Wednesday, September 6, 2017

"Hillary: I Lost Because Bernie Promised Everyone a Pony"

Via InstapunditIn her forthcoming book about the 2016 election, What Happened, Hillary Clinton complains that her chief opponent in the primaries, Bernie Sanders, consistently undercut her by one-upping her "bold" and "ambitious" proposals without explaining how his policies would work.

In other words, Sanders did to Clinton what Democrats have done to their critics for years: Frame any worry about the costs and unintended consequences of a program as a lack of concern for the problem the program is supposed to address. After years of cultivating economic illiteracy, the party reaped the results.

In an excerpt tweeted by a supporter ahead of the book's release, Clinton compared Sanders to the deranged hitchhiker in There's Something About Mary whose get-rich-quick scheme involves cribbing the famous "eight minute abs" program with his own "seven minute abs." Ben Stiller, who picks him up, points out that nothing's stopping him from cutting it down to six-minute abs.

"On issue after issue, it was like he kept proposing four-minute abs, or even no-minute abs," Clinton complained of Sanders. "Magic abs!"

(Link to more)


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

And Hillary promised us all an old nag...

ndspinelli said...

She put us all in a "basket."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The progressives out-proggy each other with promises of free shit. How to pay for it escapes the fantasyland nexus of CA-Harvard dick-jerkers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

After years of cultivating economic illiteracy, the party-D reaped the results.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Getting rich quick is not Clintonian. The Clintons cultivated the long view of getting rich. Decades of shake-down politics, hidden behind "it takes a village" rhetoric.
It's still stretching out... with these book deals. Tho - I we do take pleasure knowing it must be drying up. Right?

It takes a Village to set up a private server for Hillary and stuff
Clinton Foundation coffers with secret Russian Uranium deal cash.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cuz Hillary never promises free stuff and pony.

edutcher said...

Maybe it was the fact people liked him better than her.

He was their crazy uncle. She was the wicked witch.

Who kept passing out.

Amartel said...

"After years of cultivating economic illiteracy, the party-D reaped the results."

Exactly, and it's only getting worse. They demand/require/insist that the rest of us make their dreams and fantasies come true and pay for their inevitable devastating failures. Also, it's not just economic illiteracy that's been cultivated. It's actual illiteracy. They only know what they've been taught to know and that's not much more than "follow the leader." Bernie just seemed like a nicer leader to follow - can you blame them?

Amartel said...

The pony promiser responds ... by promising ponies! Ponies for everyone!!

“My response is that right now it’s appropriate to look forward and not backward,” Sanders told The Hill.

“I’m working overtime now to see we overturn Trump’s decision on DACA, pass a $15-an-hour minimum wage, and next week I’ll be offering a Medicare-for-all single-payer system,” he said.

MamaM said...

Evi's comment made me laugh. Then I wondered what kind of horse might represent Trump and came up with a Percheron, big, blowsy hair and large piles of poop to go along with his workhorse capabilities and his willingness and ability to pull the Make American Great again spirit wagon along.

Then wnt over to Althouse to find Rushdie's reference to him as the Golden Horse.

MamaM said...

Oops! Looked again and it's the Golden House! Oh well, it was still a fun find and connect

Amartel said...

I was thinking Suffolk horse primarily due to coloring (chestnut with luxurious golden blonde mane).

ampersand said...

Some choice there. A thieving murderous crook or a doddering old coot who thinks Bolivarianismo is great economic policy and we have too many choices for deodorant.
He should should be named president of Harvard or Yale and have the Missus run them into bankruptcy.

Unknown said...

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Amartel said...

Aren't they both crooks, Hillary and Bernie? But one just has a vastly longer resume.

Trooper York said...

Bernie promised a pony.

Hillary promised the same shit.

Chip Ahoy said...

By this poorly considered analogy, Bernie offered somebody else's abs. Somebody who watched their diet carefully to an extreme, somebody who made sure to exercise daily, somebody who concentrated on their body, somebody who designed and developed and literally built their own abs. Somebody who built that. Bernie offered slovenly out of shape slouchers for free the glorious abs belonging to glorious ab builders. Just like Hillary did. Just like Obama did. Just as Representative Gutierrez does. Just as Rahm Emanuel does, Just as Cher does. Just as Denver does. And so on down the line.

But Hillary is hardly the most pathetic character in this miserable off-off-awful Broadway drama.

Not even close.

You see, Hillary knows intimately by sitting atop of it the misery she feels at having failed in her effort to bend history in the direction of justice distorted is not her misery alone. She knows intimately how to milk that misery down to the last two thousand dollar ticket. So she merely pulls up her three legged milking stool and her vast Democrat catch basin and milks that infinite miserable sorry ass cow. I almost feel the deepest kind of sympathy for that miserable shit smeared cow, nearly tune into empathetic grief so widespread, until my overwhelming disgust overtakes it and my sick macabre humor puts on its harlequin jumpsuit and multi-pointed hat and dances with silly glee for all that extra money available, hard crisp cash, to slap around carelessly over sorrowfully misplaced, sorely displaced, malevolent loyalty all processed as self-righteous universal enduring truth.

What a shakedown.

Hillary is actually a valve. A spigot for grief. She's positioned at the confluence of the Rivers Misery and Styx. That anyone actually pays to hear her absurd bullshit proves all this. That there's a single person willing to pay exorbitantly for her ridiculous bullshit proves it emphatically. And in Canada!

I stand awestruck by the inspiring political misery and grief. Humbled, actually, by its contravening superseding joy.

The Dude said...

You know, of course, that a three legged stool sits on an uneven surface nicely due to the three legs forming a plane of their own.

I made a nice four legged stool out of curly black walnut that I got from a tree that fell over in an ice storm 2-1/2 years ago. It's an absolute beauty. But no one will buy it as it has an extra leg. It is non-traditional. Unorthodox. It could be said to be an udder failure.

ndspinelli said...

I bet you could sell that stool to a Pollack dairy farmer.