Wednesday, November 24, 2021

On blogging


Blogging is an interesting thing. I love to do it. But it sometimes becomes a chore. 

You see the politics of it has begun to bore me. Wait that's not true. It has always sort of bored me. That's why my blogs always had a ton of non-political posts. I can't get upset so much at the vagaries and bullshit of the current outrages. I know where I stand. Most people are set in their positions. The latest outrage is just the latest outrage. If it's not Trayvon Martin it is Kyle Rittenhouse. It's all the same bullshit.

I come to realize that I want to blog about my personal doings. Which I don't think a lot of people are interested in. Or should be revealed and talked about for one reason or another. So I let days go by before I blog something.

I hope I can got more inspired. It is just that Slow Joe Biden has sucked all of the interest out of me. 

I mean he really sucks.


ampersand said...

It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again.

ampersand said...

Take this Boob Tube Quiz (not many get it right).

MamaM said...

Is this a "what's the point?" post? Or maybe "Where's the point?" --to include and accompany the Elvis post about the tent he erected?

Human behavior really hasn't changed much since the myths, stories, and histories of humans first started being passed on to others, orally and then through written words. And it continues to present in a diverse mix that ranges from the heinous to the heroic, self-centered to self-sacrificing, hateful to loving, manipulative to inviting, destructive to life-enhancing.

With the most interesting feature of that whole range being that no one individual, unique or powerful or lowly as they might be, can predict or control the full effect or outcome of their actions. Which makes life a curious thing, worth observing, noting, considering, learning from, and sharing perspectives and stories about it with others. Doing so always results in what I refer to as "The Third Thing", the relational dynamic that takes place whenever someone albeit a writer, musician, artist, lover, hater, or murderer expresses/reveals to others what matters or is motivating them.

Drama is the cover noise, the confusion that results whenever attempts to protect ourselves and those we care about from shame and pain by resorting to blaming, rescuing behavior, persecution and projection takes place

What is one of the ways out of drama and the sense that the same bullshit is playing over and over? Consider attending to the questions supposedly asked by God (Where are you?) and later by Jesus, (What do you want?) with honest answers. Another possible path to follow for a month is the prescription of St Ignatius, to daily name out loud or in writing one consolation (positive experience) and one desolation (negative awareness or experience) lived through that day, and see where that leads.

Though I haven't opened my Bible in a long while (pre-covid?), this week I did so to check out something I happened to find online. It was part of a song/poetic expression written over 2000 years ago by the descendants of Korah. Although Korah was someone who participated in a rebellion against Moses and lost his life for it, many in his lineage who came later were said to function as gatekeepers and musicians in God's Sanctuary.
From Psalm 84:

And how blessed are all those
in whom you live,
whose lives become roads you travel;
They wind through lonesome valleys,
come upon brooks,
discover cool springs
and pools brimming with rain!
God traveled, these roads
curve up the mountain,
and at the last turn--Zion!
God in full view!

Good luck to finding your way back to interesting, and doing the things you love to do!