Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cruz is absolutely paralleling the 1930's

A retort, and a good one too.
That is to say, we now see how Churchill's "rants" warning of the rising danger from Nazi Germany was seen at the time he was making them. THIS is what standing alone, when all else is swayed by the prevailing wind looks like.
Churchill's reputation could only come after his warnings were recognized by everybody else as prescient, sometime around May, 1940.
Cruz is keeping good company.
Isn't that a great repost? The article is good, about Christ Mathews going off the deep end, comparing Ted Cruz to McCarthy, Stasi, and Hitler in rapid succession, the comments are excellent, and man, that perspicacity sure can be perspicacious sometimes.


rhhardin said...

UW Madison TA rebels

via Belmont Club

rhhardin said...

I was banned from such sessions myself.

Rabel said...

Speaking of Chris Matthews, I just discovered that the love of my life, my pride and joy, has an infected anal gland.

This is her third in 12 years, so it's not a new experience for me or her.

So it's off to the vet tomorrow. Hopefully before it explodes like a Chris Matthews verbal splooge.

And as far as I know, there are no Nazi's involved.

Chip Ahoy said...

Wow. You must have really got their goat.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


When you're in unthinking lockstep with a minority of the country too toxic and extreme for even Republicans to want to associate with you, comparing yourself to Churchill is definitely the way to go.

There's no first name given, so I assume they mean Ward Churchill, and not Winston. The popular impact and self-righteousness of the comment doesn't allow us to assume otherwise.

I sure hope whichever Churchill it was didn't pepper his speeches with Dr. Seuss, Duck Dynasty, Ashton Kutcher and White Castle, but maybe Cruz knows something about the art of taking things seriously that those cats didn't.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So, serious question here...

Did Ashton Kutcher cross the rubicon of no longer being "just another celebutard" when he told the kids that working hard is good (which I guess is quite the revelation these days), or did he have to cross some other threshold, first?

rhhardin said...

Breasts and Dog Food.

A follow-on to Guns and Sandwiches, a failed specialty magazine proposed by National Lampoon in the 70s.

rhhardin said...

Caesar crossed the Rubicon coming back to Rome, not going out.

chickelit said...

or did he have to cross some other threshold, first?

Being married to Demi Moore helped him play the working stiff as it would any straight male.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bruce Willis was stiff?

chickelit said...

Most likely

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's why I respect him more. Aside from being a hellaciously more interesting actor, you could never accuse Willis of manipulating his way and, if not "sleeping his way to the top", at least making hay off the spectacle of it. Kutchie-Koo probably thought he wanted to marry Dinty Moore (who knows what they want that young?), but it's just all a piece with how goofy and immature he is, no matter how hard he says he likes to work. Talk is cheap. But he's definitely found a way to bank off his goofiness, even built companies and project off them (punking). Good, bad, just remember to consider the source.


bagoh20 said...

@rhhardin "diverty" link at the top.

Wow, that TA really gave em hell! He laid it out. I can't believe the blindness of the people who created what he describes as the diversity training he was subjected to. It's absolutely insane. It's identical to the behavior of those who purged their nations of intellectuals, or anyone with glasses, or anyone who didn't sufficiently express their love for Mao. I know they are all communists at UW Madison, but don't they read history, or even have a link to youtube to watch a video. Don't they know how ugly and murderous that behavior's history is. Not just murderous, but the most murderous people in history. That's who they act like. Diversity? They have no idea what that is.

bagoh20 said...

Ritmo, we both know you would have poo poo-ed Churchill's warnings and asked "doesn't that retard understand the concept of mutual interests?"

Rabel said...

In my continuing quest to serve the Comment Home community, I would like to point out that the new season of South Park begins tonight at 9 CT on the Comedy Channel.

Those of you who are not as cool as me may wish to disregard this notice.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Cruz has likely caused many of the Imperial City's honchos and assorted suckers at the govt teat to get prescriptions for sleeping pills.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Winston Churchill did understand mutual interest. He knew Hitler was a threat to the mutual interest of all heirs to Western civilization.

Cruz seems more into mutual "disinterests". His prevention of access to health care is to the disinterest of 40 million uninsured. His yammering of this is to the disinterest of a large part of the voting public. And his performance is to the disinterest Republicans who realize not only how foolish and fatuous his stand is but how much more toxic it makes their "brand" look.

But the deluded find him very interesting.

Churchill was an historian, a decorated war veteran and correspondent who knew what he spoke about. He received many honors throughout his life, including the Nobel Prize in Literature.

Ted Cruz reads Green Eggs and Ham. He knows nothing of health care or health policy, and is a joke.

But he does excite your worse instincts so I suppose that must count for something. Or apparently, for everything.

test said...

So Matthews calls Cruz a Nazi for the same thing the left cheered a Democrat for last month, and he fits the ethos of his party so closely no one even bothers to call him on it.

But the nuts somehow conclude this shows how extreme Cruz is rather then Democrats. Unbelievable.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

....suffocating political indoctrination...

...even we traditional quarries of the diversity Furies were forced to share our collective guilt with those from continents far across the wine-dark sea...

Nice flair.

edutcher said...

