Saturday, September 21, 2013

Surf the Internets History, or Go Back in Time

"The history of the internet began long before the first web browser was made in 1990. But as such a new development, an entire account of how today's web was created still isn't much to go through, and on Web Directions' "Web History, a timeline," the full story is catalogued and laid out in major milestones for you to follow along — even if you don't already know what CSS or the ACID test are. The milestones can get technical, but they're always explained and never so dense as to be unintelligible. For the most part though, you'll be scrolling past milestones you may well remember, and picking up trivia, like the first the term "surfing" was ever used in conjunction with the web, which happened in 1991."

Example here. (I cant embed the catalog, I would if I could. Remember to click > when you get to the page)

1941 ideas

The Garden of Forking Paths
First published in 1941, Jorge Luis Borges short story 'The Garden of Forking Paths' is considered to prefigure ideas of hypertext.

As Johnny used to say - "I did not know that".

The Verge


betamax3001 said...

Through My Ethereal Eye I Can Look Deep Into the Hearts of Others and Find Them Wanting, Simultaneously Empty and Full of Self Doubt. Love From the Heavens Enters Me Through My Fingertips: I Have More Than Enough Love to Fill All Those Who Follow Me. You Can Choose Your Own Shoes, and the Color of Your Cape Should You Choose To Wear One: This is Not a Cult, But the New Way.

betamax3001 said...

Time Spent on the Internet is a Sign of Needing More. I Have More For You, Should You Choose to Follow. Open Your Heart to Welcome the New Filling.

betamax3001 said...

You Do Not Need to Surf Aimlessly Through This Life: I Welcome You to The Shore of Full Understanding as Only I Can Impart to You. Feel the Sand of Wisdom Between Your Toes.

betamax3001 said...

Time is But an Illusion You Use To Mask Your Fears. Be In The Moment at My Side: There Will be Purpose.

betamax3001 said...

One Step Can Lead One Over the Cliff: Take That Step, I Will Be the Spiritual Air That Rises Under You and Keeps You Safe and Aloft.

betamax3001 said...

The Internet is but the Tattered Confetti of Misguided Knowledge and Damaged Dreams: Do Not Flail in the Cloud: Come to Me and My Clay Tablets.

betamax3001 said...

There Will Be Those Who Scoff: Take Pity on Their Small and Jealous Ways. By Following Me You Have Risen Above That.

betamax3001 said...

The Small and Jealous and Petty Will Always Be Amongst Us, Grasping at the Ankles of Those Who Are Rising Above Them: It Is Their Way, Until They Choose Another.

betamax3001 said...

Skepticism is But the Shell of the Turtle Prone on Its Back. With Our Love We Can Turn Them Right and On Their Feet: Their Shell Will Now be Cast as Their Armor Against Their Former Self as They Follow Me.

Welcome the Turtles.

betamax3001 said...

Education Masks Intelligence; Intelligence Masks Self Doubt. Be Amongst the First to Join the Maxian Way and I Will Paint a Star on Your Cheek That Only I Can See.

betamax3001 said...

Fear Not: There Will Always Be Room For the Last to Join.

virgil xenophon said...


Are you sure you're not related to betamax3000? lol

betamax3001 said...

Virgil, I Sense the Light That Surrounds You. Accept Being Chosen.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hi beta, cant post now, good to see ya.

Trooper York said...

Sometimes the best thing to do is go back into internets history and erase your footprints.

That can be very satisfying.