Wednesday, July 29, 2015

"American dentist says he regrets role in death of Cecil the lion"

"Two Zimbabwean men were expected to appear in court Wednesday over the killing of Cecil the lion, one of Africa's best known big cats. But most of the attention -- and the anger -- is focused on Walter Palmer, a dentist from Minnesota whom Zimbabwean authorities say they are seeking for their investigation..."
"I had no idea that the lion I took was a known, local favorite, was collared and part of a study until the end of the hunt," Palmer said in a statement issued Tuesday. "I relied on the expertise of my local professional guides to ensure a legal hunt."
His apparent role in Cecil's demise has brought a huge wave of online anger crashing down on him.

The Yelp page for his dental practice in Bloomington, Minnesota, was inundated with bad reviews posted by people upset over his lion hunting rather than his root canal work.

A torrent of outrage flowed on social media, with celebrities like Sharon Osbourne lambasting the dentist.

"I hope that #WalterPalmer loses his home, his practice & his money," Osbourne tweeted. "He has already lost his soul."


Patrick said...

No time to explain! Grab your pitchfork!

Shouting Thomas said...

He just wants the mob to get off his back, and I don't blame him.

The lion was 13 years old, which is just about the upper limit for lions, and living in a nature reserve. Hunting is allowed for the purposes of keeping animal populations within limits that the reserve can sustain.

The reserve supports itself to a large extent with the fees that it charges hunters.

Shouting Thomas said...

A Facebook friend posted this note from a Zimbabwean correspondent:

Four nations, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa have arguably the world's best wildlife conservation. Those very few threatened species, rhino, wild dogs, pangolin, are largely threatened because of the idiocy of CITES and as Michael Moore said in the only true words he wrote, "stupid white men." Should be stupid white people, but let's not haggle. Science, studied over the last century, proves precisely how much of each species of game every thousand square kilometers can carry - and the ratio of each individual species to other species. We know that some areas have greater carrying capacity than others. Fully 11% of ALL our land is given over to the preservation of wildlife. Not in zoos, but in their entirely natural environment. We limit strictly the number of humans who can enter these areas, so as not to disrupt the wildlife or create a false environment.

This is financed by sport hunting to a huge degree. Yes, it is a sport - a very dangerous one. Zimbabwe earns about $60m annually, all of which goes back into conservation. Our Department of Parks and Wildlife isn't funded by the exchequer. It is funded by hunters, hunting in strictly controlled numbers that mimic the human off-take of wildlife as it existed before humanity's population exploded. The numbers are scientifically calculated and adjusted each year.

So, unlike the complete cretins leaping to the conclusion that an aged lion's demise is a crime on the basis of two arrests, perhaps pause and reflect on the legal definition of a crime and the fact that it requires a conviction. Reflect, too, on the absolutely indisputable fact that this anthropomorphising of wildlife is childish. These are wild animals in a wild environment, not pets. These animals kill people every year. There is never any furor about that, which is a sickening thought. "Cecil the lion" was reportedly 13, living on injury time in a lion's world - positively ancient. Fourteen is about as old as lions get, before either dying of starvation or being shredded by other male lions and dying extremely slowly from their wounds. We do not interfere in that process, not even on "humane" grounds. What we do is we calculate lion populations each year and assess the necessary off-take. Hunting licenses are then sold to hunters who must be accompanied by a qualified professional hunter (and it takes less time to gain a doctorate) who ensures no lion under the age of six is killed, and that no animal is left wounded.

So, basically, shut the hell up. Our wildlife people do a truly exemplary job, mainly for very little remuneration. And certainly a better job than anywhere in the northern hemisphere.

chickelit said...

Imagine Sharon Osbourne's outrage had he been caught trafficking in dead lion parts!

AllenS said...

The dentist was busted hunting bear in Wisconsin some years ago. He evidently shot a bear in an area that he wasn't supposed to hunt and then lied about where he shot it.

I doubt if these are the only two times that he hunted and did something illegal.

Having a lot of money brings out the bad in a lot of people.

William said...

Forbes should have an issue devoted to the four hundred richest dentists. They're probably up there with hedge fund managers and work less hours. My teeth have subsidized the lavish life style of two generations of dentists.

chickelit said...

No finer dandelion whine will you find,
The Left has lost its collectivist mind.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

AllenS -thanks for the background.

I know some hunters and some of them are nuts. I don't understand the lust for trophy hunting at all. Or just the non-stop blood lust to kill something. I'm not talking about most hunters who obey the law.

