A group surrounded a shovel Wednesday and ceremoniously removed a chunk of grass and soil.
“We are going to bring the back hoe, the tractors and the men with the equipment to raise Bedford Forrest from the soil of Memphis,” Isaac Richmond with the “Commission on Religion and Racism” declared to awaiting TV cameras, CBS 3 reported.
Richmond ran unsuccessfully for Congress last year.
He believes if the general who died 137 years ago can just be eliminated, that will really help things.
“If he’s gone, some of this racism and race-hate might be gone,” he said, shovel in hand. “We got a fresh shovel full, and we hope that everybody else will follow suit and dig him up.”
Others see their actions as little more than destruction of property.
“They can protest all they want. Just because they don’t like it, doesn’t mean they are right. Digging up the park is just pure and simple vandalism,” says Lee Millar, spokesman Sons of Confederate Veterans.
“We really don’t want to make this a confrontation. We just want to say hey, we want to get on with it!” Richmond insists.
This is what evil looks like when it takes root and is allowed to flourish. You are watching it in real time. In this case, they've been reduced to being grave robbers.
It is pretty symbolic. Racism like that of the Confederate South died and was buried, and now people can't leave well enough alone and have to go dig it back up, so we can deal with that racism again today.
"If he’s gone, some of this racism and race-hate might be gone"
I dunno, it takes quite a bit of race-hate to grab shovels and dig up a coffin.
An errand of fools. They might as well be digging for buried treasure.
We are descending into hell!
Race relations are awesome under Obama and the democrat's hack press.
So glad they lied about Michael Brown incident. That really brought us all together in love.
Race relations are fine.
I go to the gym with blacks, play music with blacks, go to church with blacks and have blacks in my extended family.
Obama has set loose the crazies, which was his plan.
But, in general, everybody is getting along fine. Most people don't care about this shit.
"The dead is never barry'd. It's not even buried."
This is what evil looks like when it takes root and is allowed to flourish. You are watching it in real time. In this case, they've been reduced to being grave robbers.
Obama has set loose the crazies, which was his plan.
Some people are objecting to that blatant manipulation as well. You may have accepted your dotage, but you owe better to the next generations.
Desecration of graves. Is there no end to the lawlessness?
How far can can they go in this orgy of degradation?
If you find yourself ok with harvesting organs from aborted fetuses, you'll also like grave desecration.
It's who you are. It's what you've become. You have no morals.
Anybody who knows anything about western TN knows Bedford Forrest is a saint there.
Those guys are really asking for it.
Zombies. And when I say that I am referring the morons digging around in a graveyard for buried racism.
buried racism
It is pretty symbolic. Racism like that of the Confederate South died and was buried, and now people can't leave well enough alone and have to go dig it back up, so we can deal with that racism again today.
"If he’s gone, some of this racism and race-hate might be gone"
You see, that general had some mighty stong voodoo goin on. Might need to sacrifice some chickens or goats on the grave to exercise the demons!
Robert Byrd is probably a bit fresher. The should dig him up instead.
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