Monday, September 23, 2013

Is this an IRS Tea Party Targeting Smoking Gun?

The IRS Hit List Democrats Don’t Want You To See
National Review media editor Eliana Johnson on new evidence that proves the government targeted conservative groups. Plus, when did Treasury learn of the abuse?

Wall Street Journal


Trooper York said...

Great series of posts Lem. You are doing yeoman's work here buddy.

I just wish some of your former commenters would step up and throw some comments up. It's important that people comment to show their support. It is very tough to blog and get no response.

Keep up the good work.

Dante said...

Do you have a link to the article? The video only shows a black screen.

Dante said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Chip Ahoy said...

The thing is it makes me so mad I cannot even speak civilly.

There is nothing I can say that will not destroy my own reputation, the image I cultivate so carefully as fluffy kitten.

Methadras said...

To say I told you so would be redundant.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Thanks trooper. Im adapting. Slowly. Its how i roll ;)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Sorry Dante, ill get to it, when im back at my computer.

Trooper York said...

Dude you are doing a great job. Keep it simple and you will be fine. You definitely post interesting tibits that call from some comments.

Chip, Little Debbie and Chickie are also doing great stuff. It is a pleasure to see one of their posts up.

Youse guys have a very nice joint here.

Chip Ahoy said...

OT, but this is sort of related. No cameras. In this day and age.

The music festival in a parking lot that is basically my back yard. The clanging of setting up, taking 1/2 the alley restricting access to the building, the noise, trash, thousands of people, pissing in our stairwells, noise of music in excess of city code, clanging of hollow aluminum tubes of disassembly. Comped tickets, but no cameras allowed. Reason: bands want to protect their image

Bullshit on that noise. Actual noise. BS. on the entire noise.

I wrote the nastiest ugliest email ever and stood behind it. Started out, "Your music festival sucks balls and here's why"

"skank smelly dirty unwashed balls, that's how much it sucks."

(I was in need of a bath at the time, what I was thinking and being completely thoroughly pissed off about a related thing, rolled with it, and being a crabby old man, stuck with it when their public relations called back to fix things. Nice guy. Too bad I'm an asshole.)

Because the damage is done.

That did damage me, so I'm damaging back, and I'm sticking with it until I observe effects of my being asshole working one way or another. Saying "sorry" is a nice first step, but only that.

The thing that set me off was a memo that said "no photos of the premises, no photos in the party room. Cameras all over this fucking place but none on the guy siphoning my tank, twice! none on the person stealing my bike, none on the person stealing my welcome mat twice! and none for me of my own goddamn home.

And no smoking either.

When I saw the memo surveying attitude about smoking I knew it was mere preliminary to banning and although I don't smoke the banning, the push, the nudge that I've witnessed and endured for decades is finally closing around me and it flat pissed me right off. I will have to address that directly, but it set off the email about the earlier affront.

And now this IRS is the same thing. It is an affront, a serious one too. I have talked about this, and at length. I've worn people out on the subject, I am officially a crackpot because of it. Please, acknowledge that slowness for what it is, a remarkable display of self-control.

I want these people dead.

That's how angry I am.

I need a real display that this is taken seriously and death penalty is not to extreme when I measure the damage that is done. I get so mad I actually want to see people hang. I'm not exaggerating. Not just Lois Lerner, every time I hear her I want her to hang so badly I could do it myself without a trace of compunction, and Carter Hull too, without even thinking or feeling WHAP please choose me for executioner, I'd be happy to show my face and feel no remorse whatsoever. Not a trace. And that is just the beginning.

My anger is tremendous. The nocamerasforyou twice now, three, four times when you add the museums, MY MUSEUMS, but all these Nazis so eager to ban cameras for one reason or another while justifying taking my picture 1,000 daily collectively. Your all cunts.

Do you really want me commenting?

Perhaps I had best calm down first before trying.

Trooper York said...

Chip you need to comment. You need to tell people how you feel. Too many people just take it like bitches.

You also need to take proactive actions like smoking a cigar at the condo meeting and telling them they can't tell you what the fuck to do.

This is still America. I think.

Trooper York said...

Sixty and I will let you join our survivalist group. We have bottled water, powdered eggs, anti-biotics, Japanese porno and a copy of "A Birth of a Nation."

All we need now is a bunch of pop up books.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

One of the nice things about hardly ever getting laid is not too much else seems worth getting worked up about.

Chip Ahoy said...

I just got an idea for therapy. A way to work this out of my system.

A page in the dreadful pop-up forest. The children pass through a place of darkness and division, the centerpiece being gallows were a row of paper IRS employees, male and female, remarkably well dressed, are hanging by ropes by their necks. An ugly page, you flip right past it to the next.

Then hand-make 1,000 of those and mail them. That out to do it. Good therapy isn't cheap, you know. You have to work your way through these things back to fluffiness.

Chip Ahoy said...