My father owns some property with a old crummy house on it. Did a friend a favor and let the son move in. Anyway, the kid was a drug addict and he was also addicted to killing things. Hunted illegally all the time. (Been in trouble with the law in a few other states)(my father did not know all of this at the time) Turns out, the kid left his dog alone in the house while he went on a hunting-spree (drugs too? Likely.) The dog was so desperate to get out of the house, after being left alone for days, the dog made desperate attempts to jump out a window. Blood all over the place. (along with urine and feces.)

When he moved out, he stole most of the furnishings that belonged to my mom and dad.
Eh - what are friends for.

ricpic said...

I was under the impression that poachers, not hunters accompanied by professional guides, are bringing several species to the verge of extinction. For example the "harvest" of rhino horns for the Asian markets where rhino horns are valued as powerful aphrodisiacs. That poaching has reduced the White Rhino, not sure about other rhino species, to near extinction.

Shouting Thomas said...

Having read a few stories about this incident, I've got to revise my opinion.

Apparently, the American hunter was duped by poachers, and he was all too willing to be duped.

Aridog said...

"Trophy Hunting"...the worst form of "sport" there is...and it is a sad fact that such hunting is a principle financial sponsor of very good wildlife conservation. If you aren't going to eat it, don't shoot it. You want to shoot things, and be shot at in the bargain, go to war.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Just heard on Rush the Hill tweeted the hunter was a Romney donor.

edutcher said...

In the words of a great American chief of Constabulary, "Sorry don't get it done, Dude".

bagoh20 said...

Is a Lamborghini a trophy if you kill to get it?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That's a very good question Bags!

bagoh20 said...

He was a beautiful animal, and I would never want to kill him myself, but he was going to die soon, and it was probably not going to be a peaceful or easy end either, so that was unavoidable. If he was dispatched quickly and efficiently, the hunter would have done him a favor, but he did a very poor job of it. That was a terrible mistake or lack of compassion.

As to why men kill animals needlessly, I think it's just mostly hard-wired like any predator. Many predators - like cats - often torture their prey and kill for fun as well. I now avoid killing whenever I can - even insects, but as a young boy with a slingshot, then a BB gun, and later firearms, I would often kill birds or whatever I could, and it was almost irresistible. Afterward, I would always regret it,and feel terrible, but the urge was very strong to hunt and kill anyway. Today, I spend a lot of time and treasure saving animals from unnecessary deaths, because I've reigned in that compulsion, and now I feel differently including feeling I owe a debt for my childhood carelessness. Still, I don't feel any animosity to hunters, and I love to eat meat even knowing it often comes from less than compassionate or natural livestock management. I don't like that. I wish I either killed my own meat in a more ethical way or became a vegetarian. I feel that what I'm doing now is a failing. If I had to personally kill everything I ate, I'm pretty sure I'd be a vegetarian.

Methadras said...

I am not in favor of trophy hunting of big/exotic game. It should be allowed anymore. If it was for food, I have zero issue with it, but killing an animal like this for the sheer sake of sport is no sport at all. I'm not against this guy or the guides, but I've never liked the idea of hunting to simply kill. It's wrong.

Trooper York said...

Lion lives matter.

AllenS said...


Leland said...

Lion killing aside, if there was a poster child for White Privilege that didn't have the Khardasians, then I'd expect to see the Osborne's sans Ozzy. YMMV.

As for the Lion killing, I have no issue with hunting and don't distinguish too much from trophy, sport, or food. You don't become good at hunting for food without learning the sport. I get others taking issue, and don't mind them, but I don't take issue. However, I do take issue with poaching. Either this guy poached, in which case I hope he survives his incarceration in a Zimbabwe jail, or he didn't, in which case I find his actions on par with taking pictures with Trixie at the local strip club (it his money and time, but he should know that if he flaunts it, he might get pushback). In either case, I'm not impressed. I doubt the lion ever had a chance or was that difficult to find and kill.

Amartel said...

"Just heard on Rush the Hill tweeted the hunter was a Romney donor."

Okay, but did he strap the lion to the roof of his caaaaaarrr?

Amartel said...

Dead 13 year old lion is news
Sharon Osbourne sez

One person conditioned to rule and control
The media sells it and you live the role

Crazy, but that's how it goes
Millions of people living as foes
Maybe it's not too late
To learn how to love
And forget how to hate

I'm going off the rails on a crazy train

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I agree that the selective outrage on the left is gross. They really don't give a sh*t about selling actual baby parts.

That doesn't remove the fact that this sort of hunting - trophy hunting - is a disgrace. I guess the dentist guy &/or his helpers lured the poor animal off of the reserve so he could blast it.
What a fucker.

