Sunday, August 4, 2024

The fun's just starting

OK, we've had a full week of the excitement that is Chlamydia and what have we got?

A bit more than another day older. Fake News keeps talking about a honeymoon, but it seems to have dried up fast.

Donald Trump attended a black journalists conference and got into a "How dast thou?" over Chlamydia's race. For maybe a day, the Left tried manfully to make an election-winning controversy out of it. 

And then the world blew up.

A black activist at a Trump rally (sounds like an oxymoron, don't it?) asked the musical question, "Why don't we ask Mrs Willie Brown how much Kamala Harris cares about black families?".  And the ABC headline?

Black Woman BETRAYS Her Race & DRAGS Kamala Harris in SHOCKING Speech.

Hang in, it gets better.

Commie News Net ran a piece on young blacks being asked about our girl and they came back with, "She's not black". They had to get Peggy Noonan "Republican" Michael Smerconish to assure the Left, "This is a minority". Minority, maybe, but big enough to scare the Left. And it's growing. Check out Doc Rich, Tracetainment, or Conservative Twins on YT. Among others. What's really scary for the Lefty massas is they're all young. 

And, of course, Hispanics are also causing a lot of agita on the Left. Go to 1:40 and listen how Hispanics in PA have been drifting Right. And this is MSLSD. The unspoken part is the Hispanics hate the illegals as much as the blacks.

But wait, there's more. Chlamydia has been talking tough about debates all week long. "Say it to my face". Trump obliged with an invite to go on Fox right after Labor Day. She couldn't back out fast enough.

Then there was Friday, right after her word salad and her "virtual" nomination. The markets, which have been dropping like so many stones at the prospect, really plummeted.

It's 2 weeks to the Demo convention and I ask you, how binding is that "virtual" nomination?


The Dude said...

Then there is this story, which is being buried like a fresh turd in a litter box:

edutcher said...

It's bouncing around the 'Net and, since everybody with a cell phone has access, it's had a lot of eyeballs.

MamaM said...

The stench attached to that turd includes the power dynamics of an employer humping his children's nanny, with the woman becoming pregnant and losing her other job as result of their liason. Sounds like possible abuse of power and personal carelessness on his part from a Me Too perspective. Another weird mess.

MamaM said...

Best line from the LI link: "I know a predator when I see one." — Kamala Harris"

While the teacher nanny also bears responsibility for entering into a sexual relationship with her employer, and not protecting herself from pregancy by exercising her right to say "NO", the whole thing comes through as another entangled mess, with the Big K herself perhaps speaking truth about her ability to recognize a predator or at least come alongside one as she did with her hubs and the Big Guy.

MamaM said...

More fun that's for sure. What a pick!