Sunday, August 18, 2024

Something, perhaps, to chill the blood

Remember, after the Demos officially dumped Brandon, how they tried to rehabilitate Chlamydia?

They tried calling her the wine aunt. Kind of like Brandon, the creepy uncle, except she was always trying to slip the kids a belt. I'd never heard the term before; all I ever heard was the fun aunt (or uncle) who bought the kids all the cool presents for their birthdays or Christmas, particularly if one parent was missing.

Well, looks like there's more to it.

Word is bouncing all over the 'Net, particularly on X, she has a serious drinking problem. To the point the DNC has to hide her from the press when she gets off the plane, she's so plastered (if you remember John Iselin from the Manchurian Candidate...). It does account for all the cackles and the word salads. 

I've seen a couple of references to the idea, based on her behavior, she chews her weed. To that I cannot attest.

The issue is, for almost 4 years, we had an idiot and a Corruptocrat with his finger on the nucular trigger. Now we may not only have another member of the Choom Gang, but also a fun drunk.

"Hey, I'm sick of those Jews pushing Hamas around (hic). I know. I can (hic) do something about it".

Consider the possibilities.

Then, of course, there's what they're saying about Walzing Matilda.

1 comment:

Dad Bones said...

Walz. Richard Simmons is still alive.

Kamala would probably be a fun date until she started talking politics and expected you to agree with her.