Friday, August 30, 2024

On Playing Small Ball & No Grand/Deep Thinking

Megyn nails it, linking to a clip from When Harry Met Sally, showing a game of Pictionary in which the line, "Draw something resembling anything!" is used, with Megyn wishing the Joy-Veep had said something resembling anything. 

On Circle Backs, Arrows & Paragraphs of What I Say Goes


Saturday, August 24, 2024

On Almost Full Term & Camping Out


On Emptiness & Lies


Once again, the dissonance is so great, I barely know how to approach it, even with humor. 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Curiouser and curiouser

OK, this is a long piece, but wade through it. About halfway down you get to the good part. The Butler county coroner wasn't allowed on the crime scene until midnight and didn't get a chance to ID the body until 6AM the following day..

Plenty of time to move the body, wouldn't you say?

Sunday, August 18, 2024

And more reason to disbelieve Fake News

Today in Moon PA - burb of Pittsburgh, the Chlamydia campaign kicked out the customers of a sandwich shop and replaced them with their own.

Where, O where, did they find said customers, you ask? Here's a great little example. I guess this is why actors love the Left.

There's always a job waiting.

This is too cute

In our last exciting episode, I mentioned all the Joy going on in the Chlamydia camp.

Well, wouldn'cha know those spoilsports on the Right had to find something wrong with it. Now that she and Walzing Matilda have established their Commie bona fides, it seems they're going on to get some National Socialist street cred.

That's right, people are noticing a strange similarity between Chlamydia's Joy and another campaign of Joy. Strength Through Joy, the German Labor Ministry's campaign to make everybody feel more Nazi. A benefit of which was people who otherwise couldn't afford to got to go to resorts, concerts, or even cruises. Of course, they had to be lectured on the joys of the Nazi state.

Unless you were a Jew, Gypsy, retarded, or Catholic. They got a quick ride to Dachau.

Poor Chlamydia. She just can't catch a break.

Something, perhaps, to chill the blood

Remember, after the Demos officially dumped Brandon, how they tried to rehabilitate Chlamydia?

They tried calling her the wine aunt. Kind of like Brandon, the creepy uncle, except she was always trying to slip the kids a belt. I'd never heard the term before; all I ever heard was the fun aunt (or uncle) who bought the kids all the cool presents for their birthdays or Christmas, particularly if one parent was missing.

Well, looks like there's more to it.

Word is bouncing all over the 'Net, particularly on X, she has a serious drinking problem. To the point the DNC has to hide her from the press when she gets off the plane, she's so plastered (if you remember John Iselin from the Manchurian Candidate...). It does account for all the cackles and the word salads. 

I've seen a couple of references to the idea, based on her behavior, she chews her weed. To that I cannot attest.

The issue is, for almost 4 years, we had an idiot and a Corruptocrat with his finger on the nucular trigger. Now we may not only have another member of the Choom Gang, but also a fun drunk.

"Hey, I'm sick of those Jews pushing Hamas around (hic). I know. I can (hic) do something about it".

Consider the possibilities.

Then, of course, there's what they're saying about Walzing Matilda.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Icing on the cake

Just to prove you can't trust the FIB, news comes down that the Feds had the body cremated 10 days after the shooting. More detail from from the report of Congressman Higgins.

And never told anybody. Now why would they do that?

Unless the poor dumb slob's time of death didn't jibe with the Establishment timeline. The idea this kid was just a fall guy and maybe never even was there (in life) becomes a tad more credible. Remember how his house had been swept clean, Remember all the to and froing the day of the shooting. Remember the people seen on top of the building and the water tower.

Remember the Brandon body doubles.

Donald Trump has said God intervened for him. I am inclined to agree.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Something to keep in mind

Here's a vid about why nobody should invest heavily in the polls. Especially the Lefty ones.

We are informed the Gray Lady (and you can bet others) are oversampling Democrats. Kell Damage!!!!

Interesting it's coming out now, just before the convention. If they want to dump her and the Comedy Relief, now's the time to do it. This is why you trust nothing. You check the MOE, you check the sample size in context of the issue. And you always obey the Gospel According to Scott (Rasmussen): Never trust a poll of registered voters or adults, only likely voters.

Latest in the series.


They won't stop until the repub ticket is dead

Some dumb SS bint working the Trump rally in NC left her post to breastfeed her infant. Assuming this wasn't Pete Buttgigger, this raises some questions. Why did she take her baby to work? Who were the unpinned family members with her in the "secure" area? Why was she not fired (or worse) on the spot. Does her IQ even approach that of a retard?

The fumbling fumbalina from the Trump shooting is now "guarding" Vance. Talk about failing upwards. Maybe if she stands sideways she can provide some cover. Her FUPA alone could protect two men and a boy. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

As is so often the case

I tripped over this little bit of speculation quite by accident. While I remain skeptical, it nonetheless rattled around in my head until it hit me, doesn't this sound awfully like how our own Fearless Leader was disposed of?

Followers of my ramblings know I think all the talk of Zippy being the malevolent hand behind so much that is going on in our fair land is a lot of nonsense. This is a guy who can't put together a simple declarative English sentence without an idiot card. He needed ValJar to bring him his marching orders every morning much like Bucketmouth needed Brezinski.

