Tuesday, November 9, 2021


This will be a short one.

Remember how your  parents, even grandparents, spoke the same language you did? You used a ton of the same expressions. Yeah, stuff was cool, something different was wild or crazy, but you had a lot in common.

Then the Commies, once the blacklist disappeared, began screwing with everything back in the middle 60s, when you started seeing Reds like Will Geer or Jeff Corey on TV.

It just hit me how many of those old expressions were so apt. Maybe that's why, after decades of use, they disappeared.

Or should I say, they were disappeared.


Brandon - creep, jerk, molester.

Chlamydia - tramp, slut

Lurch - stuffed shirt

Willie - doublecrosser

Hildabeast - old bag

Zippy - snob, phony

"homeless" - bum

Deep State Dwarf - mad scientist

If you can up with others, feel free.


ampersand said...

From the 90s
Getting a Lewinsky.

MamaM said...

Not quite in the same category, but I was intrigued with the word "brazen" used by the judge in the Rittenhouse trial as he delivered his "Don't get brazen with me! admonishment to Binger. First time I'd heard that word used in years, but it was definitely a fit, with bold and acting in a shocking way, without shame as the definition.

Some Seppo said...

The entire prosecution is as brazen as the MSM's coverage of it. Legal Insurrection's expert on self defense has had the best coverage of the trial, and their expert has been writing columns for LI for ages so he's no Toobin-come-lately (sic) and (sick) attorney who is suddenly a self proclaimed expert in the laws of self defense.