Saturday, February 29, 2020


"Oh no Mr Burr Godzilla is coming and he has the Chinky Flu"
"WHAT? Fuck that shit. I survived AIDS and spent ten years in a wheelchair and I be damned if I let the Hop Sing Crud get me. Get the fuck out of my way I am flying back to Key West."
"So sorry Mr. Burr but Godzilla is Japanese not Chinese."
"Iceberg Goldberg I don't give a shit. Get me a ticket to get the fuck out out of here you sushi sucking slant."
"So sorry Mr Trump say no airplanes from infected areas. You shit out of ruck whitey."
"Thank God I am dead already so this doesn't make any sense."

1 comment:

edutcher said...

In all fairness, what Hop Sing brought was cholera, not some hokey Chinese flu.