This makes me wonder if the Davos crowd is panicking because the people of the world are ruining all their wonderful plans, as they used to say on TV and B movies. If Shi is out like Brandon and for the same reason, what's the bad guys' next move?

If you've been paying attention, you know even Fake News is getting antsy over Chlamydia not giving interviews or press conferences, bugging the flacks when she's going to make herself available. The incompetence of this crowd is such they tried to make a Chlamydia landing look like she was greeted by half on Minnesota, but somebody noticed one guy had 3 hands. This would seem to lead to Plan D for the Demos (B was the body doubles, C was...). It would also tend to justify the sneaking suspicion in some quarters that the Ho and the Schmo are in deep trouble, hype notwithstanding.

Stay tuned. Next week is the Demo convention. In Chiraq. Just like '68. Where's Dan Blather?

PS Keep your powder dry.

On One Load & Another


Sunday, August 11, 2024

And the guy on the water tank makes 3

Well, we're back to how many were there shooting at Donald Trump. And we still seem to be facing the 3 or 4 shooters.

We also seem to be looking at a number of new fotos and footage just coming to light.


A witness talking to the fuzz about "blood in the bathroom" and a second shooter. Same guy seen creeping along the roof or number 4? Apparently Gateway got a call from somebody, so they're fudging the credibility. Make up your own mind.

Foto of the cops pointing at the shooter still alive, apparently. The first item in that link describing how a cop spotted him and ran back to report.

News that the shooter trained where the Feds did. Seems like an awful lots of connections. Or am I just being paranoid again?

Finally, we have footage of the shooter capering across the rooftops just before the shooting. Or is it the guy speculated to be another shooter?

None of this helps the credibility of the FIB or the Feds in general. The body doubles and Chlamydia's choice for President of Vice add another layer of paranoia. I'm thinking all this adds up to a chance to clear the deck and install, extraconstitutionally, somebody's personal choice. My money's still on Davos.

What's upset all the apple carts is they blew the chance to eliminate Trump and thus make what's left of the Republican party happy to bow and scrape. I don't doubt The Donald, much like the Lord High Executioner, has a little list.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

First impression (and it's not good)

Some of you may remember Tim Kaine, the Hildabeast's running mate back in '16 and resident comic relief. Some may have even gotten a glimpse of Doug Emhoff, Chlamydia's husband and surrogate wife. You get the impression these Central Casting running mates and political husbands are picked because they're not only stupid, but wussy in the extreme because the bull mares are afraid a smart guy might show them up.

Now we have Tim Walz, full-blown Commie (insert punchline) and professional Looney Tune. Supposedly, now that the Ho is manfully trying to tack to the Center, Walz is here to (what?). word is he's there to be Mr Middle America, summed up by the phrase, "Socialism is just neighborliness" (with other people's money and the state fuzz to arrest anybody who doesn't want to go along). Although some say he's there to hold the lunatic fringe.

Which brings me to what may well be the real reason he was picked over Shapiro, Kelly, or even the girl from Lansing.

You hear a lot of pollsters and commentators saying the polls are tightening because Chlamydia is "bringing the Democrats home" now that the lying dogfaced pony soldier is history.

We all know the polls are for propaganda purposes these days and what the real numbers may be is a well-guarded secret. Look at the underpinnings and things are different. MOE (margin of error) all over the place (should be at least 3), sample size between 1000 and 2000 (for a country this size should be 3000 minimum), registered voters or even adults instead of likely voters, and the wonks will tell you how phony the crosstabs are. And, needless to say, anything that uses 2020 tallies isn't worth the paper or light emitting diode it's printed on.

So, why is the New Comic Relief doing on the ticket?

My theory is the Demos aren't coming home. The markets have been in a tailspin and Chlamydia has been silent, although, if she was allowed to speak, it might give the country a badly needed laugh. They're covering up the empty seats at her rallies with massive curtains, trying to lure the unsuspecting with free rappers or paying the bums on the street to go in.

The Demos see this is a disaster on the scale of Walter Mondale, I'm thinking, and that they brought in a more egregious Red to tell the home folks nothing will change in terms of policy because he's a can-do Commie.

You can see why the Yaller Dogs are worried. Downballot may well be a massacre.

PS Just to keep things simmering, the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne has tossed a little firecracker into the ring, speculating there is a growing movement among Democrats to bring back Brandon, body doubles included.

Of course, it's silly (assuming he's unalive), but what does Mommy think?

Week after next could be tons of fun.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

On Yas Queens & Crazy Dreams


"A Mount Rushmore kind of President, top of his game" according to Big Nanc, who then goes on to further reveal more of the mental glitching she has in common with The Head of State, here at:

Monday, August 5, 2024

I zink ve need a new plan.

If you know even a little about history, you know the Krauts probably should have quit while they still had a head. They did pretty well in the Franco-Prussian War, so much that was probably the rise of the old gag about why the roads in France are tree-lined. But they couldn't leave it alone.

