Sunday, September 22, 2013

"you have to say, please, no soup for you"


bagoh20 said...
Holy shit, it's my birthday!

Happy Birthday to our dear friend bags.  


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

He looks vaguely familiar.

I didn't watch the "Emmy's" because I could not care less about Hollywood and their never ending parade of golden statues and self-=congratulatory ego trips.

However, Kristin Chenoweth, (Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series, "Pushing Daisies," 2009)
won an award.
I watched this series a few years ago on Net-Flix and I really enjoyed it - just for something different. I thought Kristin Chenoweth was really talented. (((In a sea of over-hyped faux talent (Poehler and Tine Fey *cough*)))
I am happy about this. Occasionally, there is justice in this world.

Sydney said...

So was he or was he not the Soup Nazi?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The current state of Free Speech in America.

(via insta)

Really troubling.

Obama/Pelosi/Hillary and their band of corruptocrats are killing free speech one individual at a time.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

He was terrific as one of the Saddam Hussein decoys.

bagoh20 said...

Holy shit, it's my birthday!


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Holy Moly! Happy Birthday, Bagoh.

ricpic said...

How does it feel to be an old man, bagoh? No need for old men here, only us young chickens ha ha ha ha ha.

ndspinelli said...

Fred Stoller is a good standup comic. I saw him in Chicago once. He's kind like Steven Wright, who is also a good standup and worth the money. You folks saw Stoller in Everybody Love's Raymond. He played Ray's cousin. He was also in one Seinfeld. Elaine was bothered that he didn't remember meeting her @ a party and do she asked him out even though he was a loser.

ricpic said...

Stoller doesn't have to play off-center, he IS off-center.

bagoh20 said...

A couple weeks ago someone pointed out to me that I was a year older than I thought I was. What are friends for? For the last year, I had it wrong in my head. It's not senility - it's just that math is hard with bigger numbers.

I usually try to ignore my birthdays and keep it quiet till it's past. The whole thing just embarrasses me, but last week at work the whole company surprised me when they all stopped everything and sang me Happy Birthday with a cake that said "21". That was pretty cool, and like a little pussy, I kind of teared up. I'm enjoying the birthday thing this time for a change. Lots of love, and what the hell, just suck it up before it's too late, huh?

We had a good day yesterday at dog adoptions, and I met a woman who happened to have the same birthday as me. She asked what year, and I answer "1958", and she immediately replies her's was 1959. That threw me, as women rarely tell you that, especially in L.A. where most have work done so they don't have to admit such things. She was very attractive, and I would have guessed 10 years younger if she hadn't told me. Anyway, I realize now that that really impressed me, especially since she could have easily pulled off the lie. Good for her.

virgil xenophon said...

Just think, five more years and you'll be nibbling around the edges of the event horizon of early geezerhood, bags--down-hill all the way! :)

virgil xenophon said...

PS: Signed:

Slowly Fossilizing..

Titus said...

I have watched Argo like a million times and so want to do an Iranian.

It is so taboo and anti Iran which makes it so hot.

I want them to bitch at me while they suck my hog.

Aridog said...

Bagoh20 ... Happy Birthday! You have a long ways to go before you look like a Truly Old Dude. These days I'm happy if no one thinks I am 80+.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I've had a big struggle, peaking over the summer...

Ann Althouse.

bagoh20 said...

Thanks for the shoutout, Lem. And, thanks for the well wishes, all. The first birthday in a long time I've enjoyed, and I'm not sure why. Maybe I'm just in the mood for it right now. Looking good, Aridog. I hope I'm looking that good when I get there. Actually I would just like to get there.

virgil xenophon said...


Remember, this is the same person who trumpeted that eliminating ALL comments would be liberating and would enable her to devote more time to sharpen/hone her writing skills and that people only came to her site to read her missives anyway, reeeemember?

TOP now singing a far different tune, it seems. Talk about turn-about rationalization and sophistry...reminds me of Obama, who blandly contradicts himself constantly, evidently egotistically convinced no one will bother or be smart enough to check the record besides which, what, at some point down the road, does it even matter? It's like the Koran where the later missives are held to supercede all previous contradictory ones no matter how jarring the discrepancies. The earlier "truths?" Nevermind...

The mistress of TOP is in good company..

yashu said...

Happy (day after your) birthday, bagoh20! Big dog licks to you.

AllenS said...

Happy birthday, bags!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to one of my favorite commenters here. Glad to hear you celebrated and enjoyed it!

(Of course, you're all my favorite! But some are more favorite than others. I think I read something like that somewhere. So it's all good.)

Meanwhile, my mom just turned 81, and for the first time she's seriously considering retiring from her full-time job -- which she loves.

May you likewise live and prosper!