That "Bart" something guy, Bert, or something similar on Baer, maybe, on Fox whose dad was journalist who died, [dood, everybody's dad dies] kept running over an dover an dover the clip of Obama addressing NAACP, in his "outside" voice, the little man was urging "these guys don't care about you" our president the racist cu




What else can be said? What if not straight up racism in action right there? It's in the name.

Then aver you are the racist they've been living with
Then aver you want to live in the 50's.

That's how fucking retarded this is. My fish just said its water isn't wet and I slapped the shit out it, threw it on the floor and said, "this is what dry is."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Do you have a link to the article? The video only shows a black screen.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama has done more to divide the nation that any president in the history of our republic.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Obama voters - at work. Making our nation a better place.

Perhaps these haters were inspired by the lie-filled Hollywood movie depicting Reagan with Hollywood leftist lies --- staring Jane Fonda?

Leland said...

The blogfather remarks occassionally about "tar and feathers". Although he really means calling out these bureaucrats by name and ruining their careers and lives the way they ruined individual citizens; I know he knows the history of the actual concept.

I do think the IRS scandal is a last straw before people do take physical action. Some think this overreaction to a minor ethical issue. But the IRS has authority that goes beyond other branches of government. They can take things from you under the assumption of guilt, and you will have to prove your own innocence. If such an organization wants to make political decisions, then individuals who want to speak out about the government will lose their voice.

When that happens, your either a serf or an outlaw. Outlaws don't do nice things like petition the government for redress. Outlaws drag bureaucrats into the streets, strip them of their belongings, poor hot tar on their naked forms, and cover them with chicken feathers.

Chip Ahoy said...

Being myself, the pillar of fluffy strength amid an ocean of Nazi weakness is not working. I'm being overwhelmed.

So I am changing to adapt. Their books are useful. The carefully worded note taped to the trash door explaining in detail exactly how boxes are excluded and how excessive the fine for for non compliance can be seen as trash too, *rip*

The music festival that aims to put bands in the public ear and the public eye and takes over access to residential building to do that, and violates its own liberal city's ordinances to have that bit of fun, and exercises Nazi tendencies concerning control about a thing already overly done to an extreme it is actually ridiculous. Ridiculous when you include satellites and Google trucks and cell phones with cameras only to mention security cameras veritably everywhere. Honestly. What else can banning be if not just being a turd? Being a control freak Nazi in one's own little fiefdom using whatever force one can? Fuck that.

The only way I can see, admitted my vision is limited, is to take the stance, "no music festival for you.' You violate your own rules. Take it there. Your activitah is causing me pain.

Same thing with photos of the building and in party room. That doesn't even make sense. They're using my photos in their advertisements. They just asked me for the address for that photoset. So it's not against me. In both cases people reached out to me personally to make things right. So I can do what I want. But this tendency for rule making is something that I just cannot tolerate at all.

The manager wants to host a Thanksgiving thing in the party room. It could be nice. I could take my camera, I bet, if I asked, they would agree. They would want pictures themselves. In both cases they do want pictures themselves, they both said that. I can use that to my advantage and have fun with but I am reacting to the rules they imposed on me as a general person. They made rules that affect me as everyman and it pissed me off even with these personal exemptions so I"m being an asshole and thinking of ways to

strike back

as I do. Fuck your Thanksgiving party, I don't care to be around rulemaker-types on holidays. Too many rules. Too bad too because I have something to contribute besides photos. And although I don't smoke, you don't want those people around either.

I think I'll go outside encounter the first bum within one minute and give him $5.00 +some and point to the store with the cigarettes. A whole pack!

To contribute to delinquency of adults.

And take his picture.

That could be a thing. Take all the pictures I want. Of bums. They're everywhere around here. It'd cost, but I'd make a lot of friends. [note to self: wet wipes]

I'm Full of Soup said...

To bad Chip Ahoy is not on the White House Press Corps. He has the balls to ask Jay Carney the same question day after day "what is the status of the FBI invvestigation of the IRS targeting the Tea Party?" until he got a satisfactory answer.

Icepick said...

Chip Ahoy doing the heavy ranting so I don't have to! Awesome display of fluffy invective!

Icepick said...

But I have to say, if the American people were willing to roll over and get fucked in the ass like that last year, they'll take anything. Hell, the Secretary of State last year told us that it's none of our goddamned business if an Ambassador gets ass-raped to death by Jihadis and she's now the front-runner to be the next President.

These probably aren't the end of days for the nation - that usually takes a long time to happen. But we've taken a sharp downward turn, and nothing good is going to come from this.

bagoh20 said...

Yea! What Chip said.

Leland said...

Lois Lerner has resigned. It's a good first step. A federal investigation into whether she committed any criminal acts would be a great second step.

bagoh20 said...

Here's the thing:
Even if the American public was fully informed about the scandals with the IRS, Benghazi, Fast & Furious, Eric Holder, and on and on, and even if they all knew the details, and they showed that Obama was responsible, even then, a huge percentage simply would not vote for a Republican. It's a visceral, unthinking, tribal thing like expecting a Red Sox fan to cheer for the Yankees even if every Red Sox player was a known pedophile. They would say, "but still, it's the Yankees". That's hard to argue with.

