Thursday, September 5, 2013

Leaked: Alyssa Milano

Alyssa Milano Sex Tape


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

RSM will go OMG! OMG! OMG!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I know precious little about Alyssa Milano except she's good-looking, in some technical sense, and yet still there's something off-putting about her looks.

She seems to have cultivated a public persona that doesn't take itself too seriously and she seems to keep popping up all over the place in the media.

Is she, like, the female equivalent of Ashton Kutcher?

rhhardin said...

I never heard of her. She has the indistinguishable woman look of the modern starlet, who are actually all the same woman.

The Pauli exclusion principle should apply to them.

Pauli had no patience with idiots.

rhhardin said...

Did I mention how good Get Smart (2008) is?

Curiously, Hathaway doesn't look like any of her starlet images in the film.

That must happen when you don't try to be a sexpot starlet.

Icepick said...

We need a new thread on the Libya mess. The latest is about how brutal the rebels are. You know, the good guys, according to Kerry, who thinks that the US military is full of Chenghis Khans.

Also, rh, Alyssa Milano got her big break back in 1984 on the sitcom "Who's the Boss?" She predates current starlets by a lot.

Also, she's big in Japan, where she's had five (FIVE!) Platinum albums. She's the female David Hasselhoff, but with a sense of humor!

Icepick said...

Also, a CNN story about the G20 summit reveals a "good" reason for this Syrian distraction:

(CNN) -- It's supposed to be a summit about the global economy, but the debate over possible military strikes for Syria's apparent use of chemical weapons will likely overshadow the G-20 conference this week.

Yeah, let's not talk about the fact that there are five million fewer full-time jobs in the USA now than there were six years ago. This after more than four years of "recovery". We can't talk about what a colossal failure we have as a President on economic issues (about which the President doesn't give a shit), so they're going to distract us all with some foreign adventurism to have us all talk about what colossal fuck-ups they are on foreign affairs, instead. It's a plan!

Probably the first plan they've had....

The rule of Lemnity said...

The new Syria thread is up.

Icepick said...

That's fast service Lem! You respond to requests BEFORE they're made!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I like Alyssa Milano. She is getting older, however, so be forgiving. Age is tough on us all.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

A little prop-ganda for the low info voters.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

This is off topic but I am really sick of the leftwing liberal progressive fascist meme that no one is allowed to "judge" anyone else.

I will judge you. People who want to lord over us via political office require our judgment.

Anthony Weiner doesn't like to be "judged".

ricpic said...

Milano's got the knows the price of everything and value of nothing look written all over her.

The Dude said...

She's a cookie.

Icepick said...

She's a cookie.

If I were single and given the opportunity, I'd eat her right up! I'll take my chances on ending up like Michael Douglas.