Well, Cruz is obviously sticking it to the Lefties, so Ritmo is here to obfuscate and talk him down.

As for Cruz himself, Winnie was warning of the coming, unseen danger.

Cruz is talking about the ones almost everybody acknowledges and what we need to do about it.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Great link Rrhardin. Thanks.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Did Althouse ever attend one of these... "re-education" things?

That would be my question.

I don't know anything, but, when I hear the term "re-education" I connect it to China's book burnings... Soviet style re-writing of history books.

This is very troubling.

rcocean said...

McCain has offered the Democrat rebuttal to Senator Cruz.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

McCain is going to retire soon.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, Cruz is obviously sticking it to the Lefties, so Ritmo is here to obfuscate and talk him down.

Oh, I know ed! Isn't it horrible? I tried to talk up his valiant, Churchillian effort to snatch away health care access from 30 million+ Americans, but I couldn't find a way to do so. Unless I framed the provision of medicine to the country as Nazi-like.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Cruz is an idealist - he is fighting for liberty and freedom. His enemy is suffocating socialist policies.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I remember we had to take a sensitivity training session one time.

If I recall correctly, the company did it because we wanted to bid on government contracts.

Post Anita Hill Clearance Thomas.

We learned about the scourge of sexual harassment.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Every uninsured person who gets medical treatment takes one breath away from the lungs of A.J. Lynch.

Go ACA!!!! Sign everyone up! Yeay Obamacare!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


Ritmo, we both know you would have poo poo-ed Churchill's warnings and asked "doesn't that retard understand the concept of mutual interests?"

Ouch and bull's-eye.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Will this thread provoke another Churchillian Chirbit by Chicklet?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Not at all, AlbertApple. Read my response.

Oh, that's right. You prefer monologues.

rcocean said...

"Did Althouse ever attend one of these... "re-education" things?"

Hello? She's a UW Law Professor. Attended? Hell, she's probably taught it.

You seem to underestimate the stranglehold the cultural Marxists have on Higher-Education.

ricpic said...

Cruz makes sense. This is eminently confusing (and likely enraging) to Montana Urban Schmendrik.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He reminds me of an ant that got lost and wanders in circles carrying a breadcrumb. Your hard-on at imagining me enraged is greatly misplaced.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That would bring her 08 vote a lot closer to a state of comprehetudiness, than her "McCain lost me" bid.

chickelit said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
Will this thread provoke another Churchillian Chirbit by Chicklet?

No, I'm done making chirbits until I get another iPhone which was the perfect tool for recording and uploading them. I tried making them using my laptop but there was annoying electronic hum in the background. So I'm technically limited.

rcocean said...

I think Republicans need to accept that we lost Obama Care and need to start thinking about how to lose the next battle.

rcocean said...

John McCain will run in 2016 and win. He only has to say the magic words:

"Just build the dang fence!"

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Titus said... pube nominee for president....and unfortunately next losing pube candidate for pres.

Demos idiots demos.

But keep reaching for the stars.

Thankfully, you will see his show on Fox News in a few short years.

Enjoy your downfall but look to Cruz on the 11 slot right after Hannity for love.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Only a dumbass with fascist tendencies would design a "reform" plan that interfered with 100% of the populace in order to address the needs of only 15% of the people.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Rcocean- you may right about McCain- he could run as a Dem!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Rabel strikes again.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You know... Cruz performance on the Senate floor comes on the heels of Miley Cyrus attempt at twerking.

Maybe Mathews is noticing something.

What if Cruz is the opening to the Latino prize the GOP is convinced they can never win without?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol. "Interference".

Fascism! Suffocation!


I feel so interfered with.

It's almost like when Bill Maher joked about the impeachment charges brought against Bill Clinton. "My justice is sooo obstructed!"

Know perspective.

test said...

AJ Lynch said...
Only a dumbass with fascist tendencies would design a "reform" plan that interfered with 100% of the populace in order to address the needs of only 15% of the people.

A vastly inflated statistic. After eliminating people between jobs, those who can afford insurance but chose not to get it, and those eligible to join medicare/medicaid the figure is roughly 5M, or less than 2%.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Let's call the referee. Interference.

Your honor, the defendant's consumption of breadcrumbs in his cardboard box interfered with my view of the street!



This is too hilarious to let go of. I'm going to use the word "interference" to describe every injustice known to man, from now on.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hitler "interfered with" the rights of Nazi-defined "subhumans" to live.

Interference. Are you listening, Mr. Referee?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's it. I'm pulling out my whistle.

Lincoln's war and constitutional interpretation of perpetual union "interfered with" the rights of states to abrogate the Constitution and praise their "superior" lifestyle of slaveholding.

Help us, Referee!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Marshal- thanks for adding that - I would have used a lower % too but was trying to avoid being too complex for the big govt-loving commenter.

chickelit said...

Chris Mathews actually has the Aryan Brownshirt look down pat. For a man of his age, he retains the boyish "Hitler Youth" face and hair. I'm surprised someone hasn't photoshopped this already (I looked).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's so unfair to interfere in the operations of HMOs, which have done so little to interfere with the medical care of free Americans.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Chris Matthews is Irish. They're able to smile without threatening genocide and pronouncing racial superiority.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm surprised someone hasn't photoshopped this already (I looked).

