Monday, August 5, 2024

I zink ve need a new plan.

If you know even a little about history, you know the Krauts probably should have quit while they still had a head. They did pretty well in the Franco-Prussian War, so much that was probably the rise of the old gag about why the roads in France are tree-lined. But they couldn't leave it alone.

In 1914, they had the Schlieffen Plan, which had them tear through Belgium (slaughtering whole villages as they went) only to be stopped at the Marne where France had its last flash of glory in a last-ditch attack. Foch and Joffre went down in history.

Had the Hun stopped and called it a day, it probably would have gone down as Franco-Prussian II, but brute force in the form of Kaiser Bill prevailed, with Germany paying the heaviest price if you count Franco-Prussian III.

Second time around, Der Fuhrer decided he knew what was best and told Guderian he was only 4 hours from Smolensk to Moscow, he could take it later. He needed to go to Kiev because Dolf knew economics. That, and declaring war on the US, did him in.


I've been thinking about that over the weekend and wondered if the Demos are doing the same thing. Big charm offensive to show what a swell girl Chlamydia is and riding the wave to Election Day. Lots of Trump is running scared, Vance is an oaf, lots of fake polls, and keep her mouth shut.

It all seems to have come unstuck when the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne went to the Black Journalists' conference and waxed satirical over Chlamydia's ancestry. The hyperactive interviewess went into overdrive, thinking she had the winning sound bite of the year. Trump refused to budge and was backed up in several Commie News Net interviews where young black males agreed with The Donald.

Then there was the Atlanta rally where the big female rapper was the entertainment, so people who came got a free show. As soon as she was done and Chlamydia becan to speak, the hall emptied.

And the debate Trump offered to her right after Labor Day. Which she turned down.

Which brings us to this moment in time when, after her "virtual" nomination, the American markets dropped about 600 points. And it continued today, as the Dow dropped another 1100. Trump has already commented. Everybody expects our girl to say something even though she has yet to hold any kind of a press conference.

If you listen carefully, you may hear the sound of the US II and I Armored Corps coming ashore in French North Africa as the US 5th Air Force flies the 32nd Division into Port Moresby.


MamaM said...

I'm listening. Still processing Stephanopoulos' meltdown with Rep. Byron Donalds. In the face of the Big G's intensity and attempts to pin with projection and slime with accusations, Donalds came through as calm and centered--masterful in his ability to respond with clarity, dignity and truth.

I hadn't previously seen Stephano achieve that level of agitation before, nor have I seen someone take him on so cleanly and completely.

MamaM said...

In other Nooz, the autopsy results for the shooter are not yet accessible and may not be if the obfuscation continues. Also some question about when the Coroner made it to the site, with reports of him showing up after midnight and again at 6 in the morning, If so, that would leave the shooter's body atop the building for 12 hours, bringing up the question of who else was up there with it during that time? Another weird mess.

edutcher said...

Body doubles, multiple shooters. This is sounding like either Sherlock Holmes or The Man From UNCLE.