Friday, August 2, 2024

Mr Zapruder, Mr Abraham Zapruder, please pick up the white courtesy telephone.

I told Mama I had intended to hold my fire on this until I got some supporting evidence, but her second post convinced me to give it a shot.

I'm still a trifle skeptical, but I have a feeling we'll see more of these. It appears there really were at least 3, and maybe 4, shooters as those guys in pajamas said.

And while you tackle that ham sandwich, here's some curly fries to chew on.

Tripped over this quite by accident, but somebody is paying very close attention. Did you know the supposed shooter's Dear Old Dad is a mental health expert? As I noted some time before, we've all speculated on whether somebody. like maybe the FIB, was getting inside these shooters' heads. I think the plot just thickened from swamp water to quicksand.

PS OT, but amusing. Some of you may have seen  Fake News telling the world, "polling guru" Ned Silver has switched his prognosticattion of the race from Trump to toss-up because Chlamydia is doing so swell in the swing states.

What happened was Ned got his orders after the world heard the latest word salad.


ampersand said...

Joe even looks like he's thinking 'WTF?'

edutcher said...

To be truthful, that's been his go-to look for the past year or so.