Sunday, August 11, 2024

And the guy on the water tank makes 3

Well, we're back to how many were there shooting at Donald Trump. And we still seem to be facing the 3 or 4 shooters.

We also seem to be looking at a number of new fotos and footage just coming to light.


A witness talking to the fuzz about "blood in the bathroom" and a second shooter. Same guy seen creeping along the roof or number 4? Apparently Gateway got a call from somebody, so they're fudging the credibility. Make up your own mind.

Foto of the cops pointing at the shooter still alive, apparently. The first item in that link describing how a cop spotted him and ran back to report.

News that the shooter trained where the Feds did. Seems like an awful lots of connections. Or am I just being paranoid again?

Finally, we have footage of the shooter capering across the rooftops just before the shooting. Or is it the guy speculated to be another shooter?

None of this helps the credibility of the FIB or the Feds in general. The body doubles and Chlamydia's choice for President of Vice add another layer of paranoia. I'm thinking all this adds up to a chance to clear the deck and install, extraconstitutionally, somebody's personal choice. My money's still on Davos.

What's upset all the apple carts is they blew the chance to eliminate Trump and thus make what's left of the Republican party happy to bow and scrape. I don't doubt The Donald, much like the Lord High Executioner, has a little list.


Highlander said...

Add to all that it looks like the "shooter" was shot in the back of the head and on that clip of him scooting across the roof it looks like he got shot before he ever got into position. That jives with where his rifle is compared to the body and the level of dry the blood on his face was at

MamaM said...

I get muddled up when it comes to who and whom. If I'm seeing and saying this right, this situation as it is unfolding looks like a case of Who is Covering for Whom all the way up and down the ladder.
From the missing coverage that was supposed to be in place to provide protection, to missing coverage now on the part of a media who appears unable or uninterested in gathering clues and putting the pieces together, with who knows who covering, hiding and burying significant information in order to provide cover for those higher up; this whole thing is one bizarro (weird) disjointed account of lack of responsibility and accountability.

MamaM said...

I'm open to consider 2 at the building with a possible 3rd on the WT. To this point, I've yet to come across clear info of the trajectories of the bullets that hit the 2 injured, the one killed and Trump. I've seen where their bodies were positioned in the stand based on a mock-up created by someone who believes there were multiple shooters, but haven't run across much info on this in mainstream sources.

bagoh20 said...

I find it hard to accept that 2, 3, or 4 shooters would fail at making at least one easy shot. Crooks being rushed by the cops finding him is a plausible reason for him missing a kill shot, but not others under no pressure.