In 1914, they had the Schlieffen Plan, which had them tear through Belgium (slaughtering whole villages as they went) only to be stopped at the Marne where France had its last flash of glory in a last-ditch attack. Foch and Joffre went down in history.

Had the Hun stopped and called it a day, it probably would have gone down as Franco-Prussian II, but brute force in the form of Kaiser Bill prevailed, with Germany paying the heaviest price if you count Franco-Prussian III.

Second time around, Der Fuhrer decided he knew what was best and told Guderian he was only 4 hours from Smolensk to Moscow, he could take it later. He needed to go to Kiev because Dolf knew economics. That, and declaring war on the US, did him in.


I've been thinking about that over the weekend and wondered if the Demos are doing the same thing. Big charm offensive to show what a swell girl Chlamydia is and riding the wave to Election Day. Lots of Trump is running scared, Vance is an oaf, lots of fake polls, and keep her mouth shut.

It all seems to have come unstuck when the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne went to the Black Journalists' conference and waxed satirical over Chlamydia's ancestry. The hyperactive interviewess went into overdrive, thinking she had the winning sound bite of the year. Trump refused to budge and was backed up in several Commie News Net interviews where young black males agreed with The Donald.

Then there was the Atlanta rally where the big female rapper was the entertainment, so people who came got a free show. As soon as she was done and Chlamydia becan to speak, the hall emptied.

And the debate Trump offered to her right after Labor Day. Which she turned down.

Which brings us to this moment in time when, after her "virtual" nomination, the American markets dropped about 600 points. And it continued today, as the Dow dropped another 1100. Trump has already commented. Everybody expects our girl to say something even though she has yet to hold any kind of a press conference.

If you listen carefully, you may hear the sound of the US II and I Armored Corps coming ashore in French North Africa as the US 5th Air Force flies the 32nd Division into Port Moresby.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

The fun's just starting

OK, we've had a full week of the excitement that is Chlamydia and what have we got?

A bit more than another day older. Fake News keeps talking about a honeymoon, but it seems to have dried up fast.

Donald Trump attended a black journalists conference and got into a "How dast thou?" over Chlamydia's race. For maybe a day, the Left tried manfully to make an election-winning controversy out of it. 

And then the world blew up.

A black activist at a Trump rally (sounds like an oxymoron, don't it?) asked the musical question, "Why don't we ask Mrs Willie Brown how much Kamala Harris cares about black families?".  And the ABC headline?

Black Woman BETRAYS Her Race & DRAGS Kamala Harris in SHOCKING Speech.

Hang in, it gets better.

Commie News Net ran a piece on young blacks being asked about our girl and they came back with, "She's not black". They had to get Peggy Noonan "Republican" Michael Smerconish to assure the Left, "This is a minority". Minority, maybe, but big enough to scare the Left. And it's growing. Check out Doc Rich, Tracetainment, or Conservative Twins on YT. Among others. What's really scary for the Lefty massas is they're all young. 

And, of course, Hispanics are also causing a lot of agita on the Left. Go to 1:40 and listen how Hispanics in PA have been drifting Right. And this is MSLSD. The unspoken part is the Hispanics hate the illegals as much as the blacks.

But wait, there's more. Chlamydia has been talking tough about debates all week long. "Say it to my face". Trump obliged with an invite to go on Fox right after Labor Day. She couldn't back out fast enough.

Then there was Friday, right after her word salad and her "virtual" nomination. The markets, which have been dropping like so many stones at the prospect, really plummeted.

It's 2 weeks to the Demo convention and I ask you, how binding is that "virtual" nomination?

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Friday, August 2, 2024

Mr Zapruder, Mr Abraham Zapruder, please pick up the white courtesy telephone.

I told Mama I had intended to hold my fire on this until I got some supporting evidence, but her second post convinced me to give it a shot.

I'm still a trifle skeptical, but I have a feeling we'll see more of these. It appears there really were at least 3, and maybe 4, shooters as those guys in pajamas said.

And while you tackle that ham sandwich, here's some curly fries to chew on.

Tripped over this quite by accident, but somebody is paying very close attention. Did you know the supposed shooter's Dear Old Dad is a mental health expert? As I noted some time before, we've all speculated on whether somebody. like maybe the FIB, was getting inside these shooters' heads. I think the plot just thickened from swamp water to quicksand.

PS OT, but amusing. Some of you may have seen  Fake News telling the world, "polling guru" Ned Silver has switched his prognosticattion of the race from Trump to toss-up because Chlamydia is doing so swell in the swing states.

What happened was Ned got his orders after the world heard the latest word salad.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

On More Joke & No Joke Wierdness


One of these days, I'm going to try my hand at cartooning.  In Tuesday's Weird & Weirder post, I wrote about " a shooter that all but wore a T-shirt with an arrow and the words 'Shoot me before I shoot Trump'".  Today, the Babylon Bee posted a similar satire response in regard to the newly released video taken from the stands by one of the men who was shot (twice!), showing someone clearly visible on the roof top.  And that tells me others are having difficulty processing the stonewalling and deflection taking place in front of our very eyes.   

On More Deplorable Behavior & Weirdness