Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Blaze quotes Azealia Banks

Link to the Blaze, where the quotes are said to be lifted from a Playboy interview with the rap star Azealia Banks.
“I hate everything about this country. Like, I hate fat white Americans… All the people who are crunched into the middle of America, the real fat and meat of America, are these racist conservative white people who live on their farms… Those little teenage girls who work at Kmart and have a racist grandma — that’s really America.”

“As long as I have my money, I’m getting the f*** out of here and I’m gonna leave y’all to your own devices.”

“Black people need reparations for building this country, and we deserve way more f***ing credit and respect… When you rip a people from their land, from their customs, from their culture — there’s still a piece of me that knows I’m not supposed to be speaking English, I’m not supposed to be worshiping Jesus Christ…All this s**t is unnatural to me.”
Azealia Banks


ricpic said...

I hate you. Now pay me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's nice that Obama and Holder have brought us all together to heal and live better lives full of love and respect.

I had nothing to do with slavery, honey. I know you want my blood and my money - but I'm tired. I already work really hard and pay high taxes.

So you are going to get your money and leave? You won't kick-in anything to help our your fellow brothers and sisters? hmmmm - not very charitable, are you...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

our = out

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Slavery was a raw deal, and your dead ancestors did work hard, in part, to build this nation. Now what? YOU are not a slave. You are a pampered, rich and famous pop star filled with hatred.

***(though I must admit I've never heard of her until now) Is she famous? I live under a rock. I work all day and I fall asleep before my head hits the pillow. My only vice is venting on-line.***

This "you owe me" crap is going to rip this nation apart.

Amartel said...

The obvious response, especially when you are a privileged young lady of means: LEAVE.
Get out.
Fuck off.
Hasta la vista, baby.
Speak your own language.

But of course they never do.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

We have a huge double standard with public figures.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Without addressing the merits of the substance of her remarks, I'd say she's basically correct in the sense that her opinions approximate those of the people who immigrated from their native lands to form our nation in the first place.

Okay, just kidding.

She's an angry idiot.

So what?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

As an American citizen, she has been given every opportunity any "typical white person" has. These opportunities comes from one of the freest places on earth - and her political (religious) figures and leaders have taught her nothing but hate and resentment and "you owe me".

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I never heard of her either. And that may be where most of the resentment comes from.

Did she take her clothes off for Playboy?

Usually that means you have no marketable talents, so she might be lashing out, that was not the next Beyoncé.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You know this post should count as a Starbucks race conversation.

Where do I get my discount slip ;)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Who wants to be a barista?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

eh Lem - spare yourself. Starbucks is so boring and -- white. (I know!)

Go to Peets!

Christy said...

Makes me wonder if she has spent any time in Africa.

Amartel said...

She is just as much a privileged entitled princess as the (fictional) white people for which she harbors such hatred.

Amartel said...

This level of ignorance and hatred has to be taught. It doesn't come naturally.

bagoh20 said...

This attitude is rampant right now, because it's what happens when people who are motivated primarily by emotion are faced with fact.

The foolishness was thinking (feeling) that electing a Black person as President would change things because the problems are all due to racism, and unfairness. Then, that attempt at magic turned out to be just as silly as it now looks in hindsight. When that happens, they get angry and lash out. I'm seeing it everywhere now. It's denial hidden under a racist squirrel, but I just hear it for what it really is, stomping their feet and admitting their foolishness without realizing that's what they are doing.

Rabel said...

Who bitch this is?

Orrey G.Rantor said...

"Who bitch this is?"

Obama and Holder's. Jackson and Sharpton's. Take your pick. She's playing the blame game instead of a video game.

chickelit said...

So a pretty name for so ugly a woman

bagoh20 said...

She's a poopy head.

Chip Ahoy said...


Nevuh hoid ov 'uh.

But this forced me to look over photos of her no-tits having ass and I notice an attractive roundness to her face that says she'll be shopping in Troopers place here shortly. We have only to wait and observe her become the thing she says she despises now, one of those fat people she casually dismisses.

Colorado is a state in the middle of the country, the thinnest of all 50 U.S. states, you silly bint.

The term "reparations" means idiot and not just a regular everyday idiot, no, the term refers to university-level idiot. Poor dear. That means there is no hope. Given a discussion, (that is not possible,) she cannot go any deeper into her claim beyond "blacks built this country" another university-level extent of critical race theory idiocy. It takes a university to be that deeply stupid.

She resents being black. Just fucking say it. She blames everyone else for her own race-related self-misery.

Look, if you posted this to make us cross, it worked. On me. For a minute. Then I realized, I actually don't give a shit. If she wants to see racial discord, and she does, she is part of it, then best go to Ferguson and enjoy her kindred spirit, where racism flourishes. That's in the middle of the country. Or how about her own racially craptastic NYC always bragging about their cosmopolitan racially commingled convivial bliss, to see government sanctioned staged riots morph into obnoxious racial demands all based on obvious lies and caused by laws of their own insistence.

