Thursday, March 19, 2015

"Obama: Maybe it's time for mandatory voting"

"The president whose major policy achievement is mandatory health insurance thinks maybe voting should be mandatory, too."
Asked how to offset the influence of big money in politics, President Barack Obama suggested it's time to make voting a requirement.

"Other countries have mandatory voting," Obama said Wednesday in Cleveland, where he spoke about the importance of middle class economics, and was asked about the issue during a town hall.
The idea conjures up a few questions. Like, what would be the penalty for not voting? and can Obama declare mandatory voting via his executive power?


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That's not fascist at all.

I predict that the (D) will be selected for you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

What other countries? Venezuela?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I think it's mandatory voting in Cuba. You know your choice ahead of time, so it's super easy.

No one is disenfranchised at all.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

You know what. If you are allowed to vote on line maybe we can close the borders?

Democrats wont have to import voters and we wont have to feed and house the influx, raising the debt, and maybe even save few jobs.

Win win.

Aridog said...

Oh my, another potential IRS "penalty" (for non-performance) to be renamed a "tax" (usually a fee assessed against proceeds of performance) for not voting.

When does this comedy end?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That's not fascist at all.

It's too late. maybe we should just go all in ;)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If you don't vote democrat you could be audited, worst, bank accounts seized.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Vote for
It's mandatory.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

How about some mandatory STFU from the president?

Amartel said...

He's the banana in our republic. He loves making things mandatory. Next step: Mandatory voting for the mandated candidate.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

iowahawkblog said...

"Voting should be mandatory, says guy who missed over 300 roll call votes in his 4 years in the Senate"

bagoh20 said...

Good luck with that. I thought following the Constitution was mandatory too, but "I won."

bagoh20 said...

It's part of the mandatory citizenship that all totalitarians love.

You can get in, but nobody gets out. Remind you of any other political genius ideas from the past pushed by academics.

AllenS said...

The only way mandatory voting would work is if you had mandatory voter IDs.

Amartel said...

But they won't check the ids. Duh.
They'll just check if you voted.
Later, they'll check if you voted for the right candidate. And, p.s., your vote will be public.

"the importance of middle class economics" Bwahahahahaha. More like, the importance of continuously pretending to give a shit about "middle class economics" while constantly doing everything in your power to undermine the economy of the middle class.

Methadras said...

Mandatory voting? Wow, guess everyone is going to vote D. I mean after all hitting a button is all it will take. There there citizen, you don't even have to get out of the chair, we will do it for you. D you said? No problem, we've go it covered for you.

Now ask yourselves why Urkel would pop this notion out now? Hmmm? Anyone?

Methadras said...

bagoh20 said...

It's part of the mandatory citizenship that all totalitarians love.

You can get in, but nobody gets out. Remind you of any other political genius ideas from the past pushed by academics.

The Mafia operates this way. Leftists are nothing but the communist mafia.

Chip Ahoy said...

At this point he's just flinging shit and seeing what sticks.

At this point he is simply NOT a serious person. Although he remans a serious problem.

Lending credence to the clear water, I meant to say 'adage' just now, that as a Party the criminal syndicate 'Democrats' is catchbasin for all persons psychologically or emotionally damaged in some way.

Check out their conventions sometime for all the proof you need.

That adage that I mentioned -- I just pulled it out of my butt.

The psychological damage here is a controlling instinct, one that needs government to affect, the bigger the better, the more pervasive the better, the more sweeping the better.


Explain please.

And don't give me any of this 'resistance to change' bullshit because change occurs whether or not it's allowed, whether or not it's encouraged.

Why this insistence on transformation, why so unhappy with yourself? Why do you think that simply saying the word is in any way encouraging? For the sake of transformation is not a cogent goal. It is not persuasive.

If everybody voted, Ha! how silly and little girlish- you would get unbelievably stupid people chiming in with their incredibly stupid ideas, such as demonstrated by Penn State professors on public transportation, airplane in fact, to the extent that they're carried off. That kind of stupid. That is the kind of stupid this very stupidest of all stupid presidents wants for this country, an incredibly ill informed electorate, the least informed, the most wrongly informed the better. That is what this man wants. Chaos. He's like my sister was when she was teenager except much worse, he's been accorded power. But not by me.

Synova said...

Mandatory vote.
Mandatory church.
Mandatory gun ownership.

Got it.

ken in tx said...

One person, one vote, one time. After that, no need for votes, so it doesn't matter.

Synova said...

Ken thats.... I'm gonna share that with some people...

Can you imagine if you really did only get one vote, ever? So you'd probably save it up for something you cared about a great deal. Save it up for decades.

What would finally get you to the polls? Would it turn out to be a stupid waste?

chickelit said...

Lem said...
iowahawkblog said...

"Voting should be mandatory, says guy who missed over 300 roll call votes in his 4 years in the Senate"

Obama is an embarrassment.

bagoh20 said...

"What would finally get you to the polls?"

Death Panels.

Orrey G.Rantor said...

I continue to be amused that the first black president is from Illinois. The state that had a president free slaves now has one that has made everyone slaves to government.