Sunday, July 5, 2015

"US blocks attempts by Arab allies to fly heavy weapons directly to Kurds to fight Islamic State"

"Middle East allies accuse Barack Obama and David Cameron of failing to show strategic leadership in fight against Isil"
The United States has blocked attempts by its Middle East allies to fly heavy weapons directly to the Kurds fighting Islamic State jihadists in Iraq, The Telegraph has learnt.

High level officials from Gulf and other states have told this newspaper that all attempts to persuade Mr Obama of the need to arm the Kurds directly as part of more vigorous plans to take on Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) have failed.

The officials say they are looking at new ways to take the fight to Isil without seeking US approval.

“If the Americans and the West are not prepared to do anything serious about defeating Isil, then we will have to find new ways of dealing with the threat,” said a senior Arab government official. “With Isil making ground all the time we simply cannot afford to wait for Washington to wake up to the enormity of the threat we face.”
“There is simply no strategic approach,” one senior Gulf official said. “There is a lack of coordination in selecting targets, and there is no overall plan for defeating Isil.”


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


AllenS said...

Just whose side are we on?

AllenS said...

Obama's life is one bad putt after another.

Dad Bones said...

Let's wait till they get over here so we don't have to go so far to fight them.

edutcher said...

Yeah, the Kurds might win.

Can't have that.

AllenS said...

Just whose side are we on?

The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.

chickelit said...

Yesterday, we looked at the spot where ancient Hawai'ans slaughtered thousands of people. We all know of places where Nazis did the same in Europe. They did these for the same reasons: fear and control. ISIS is about fear and control as well.

Aridog said...

It is very clear that Obama is a pure anti-Semite in the fullest sense of the term...all Arabs, Jews, and sundry others of the ancient middle east are Semitic people. It was a point Anwar Sadat made in his speeches. Biblically speaking, "the book" refers to Shem (son of Noah) as the original Semite, and Muslims, Jews, and Christians are all "people of the book." Even the Kurds, who are a bit Iranian in ancestry, have Semitic roots by association and integration. Obama is both untutored, unread, and an unlikely "Christian" either...he could care less about anyone not from his imaginary homeland...and even there he has moral lapses the size of Grand Canyon. Anyone who could matriculate at Harvard and be so profoundly dumb is scary.

ricpic said...

Please, Aridog. The creature from hell is a Jew hater pure and simple. He doesn't love anybody but if there is one group he feels affinity for in his burning resentment of the White West it is Arab Muslims.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Aloha Hitchhiker- what island?

Aridog said...

ripic argument from me on your comment. I was merely pointing out how ignorant his view point is ... when it is really religious bigotry of the first rank.