The dismissed middle of America doesn't need her no-tits having sorry ass.

*turns tenderly to Azealia Banks, speaks in soft avuncular tone * Tell us, Sugar Cakes, which country in Africa do you imagine you and yours would have done so much better than America? This is an honest question. I am eager to know.

You know Azealia, the Azalea flower is a beautiful pink Rhododendron. Ten thousand cultivars over hundreds of years, a very long and careful and worthy greenhouse tradition. Started on a plantation, of all places, in Charleston South Carolina in 1830 from a plant that came from India. I read it. In a book! What's the matter, Sweet Cheeks, don't they spell important things like names the right way up there in Harlem? is this the start of your anger? Let's look at this anger. What makes you ...

See what you did? Now I must go make a pop-up card or what have you to dissipate these unhealthy crossing wobbly vibes.


Synova said...

I'm sorta pondering the notion that Playboy printed this. For whatever reason, I always assumed that the "I just read it for the articles" readership of Playboy is almost entirely white. Giggling white boys discovering girl's bodies. Obnoxious white men who are too nasty to get laid. Older white men who pretend that it's not at all shameful, but hide the things in a bottom drawer. White. All of them.

But what do I know.

It just seems really weird. Mouthing off about your bonafides in Rolling Stone would make more sense (barely) and I'm sure there are music mags marketed to people of color who'd think it was grand.

But dang... Playboy just about screams white bread, no?

virgil xenophon said...

BTW, Where is DBQ these days?

chickelit said...

BTW, Where is DBQ these days?

She commented up a storm in the St. Paddy's Day thread here yesterday.

William said...

I wonder if those comments will cause her to lose marketability. Probably not. Truth to power and all that.....I wonder if she'd have the nerve to say something derogatory about Suge Knight. He's fat, murderous, and powerful. Be really brave if she said black lives matter, and Suge Knight should go away for life.

edutcher said...

This ain't the Hotel California.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The brat has no idea what slavery feels like. She's just an unquestioning bad faith follower and regurgitater of her racist leaders.

oh and looksee- Harry Reid(D-a-hole) is all-in when in comes to Slavery in America.

Narrative of an American Slave

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Link Try again.

Narrative of an American Slave

Aridog said...

Another "Rapper" who refuses to acknowledge that some 80% of her stupid money income comes from whites.

I don't really care...except for the white idiots who buy her stuff and like being insulted. I like a lot of "black music" dating way back to Fletcher Henderson ... but the obnoxious rap stuff that is indecent is NOT part of that....the music that shaped the USA over time. She's a tadpole compared to greats like Ahmad Jamal, J J Johnson, or Art Blakey....but I suspect makes more money than they ever did.

She might have a case if she experiences the indignity that Fletcher Henderson did in hotels, clubs, restaurants, and even just on the streets of many cities.

I rather doubt she has any of that experience. But I will hand her my valet parking ticket if I see here somewhere....just so she actually feel denigration.

Aridog said...

Tank...I have some friends who are white and now permanently living in Africa. They'd be able to re-orient this wee girl on just what that is like. Most of the messages I get that tell a weird story, usually of the absence of something, end with ...."because Africa."

Dad Bones said...

As a 3rd generation conservative white racist from a Midwest farm it looks like I'm getting blamed for driving her out of the country.

I don't care what she says or does but I'd feel a little bad if I found out Tina Turner repatriated to Switzerland because of me.

Methadras said...

Well Ms. Banks, I guess your one way trip back to the dark continent will be imminent any time now. I hope you practiced your Zulu, Tutsi, or the click pop language. I'm sure Rosetta Stone has it available. Oh wait what? You mean you would like to profit from the country of your birth while denigrating its history as a prop for how hardcore you are. I guess this manufactured interview is going to get you some street cred?

Bitch, who the fuck you foolin'?

ken in tx said...

These 'you have an interesting blog' comments, what is that? Are they test comments from a spammer, to see if they get deleted, or what?

ken in tx said...

About this Banks person, the more I learn about people thinking like this, the more I fear a race war is looming, maybe a dirty war. One were people don't end up in prison or internment camps, but just disappeared, for being on the wrong side.

Methadras said...

ken in tx said...

About this Banks person, the more I learn about people thinking like this, the more I fear a race war is looming, maybe a dirty war. One were people don't end up in prison or internment camps, but just disappeared, for being on the wrong side.

If that is the case, I can tell you with sufficient confidence who will win and who will lose and it will end up conflating into localized civil wars and it won't end well.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

What do you say to something like this? Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out?