It's the left that loves to do that, for the most part.

chickelit said...

@AJ: Ritmo just likes to pick up one word of one particular commenter on any given night and whip it to death. Haven't you noticed this before? He likes to utter whatever word that is between deep throat plunges on his plaster cast of POTUS.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

What have HMOs ever done to us?

Interfering with their operations is really, very, very, horribly, morally wrong.

They are doing God's work on earth.

chickelit said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
Chris Matthews is Irish.

Hey, to you Geroge Zimmerman was a white guy. Gimme some latitude here.

chickelit said...

What have HMOs ever done to us?

My father's misdiagnosis and subsequent death occurred as a consequence of switching from a private primary care physician to an HMO "mill."

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

... utter whatever word that is between deep throat plunges on his plaster cast of POTUS.


are you recycling your top comments.

I mean, it's ok if you are.

I don't care.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Some words are telling.

I just happen to think using the word "interfere" in reference to HMO operations is hilariously banal. Especially when one had to stretch and fumble for references as nefarious, in comparison, to fascism and suffocation.

For years people have been complaining about how horribly HMOs have interfered with their health care.

But along rides brave young warrior A.J. Lynch, to defend what was heretofore thought indefensible - the right of HMOs to be thought of as beyond interference.

Who puts up a plaster cast of whom? It seems to me that A.J. might have a plaster cast that says on it, "Aetna". Or "BCBS". Etc.

Worshipping HMOs as the virtuous victim in all this is just downright hilarious.

A.J.'s becoming a laughingstock. I guess it was too much to think such a spectacle would be relegated to Tim Cruz (or whatever his name is).

chickelit said...

Your responses bore me tonight, Ritmo. I have better things to do.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"What have HMOs ever done to us?"

My father's misdiagnosis and subsequent death occurred as a consequence of switching from a private primary care physician to an HMO "mill."

No shit, dude. I was being sarcastic. Read for context, it will provide the tell (although in fairness, sometimes in long threads, I'll get lost at first on sarcastic context as well).

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And a minute before I explained/corrected your misdiagnosis of what was being said re: HMOs.

Impatience doesn't pay.

Icepick said...

And as far as I know, there are no Nazi's involved.

You sure? Those Illinois Nazis are the worst.

rcocean said...

25 posts by R&B. BORING.

Icepick said...

25 posts by R&B. BORING.

Not only that, he's complaining that people didn't wait for him to explain his very deep thoughts, and rushed in to slag him for shoddy writing. Such impatience is impertinence itself!

The Dude said...

Ritmo is going full Althouse.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...
Well, Cruz is obviously sticking it to the Lefties, so Ritmo is here to obfuscate and talk him down.

Oh, I know ed! Isn't it horrible? I tried to talk up his valiant, Churchillian effort to snatch away health care access from 30 million+ Americans, but I couldn't find a way to do so. Unless I framed the provision of medicine to the country as Nazi-like.

You mean Ritmo doesn't know 30 million will be going without health care anyway when ChoomCare kicks in?

And that doesn't even take into account all the people whose premiums have doubled, tripled, or even quadrupled and won't be able to afford it.

As I said, Ritmo is here only to obfuscate. Telling the truth would just about kill him.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Your posts are not coherent, Balls.

That fact is, you would have called Churchill a retard.

The fact is, the modern democrat party is the embodiment of Neville Chamberlain.

You are right on one "mutual interest" count:
The democrats want to create a nation of dependants, and there are those of you who want that too.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Thanks but I try not to notice Ritmo though most times he is impossible to ignore.

It is too bad he migrated here. He is the alltime threadshitter.

Leland said...

Hitler pushed a national agenda.

PPACA sets a national law.

The majority of the GOP is against a national law on the purchase of insurance.

Even if PPACA were fully enacted today, not every American would have health insurance.

Health insurance is not the same as Health care.

Methadras said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

Cruz seems more into mutual "disinterests". His prevention of access to health care is to the disinterest of 40 million uninsured.

Now it's 40 million? I thought Urkel said it was 30.

bagoh20 said...

Obama could say 400 billion and many would simply repeat it like gospel.

Leland said...

Yep, Tina Fey can say that she can see Russia from a house in Alaska, and many would simply repeat it as gospel that Sarah Palin said it.

LIV work that way.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That fact is, you would have called Churchill a retard.

The fact is, the modern democrat party is the embodiment of Neville Chamberlain.

No, these are not facts. They're just you making up and asserting things to be dramatic.

As rc and icepick said, it's about being excited. And facts are BORING!

Also, icepick is usually a better reader. I didn't say "people" didn't wait for an explanation. I said one person misread what I'd written, and left before I could correct him.

But what do any of you care about accuracy? You're in it for the excitement!

Sorry if basic competence in understanding and implementing policy isn't excitin' 'nuff for yas. What is exciting is life under the policies of Somalia! Anarchy everywhere and every man for himself! Now that's exciting!

/drama queens fail as usual.


Don't forget to include this comment in your ripsnorting tallying efforts, rc.