Sorry - he's a rat fucker.

total. Rat. Fucker.

Same with the two Boulder cops who shot and killed a beautiful local elk that made his home with the people of North Boulder.

The elk was used to humans had no fear of humans - he was a humanized elk. Easy to shoot. Just walk right up to him and shoot him. You have to have a mighty small dick to do that.

Good news is the cops were caught and both were fired. 9I think fined maybe jail?)

*** standard caveats about proper hunting which I have no problem with. gotsta eats. A real sportsman does not need a set up for an easy shoot.

AllenS said...

You get caught around here with a baby deer (fawn) that you are feeding to keep it alive, that lived when mom was killed by a car, they'll show up and take the fawn from you and shoot the fucker.

The whole thing depresses me. Can we get back to talking about abortion?

bagoh20 said...

I hunted deer every winter with my dad as a young teen. We would go into the woods together, but then split up and go to our separate favorite spots, then meet back at the car at dusk. In the 3 or 4 years I did it, I never got a deer, although I had them in my sights enough. I always decided to just not shoot them. It wasn't buck fever. I just didn't want to kill it, gut it, and drag it back. I guess the pride of the trophy just wasn't worth all that to me. I could have killed it to eat or feed my family, but not just for the pride of the trophy. I always thought I wanted to get a buck, and would get excited with the prospect of it leading up to actually being there, but when the time came, I couldn't do it. I still enjoyed it every year anyway until I discovered girls were easier to drag home.

My dad hunted deer like that for 20 years and he never got one. Our hunting area in western Pennsylvania was thick with whitetail, so I suspect he was doing the same thing I was. We got pheasant, quail, and rabbits plenty, and we ate them, but I think the deer was just too beautiful, to substantial a being to end for just a trophy and some less than tasty steaks.

The deer are so plentiful there and many other places that they suffer and starve in large numbers without hunters, so we need hunting, I just leave it to others, and appreciate their greater enthusiasm.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The one time in my life I had fresh venison (which is deer, right?) oh wow -that was the best cut of meat I've ever tasted.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

AllenS - what? That's sick.

I realize that herds need to be culled from time to time in certain areas to prevent over-population.... and hunting is a part of that - but that's just cruel.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I heard the combined news coverage for the Lion-killing story was 30 minutes
on the major networks for one night. The PP baby parts story got 6 minutes between all the networks.

PP should sent a thank you note to the dentist.

rcocean said...

Good grief. Trophy hunting can be good or bad depending on the circumstances. Sometimes you need to cull the herd, sometimes the animals are making pests of themselves or they're potentially dangerous. And countries like Zimbabwe need the cash.

Of course, if the animal is on the endangered list - that's something else. And I don't see much sport in shooting an animal from a blind. It seems rather cowardly and lazy.

And I'm sure plenty of Zebras are happy that Cecil got his.

ndspinelli said...

OJ had a bigger trophy kill.

Aridog said...

rcocean .. I am also pretty sure the cubs attributed to Cecil's pride won't be very happy very long...since new dominant male lions frequently kill the predecessor's cubs in a pride to bring the females back in to heat. Would have happened eventually anyway, given Cecil's age, but some putz dentist didn't have to hurry the natural process along for a frigging "trophy."

Who the flip in their right mind pays $50K for a trophy hunt like that one, and then breaks the law anyway (baiting)...something he's done before with bears. Amoral much? Just what does this "trophy" symbolize to this dentist? I suspect it is more phallic than rational. Hope the sorry dude never gets laid again. That, and he gives gun folk a bad name...killing for the sake of it or for something to hang on a wall...I recommend he enlist in the USMC Infantry or US Army Rangers and try what it is like when the opposition can shoot back and don't respond to "bait." That opens a whole new world for you, trust me on that one.

Aridog said...

Trophy hunting can be good or bad depending on the circumstances...

The circumstances of trophy hunting is to cull the best genes, based upon longevity and other factors, from a pride, pack or herd...what sense is there in that? I have never understood it. Hunt the best meat, period. But I admit I have a bias that dates back to my time in Asia and the pointlessness of some of the killing done back reason I quit hunting upon my return. I eat meat but have accepted that mine must come through husbandry. There is a purpose to it and no trophies are taken. Killing is part of nature and sometimes it is unpleasant...and in my experience we humans are the most unpleasant around on that subject....due to lack of real necessity in cases like this one....or in any inner city murder spree for that matter. I am sure this dentist thinks his adventure was "brave"...which is what makes it rather sad.