pleased.

The rule of Lemnity said...

... never ponder the negative consequences...

You may this is just in one dick judge... but i say there's more take away from this, that nobody stands up to these crazy judges... for example.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

They should cut funding to the judiciary to pay for this.

virgil xenophon said...

bags, did you see that CA State-sponsored study--too lazy to find it in my bookmarks--which was successfully suppressed for a while, that showed the extent of communicable disease propagated by re-usable cloth bags because most people don't bother to wash them? A real eye-opener--I'll try to find it later.

Unknown said...

@ Lem. We should stand up to these crazy judges. I have to had it to the left. They exhaust us from every angle.

Unknown said...

had = hand

The rule of Lemnity said...

If dick jokes ever fall out of favor, i hope i'm dead and gone.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I just noticed the name of the twitter, lol.

bagoh20 said...

Yea Virgil. The groceries which I buy most are raw meats, because that's what I feed my dogs. So I have maybe 15 plastic bags full which holds a hell of a lot of meat, much of it bleeding and seeping harmlessly into plastic bags in my truck. To do the same thing with paper bags would require twice as many bags, ends up with chicken legs scattered on the parking lot when the soaked paper bag breaks, and now I'm supposed to put that salmonella inoculation on my car seat. To use reusable cloth bags would take a bunch of these diseased soaked abominations hanging around my house and laying in my truck in about 110 degrees for hours. Just fucking geniuses.

Something has happened where government used to be handled by some of our brightest, even if often corrupt, but today they are the stupidest people in our society, who can't make a living minding their own business, and who are still corrupt, but stupid on top of it.

bagoh20 said...

I have mostly avoided this by buying my groceries in unincorporated cities around the basin where the law does not apply. Liberals have screwed their tax paying businesses and the people employed there again. It's like an addiction or something.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Bags- won't that law create black market for those bags? And then we will establish a law enforcement agency to fight it! The BEA aka The Bags Enforcement Agency!

I'm Full of Soup said...

April- that was a good one!

Trooper York said...

If you need to find a box of dicks just look behind the dugout in Fenway Park.

They have a whole section. Just sayn'

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Plastic bags make great costumes for birds!

chickelit said...

Yes, plastic bags kill birds. But so do windmills. Let's all cease the desisting.