Wednesday, August 14, 2024

As is so often the case

I tripped over this little bit of speculation quite by accident. While I remain skeptical, it nonetheless rattled around in my head until it hit me, doesn't this sound awfully like how our own Fearless Leader was disposed of?

Followers of my ramblings know I think all the talk of Zippy being the malevolent hand behind so much that is going on in our fair land is a lot of nonsense. This is a guy who can't put together a simple declarative English sentence without an idiot card. He needed ValJar to bring him his marching orders every morning much like Bucketmouth needed Brezinski.

This makes me wonder if the Davos crowd is panicking because the people of the world are ruining all their wonderful plans, as they used to say on TV and B movies. If Shi is out like Brandon and for the same reason, what's the bad guys' next move?

If you've been paying attention, you know even Fake News is getting antsy over Chlamydia not giving interviews or press conferences, bugging the flacks when she's going to make herself available. The incompetence of this crowd is such they tried to make a Chlamydia landing look like she was greeted by half on Minnesota, but somebody noticed one guy had 3 hands. This would seem to lead to Plan D for the Demos (B was the body doubles, C was...). It would also tend to justify the sneaking suspicion in some quarters that the Ho and the Schmo are in deep trouble, hype notwithstanding.

Stay tuned. Next week is the Demo convention. In Chiraq. Just like '68. Where's Dan Blather?

PS Keep your powder dry.

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