Friday, July 24, 2015

Ginger or Mary Ann?

"What's the matter Gilligan? You seem all tense."
"Well I was minding my own business and then I found you girls doing yoga under the coconut tree. It make me feel all funny inside."
"Really. I would like to feel funny inside. If you know what I mean?"
"No I don't know what you mean Miss Ginger."
"Oh I can show you. And you can take your hat off."
"Actually I can't. It would be embarrassing."
"Don't be shy honey. It is just us girls."
"That is what I am afraid of. I better go find the skipper."
"Yeah why don't you go skip away. Jeeesh. I hate the Sixties."


Methadras said...


chickelit said...

"Really. I would like to feel funny inside. If you know what I mean?"
"No I don't know what you mean Miss Ginger."
"Oh I can show you. And you can take your hat off."

Yeah well, suppose that Gilligan had risen to the occasion and shot loads inside both of them right then and there--then what?
Maybe unattended births on a desert island? Maybe death(s) of Ginger or Mary Ann? Or maybe healthy promulgation of the Gilligan line. At least with the tacit Gilligan/Skipper fluid exchange there was only the consequence of jungle-born disease-nothing that the Professor couldn't overcompensate for afterwards.

ampersand said...

Why's no one ever include Lovey? She's rich and her old man is blind as a bat.