Saturday, August 10, 2024

First impression (and it's not good)

Some of you may remember Tim Kaine, the Hildabeast's running mate back in '16 and resident comic relief. Some may have even gotten a glimpse of Doug Emhoff, Chlamydia's husband and surrogate wife. You get the impression these Central Casting running mates and political husbands are picked because they're not only stupid, but wussy in the extreme because the bull mares are afraid a smart guy might show them up.

Now we have Tim Walz, full-blown Commie (insert punchline) and professional Looney Tune. Supposedly, now that the Ho is manfully trying to tack to the Center, Walz is here to (what?). word is he's there to be Mr Middle America, summed up by the phrase, "Socialism is just neighborliness" (with other people's money and the state fuzz to arrest anybody who doesn't want to go along). Although some say he's there to hold the lunatic fringe.

Which brings me to what may well be the real reason he was picked over Shapiro, Kelly, or even the girl from Lansing.

You hear a lot of pollsters and commentators saying the polls are tightening because Chlamydia is "bringing the Democrats home" now that the lying dogfaced pony soldier is history.

We all know the polls are for propaganda purposes these days and what the real numbers may be is a well-guarded secret. Look at the underpinnings and things are different. MOE (margin of error) all over the place (should be at least 3), sample size between 1000 and 2000 (for a country this size should be 3000 minimum), registered voters or even adults instead of likely voters, and the wonks will tell you how phony the crosstabs are. And, needless to say, anything that uses 2020 tallies isn't worth the paper or light emitting diode it's printed on.

So, why is the New Comic Relief doing on the ticket?

My theory is the Demos aren't coming home. The markets have been in a tailspin and Chlamydia has been silent, although, if she was allowed to speak, it might give the country a badly needed laugh. They're covering up the empty seats at her rallies with massive curtains, trying to lure the unsuspecting with free rappers or paying the bums on the street to go in.

The Demos see this is a disaster on the scale of Walter Mondale, I'm thinking, and that they brought in a more egregious Red to tell the home folks nothing will change in terms of policy because he's a can-do Commie.

You can see why the Yaller Dogs are worried. Downballot may well be a massacre.

PS Just to keep things simmering, the God Emperor of the Cherry Blossom Throne has tossed a little firecracker into the ring, speculating there is a growing movement among Democrats to bring back Brandon, body doubles included.

Of course, it's silly (assuming he's unalive), but what does Mommy think?

Week after next could be tons of fun.

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