Sunday, August 18, 2024

This is too cute

In our last exciting episode, I mentioned all the Joy going on in the Chlamydia camp.

Well, wouldn'cha know those spoilsports on the Right had to find something wrong with it. Now that she and Walzing Matilda have established their Commie bona fides, it seems they're going on to get some National Socialist street cred.

That's right, people are noticing a strange similarity between Chlamydia's Joy and another campaign of Joy. Strength Through Joy, the German Labor Ministry's campaign to make everybody feel more Nazi. A benefit of which was people who otherwise couldn't afford to got to go to resorts, concerts, or even cruises. Of course, they had to be lectured on the joys of the Nazi state.

Unless you were a Jew, Gypsy, retarded, or Catholic. They got a quick ride to Dachau.

Poor Chlamydia. She just can't catch a break.

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