Thursday, March 26, 2015

"Do not move"

Ving Translation: Do not move When you move the break is like a large bubble of thin glass world #Montale #insomnia tonight


chickelit said...

Do not move..
If you move, you'll break it
The world is like a big thin crystal bubble tonight

Eppur si muove

chickelit said...

Dammit, where is the Spursian analysis?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Someone the other day recommended Advil PM. My wife got me some but I've been hesitant to use it.

Last time I tried something like that I was stressed out in law school and couldn't sleep for a couple of days in a row so I took some OTC sleep aid.

I slept all right. I went to a job interview the next morning in some kind of a weird fog and told the interviewer (a judge for a clerkship) that I wasn't interested and that we were both wasting our time.

I'm kind of hesitant to find out how that sort of candor might play out today, 25 years later.

Chip Ahoy said...

Go for it, Eric.

[Or else your wife's thoughtfulness is wasted. Just discarded, like, naaaah. Take one, just one. Or take half of one citing your delicate condition and bizarre historical reaction. Then that gives you a chance to say, thank you Honey, you're the best ♥♥♥ smooch.]