Thursday, September 26, 2013

Breaking Bad Prediction Pans Out

It (NASA's Curiosity rover) discovered water in Martian soil. NASA scientists just published five papers in Science detailing the experiments that led to the discovery. That's right. There's water on Mars.
... the discovery comes with some caveats.
... it found water molecules bound to other minerals in Martian soil. There's kind of a lot of it, too. Researchers say that every cubic foot of Martian soil contains about two pints of liquid water. All things told, about two percent of the Martian soil is made of up water.
The discovery is important for a number of reasons, but especially exciting because of what this means for future missions to Mars. "We now know there should be abundant, easily accessible water on Mars," says Leshin. "When we send people, they could scoop up the soil anywhere on the surface, heat it just a bit, and obtain water."
Gizmodo  (Video after the jump)

Breaking Bad predicts water on mars


bagoh20 said...

This pretty cool, but what took so long? If the water is so prevalent, and they have been sampling soil for years now, what took so long to find something that's 2 pints per cubic foot?

Synova said...

Aaaarghh... what does the chemist say?

"Well actually they... "

deborah said...


It was what happened after this that makes me question the whole premise of this show. I don't think it will be a dream sequence ending, but for Walt to turn so completely moral-less it would be a logical explanation. Or a daydream as he waits for the biopsy to come back.

Or as I said before, that nothing is as important as not confronting his mortality.

Icepick said...

deborah, I don't quite remember exactly what happens after this. The two of them discuss daughters, but ....

Icepick said...

What happens if Walt wakes up from a daydream and thinks, "Eighty million dollars? I am so THERE!"

deborah said...

*actual spoiler*

He goes over to Jesse's and finds him and the air traffic controller's daughter unconscious in bed. I guess they were going to run off with the money.. The girl begins to vomit, on her back. Walt starts to help her, then steps back and lets her die.

The biopsy result would be negative, and we would be glad for him. Our long national nightmare will be over.