Friday, March 13, 2015

"Booth Babes And Sexy Cosplayers Are In Danger Of Being Completely Banned From Events"

Recently PAX banned booth babes from their events and they are just one of many events including E3 to start banning booth babes. This is an excerpt of what PAX had to say on their booth babe policy:
“PAX has a strict ‘no booth babe’ policy with the purpose of creating an environment where everyone can feel comfortable and welcome, and the focus is on games, not hired booth staff.

Booth babes are defined as staff of ANY gender used by exhibitors to promote their products at PAX by using overtly sexual or suggestive methods... (read more
"HELP! The female anatomy makes me uncomfortable
and yet makes me want to buy things!"
Via Instapundit


Michael Haz said...

So... Women are removing jobs from other women? Nice job, feminists.

Odds are that the people who wanted to eliminate the booth babes are not as attractive as the babes.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I want Burka babes. You know it's coming.

ricpic said...

Those gals are, pneumatic.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Burka babes! lol

bagoh20 said...

"The female anatomy makes me uncomfortable
and yet makes me want to buy things!"

Everyone knows this is in fact true.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

It annoys me sometimes that so many people who think they're clever are mindless followers but that's my problem.

Shouting Thomas said...

Another opportunity for clever people to make even more money on the black market.

Start a different event!

Trooper York said...

You know that feminists hate attractive women.

The problem is when men become pussies and bow down to them. The big time gamers should pull out of the event and start their own. Set up across the street. One with booth babes. The other with feminists. Let's see how that works.

Trooper York said...

Oh and one more thing.

Why does that photo look sticky Lem?

edutcher said...

Those poor girls will always have a home on the Interwebz.

Michael Haz said...

So... Women are removing jobs from other women?

Just like conservative women and stay at home moms aren't real womyn.

AllenS said...

If they are servers, they're worth at least $15 an hour.

Trooper York said...

I am stealing this photo for my Cameltoe Corner series.

Trooper York said...

Check out the second from the left.

The Mounds of Venus! Right? Com'on you know I am right!

Amartel said...

It's only a "war on women" if it's "your" women being attacked and/or disadvantaged. Leftists are such reactionary retrograde troglodytes.

Synova said...

This showed up in my Facebook feed just about synchronous with a quote from George RR Martin about how Americans are uniquely prudish and will accept a description of an ax entering a skull in great detail but will send a letter saying they'll never read anything by you again if they get a detailed description of a penis entering a vagina.

All of the Right Thinking people, of course, agree that Americans are silly prudes about sex, even if there was some quibbling about if Americans are *uniquely* prudish about sex... we ought, of course, to be more accepting... like Europe. Why, commentors asked, do we worry so much that children might see a naked body? Isn't violence so much worse?

Kotaku (apparently a "gamer" news service that is fully SJW friendly) has an approving article about the Booth Babe Ban.

I really would like to know... when are we (women, particularly) supposed to call for smelling salts when presented with young female cleavage and when are we not?

Because I think I smell the stench of hypocrisy here... imagining that I care all that much about the human ability to hold mutually exclusive beliefs as true simultaneously.

Is it bad to be a prude or not? Is public nudity or physical display a bad thing or not? Why can't we be more like Europe and have boobies on billboards without worry that our children will be warped? Why can't we insist that Comic and Game Conventions be made "safe" for the delicate sensibilities of fully adult women?

Is anyone at any point going to bother to do a sanity check on this foolishness?

Trooper York said...

That's because you are a real feminist Synova. You are out there in the real world accomplishing things while raising a family. You are not a hipster douche writing from your couch in Williamsburg about male/female relationships when they only relationship you have ever had is with your cat. You are not a frizzy haired harridan with a womens studies degree giving the stink eye to applicants to Human Resources.

Methadras said...

I neither uncomfortable with the female anatomy and I still buy things because of it. Thank you.

BTW, banning booth babes is an absurd conclusion. Most of the scrub nerds that go to these self-masturbatory events go for the booth babes. It is one of the very rare moments in their lives where they will A) ever see a woman outside of a game, B) see a woman this scantily clad outside of a game, C) actually get close enough to these women without being physically repelled by said women, D) be able to take photos with said women to send back to their friends who will never experience, A, B, C, or D, and E) Have this as self-orgasmic material for as long as they live.

Also, the girls featured in the photo on the front page are A+ quality booth babes and will earn top dollar at these events. They make a lot of money some of them and they get 'exposure'.

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

I am stealing this photo for my Cameltoe Corner series.

I see none of that. I also do not see the thigh gap trend. It's a trend that girls must now have the prerequisite thigh gap where their upper thighs as they meet their va-jew-jews have a gap. You can't make this fucking shit up.

Trooper York said...


What's that a sexy hebe babe?

You mean Mila Kunis's va-jay-jay!

If so I am on board.

Well in my dreams that is. Just sayn'

Synova said...

I'm not at all interested in the female anatomy but it doesn't mean that I don't like looking at pretty things.

And I AM a prude! Seriously. I really am. I believe in a standard of public modesty and decency. Parents shouldn't have to worry if their children are in a public place that they're going to be confronted with nudity or "full frontal" male parts. (Seriously... the equivalent of a man in a raincoat suddenly exposing his junk...) Adult people should have the expectation that if they want to view something "NSFW" that they actually have to make the decision and click on it... or the equivalent, whatever... I make a bit of a pest of myself at our local literary convention because I really do not think that explicit bondage artwork belongs in the public art show with the excuse that "it's up to parents."

The models pictured are not nude. They're PRETTY. The complaints about sexualizing women in video games is generally not about the games where you can find a cheat that makes the women naked... it's about regular games with artwork that idealizes the female form (men, as well, but differently) and allows you to dress them in unrealistic armor. The complaint, somehow, is that female characters look like Lara Croft and not at all like a "real" woman.

The only sane response to a complaint about a Babe in Battle Armor, ie., a chain bikini, is... "Yes, and your point is?"

"You're portraying the women sexually!!"

"Yes, and your point is?"

"Booth Babes use sex to attract convention goers to their booth!"

"Yes, and your point is?"

"Fantasy armor is unrealistic!"

"Yes, and your point is?"


"Well, I'm glad we finally know what your point is."


Really... if you can't deal with the existence of pretty young girls with all of their naughty bits covered, there is serious question if you should ever leave your house.

Michael Haz said...

The women who want to kick the booth babes out will happily parade in various slut walks this summer.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Good luck getting people to go to car shows. And you watch sales of comic con tickets go way down.

Be careful what you wish for.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Lem, I did a Rule 5 on this ready to go later. I will link this too it.

Save the Cosplayers!

Save the Booth Babes!