Icepick said...

Lois Lerner has resigned.

I read that she had retired.

bagoh20 said...

"I read that she had retired."

No wrongdoing involved. She just wants to spend more time with her family and pursuing her hobbies of bee keeping, and cigar rolling.

Icepick said...

Actually, if she's of an age to collect, this would allow her to double dip by taking on another government role. She could be put in as an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury or some such. Better still, she could take a job with some rich Democratic constituent and start making some real cash. Untaxed, of course, because she knows SHE isn't going to get audited.

KCFleming said...

I cannot top Chips Invectives and outrage.

And really, what is there to say? There's no legal way for me NOT to roll over. They own me, I'm a serf. I'm getting used to being a slave to the gubmint. I hate it and I hate them with the heat of a thousand suns, but I'm still a fucking serf nonetheless.

Vote for whom?
The bullshit GOP candidates that wash Obama's ass and then kiss it and then tell me they're fighting tooth and nail when they're brushing Bam's teeth and buffing his nails?

What can I do, seriously?
The lefty narcissist parasites outnumber the workers, and they won the vote that made me their bitch.

What can I do except stop working.
What else is there?
Carry some stupid sign that changes nothing?
All I've got is impotent rage.
Screw that.

KCFleming said...

And Insty sez 'tar and feathers.'
It's meaningless twaddle.
These people are not shamed by their malfeasance, they love it. They would like to roll in their corrupted irrational asshattery.

There's a reason they're going after guns, and it ain't to reduce crime or mass murder. They're afraid of a political revolt.

The Dude said...

Who is John Galt.

Do not feed the beast.

Lock and load.

Icepick said...

And Insty sez 'tar and feathers.'
It's meaningless twaddle.

It will be until someone gets tarred and feathered. And I don't mean in the figurative sense, either.

KCFleming said...

That's what I mean. Ain't gonna happen.

Just last week in town some 90-plus year old guy was at the City Council begging them not to tear down his rental house (it was decrepit) and he was a little addled and went on and on and spoke of being in WW2 in the Pacific 'fightin' the Japs' and now they were gonna level his property.

So a city council douche harangued him for being racist.

That's the A*thouse Most Terrible Bad Sin Ever, worse than not worshiping the gays.

They didn't give shit about his property, they didn't give a shit that he fought for freedom, but they all got the vapors about saying 'Japs.'

Our world is so goddamned crazy right now.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Well Pogo - I am not going to give up and so I will borrow what the new Australia P.M. Abbot said - I paraphrase him: "we have to pay more attention to the lifters in society instead of the leaners".

The newer Repubs like Rand, Marco, Ted, Mike Lee should start using that kind of lingo and target it towards the 25-45 year olds not the old guys like us.

I'm Full of Soup said...

In fact, in every conversation, I am going to start using that ....i.e when someone mentions a person I will say "is he a lifter or a leaner?" Maybe I can get the ball rolling and get people thinking.

KCFleming said...

I do not want to give up, but I veer between a slender thread of hope and absolute despair.

I mean, shit, I live in Minnesota. Jihadi recruiting went on in my town, and we can't let a 92 year old army vet say the word Jap.

My city and state are just batshit insane. It's like talking to street preachers, just shout shout shout their slogans.

What am I supposed to do when everyone around me seems to have had a lobotomy and yet -tax and spend-wise - owns my ass?

Cause ain't no one really truly gonna tar and feather nobody.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Hell I live in Pennsylvania- Philly burbs and just got gerrymandered into a far left librul congressional district- that sucks but I still try to convert the young away from the dumbass lib propaganda they got in college. Hang in there Pogo.

ndspinelli said...

I love the channeling of Howard Beale.

Leland said...

I read that she had retired.

Indeed, the original story I read said resigned, but it is retired. I hope several congressmen find that unacceptable.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

You know who needs to retire NOW?

John McCain.

and Karl Rove. btw- who elected karl rove as master of conservatives?
He's a loser.

edutcher said...

The evidence has always been there, but the more, and dirtier, the better.

PS Lerner retiring is what they did for Hillary!.

That way, they aren't in charge, theoretically.

The tactic goes back to John Chivington, so they're in fitting company.

Known Unknown said...

It is very tough to blog and get no response.

Lem seems to average more per thread than whatsherface.

Shouting Thomas said...

Where the fuck is Ritmo?

His job here is to explain why the Tea Party had it coming.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Those magnificent bastards, they are making me live their books!

Something to learn from watching them; be careful you do not become evil during the fight.

Looks like Sun Tzu is the order of the day.

Trooper York said...

I agree EMD but I want to try and keep up the numbers. A lot of people who commented a lot seem to have been quiet. I know that the bloggers would appreciate feedback even if it is just snotty wisecracks.

Trooper York said...

Also you don't want to compare a broken down spavined old nag on the way to the glue factory to a feisty new colt. Just sayn'