Wednesday, January 8, 2014

*Tap Tap* I Call To Order Today's Meeting Of The Mensa Society.

My fellow members, good afternoon and welcome to today's meeting of the Mensa Society.

Today's meeting highlights a documentary film of several of our fellow members engaging in a race  / demolition derby on a frozen and snow covered lake.  The rules were simple:

You must race a full-size beater car.

You must be drunk and smoking cigarettes.

Helmets and seatbelts are prohibited.

Take at least two drunk friends with you in the car to hold the beer and yell encouragement.

As you will see, the documentary was produced with the highest quality equipment and dialog.

There will be a discussion after the film.  Thank you.


Valentine Smith said...

Gotta be from the 70's.

Michael Haz said...

Poofy hair. Dead giveaway for the 70s.

ricpic said...

Bahston, ain't it classy?

Valentine Smith said...

It was all the mustaches for me.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Hair and moustaces.

Hey......I think I see Bagoh20 in there somewhere!

ampersand said...
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Synova said...

When I was 16 (1980) I drove in an ice race. My best friend's parents were really into that stuff (and demo-derbys in the summer) and there were two ladies "powder puff" heats and I got to drive in the "fast" one because they had two cars and my BFF was driving in the slow one.

I drove a 57 Chevy (powder blue, natch). Three cars finished the race. My best friend's mother lapped me twice and I beat the hearse by a nose.

I ended the racing season with 9 points! Got my name in the newspaper.

Synova said...

That was back when I knew how to drive on ice. It's sort of gone the way of my Minnesota accent... been gone too long.

Synova said...

Yes, it was an automatic.

john said...

I see the work of Lionel Ritchie's hairdresser.

Macho dudes my ass.

john said...

Honest Dee'troit Iron there. Not a riceburner to be found.

There's a couple ways to interpret that.

ndspinelli said...

I did not need to read the byline to know this was a Hazer.

ndspinelli said...
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Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Synova said...
Yes, it was an automatic.

Relax, no automatic stereotyping here.

john said...

Slightly off topic, but perhaps still in keeping with the car wreck motif, but why did the US Mint put Obama on the new silver dollar?

The Dude said...

Because 3 Hillarys would have been too obvious.

No worries, that coin is as worthless as, well, don't want the Lem Hammer to fall, so figure it out on your own.

Michael Haz said...

Synova - before you completely lose you Minnesota accent, would you mind leaning into the computer and saying

"So, is that your associate there in the chipper shredder?"


Michael Haz said...

I learned winter driving in a front engine, rear wheel drive car. No ABS; no traction control. The instructions were to use your hands to point the car and your feet to steer it.

Once learned, there was nothing better than using hands and feet to gently slide the car around corners in town. Us the brakes and accelerator to rotate the car, and the steering wheel to manipulate direction.

The same principles applied to driving very fast on gravel roads in summer.

ABS and traction control, plus front wheel drive, are largely responsible for creating a nations of idiots who simply do not know how to drive in slippery conditions.

Synova said...

"So, is that your associate there in the chipper shredder?"


People were so MAD about that movie because of the heavy accent but darned if I don't have relatives who would get those oh's spot on perfect.

Synova said...

Michael is that what happened?

I could drive on a oval track, solid ice, with that Chevy (not fast, mind you) and while I *did* put the car in the ditch at least once (I was sick that day, so impaired) there were no end to times I corrected on icy patches or laughed of hydroplaning or fishtailed in slick mud and simply... controlled the car.

Now I feel like if I do slip it's just pray and hope to God I don't go where I don't want to go.

Michael Haz said...

That's exactly what happened! And it was fun.

Calypso Facto said...

why did the US Mint put Obama on the new silver dollar?

And with Rachel Maddow no less.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I recognize that Boston accent anywhere.