Thursday, August 1, 2024

On More Joke & No Joke Wierdness


One of these days, I'm going to try my hand at cartooning.  In Tuesday's Weird & Weirder post, I wrote about " a shooter that all but wore a T-shirt with an arrow and the words 'Shoot me before I shoot Trump'".  Today, the Babylon Bee posted a similar satire response in regard to the newly released video taken from the stands by one of the men who was shot (twice!), showing someone clearly visible on the roof top.  And that tells me others are having difficulty processing the stonewalling and deflection taking place in front of our very eyes.   

1 comment:

edutcher said...

I don't think it was all that difficult once the screwups became known. And I've been processing the stonewalling and deflection just dandy.

I have an X (since we don't twit any more) that throws out some interesting speculations, right up with Trump's "What did he know" post. I was waiting for more substantiation, but I think I just got it.