Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Curiouser and curiouser

OK, this is a long piece, but wade through it. About halfway down you get to the good part. The Butler county coroner wasn't allowed on the crime scene until midnight and didn't get a chance to ID the body until 6AM the following day..

Plenty of time to move the body, wouldn't you say?


MamaM said...

It's all so unbelievablely fishy and weird, our human brains which lean toward order and rely on it to function , don't know what to do with the all incongurities involved. What's transpired and what remains hidden/covered over, doesn't make any kind of sense to me, outside of the realm of deliberate cover-up on top of malfeasance. The wokeness and incompetant blundering that also appear to be involved occupy the lowest rung on the ladder to the top of who and what's ultimately responsible for this deadly mess.

ampersand said...

Don't worry, in 60 years they'll release all the files. Maybe.

Justin_O_Guy said...

If they would put the stage back in the same place, use the video to get Trump to point his nose in the same direction and put a laser pointer across the marks on his ear
That is where the shot came from.

Not knowing what happened doesn't mean I don't know the story I'm getting is not adding up, unless the equation on the other side of the Equals sign is
Some elements in the government tried to off Trump