Monday, March 23, 2015

Ted Cruz to make an announcement today

"Yet critics of Cruz argue that he will have trouble raising high-dollar donations from traditional contributors, will land few endorsements from the nation's political establishment and be unable to escape comparisons to President Barack Obama, who also ran for president in his first Senate term. And if he advances to a general election, Cruz trails likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton solidly in early public opinion polls."
"I don't consider him a mainstream candidate, and usually to win you've got to be inside the 45-yard lines," said Greg Valliere, a political adviser to Wall Street firms who believes that if Cruz did earn the nomination, he would not win more than a dozen states in the general election. "The enthusiasm for him will be tremendous in maybe a third of the party, but another third of the party will be strongly opposed and another third of the party will be wary."

Senior advisers say Cruz will run as an unabashed conservative eager to mobilize like-minded voters who cannot stomach the choice of the "mushy middle" that he has ridiculed on the stump over the past two months in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.

"Ted is exactly where most Republican voters are," said Mike Needham, who heads the conservative advocacy group Heritage Action for America. "Most people go to Washington and get co-opted. And Ted clearly is somebody that hasn't been."


AllenS said...

There will always be: "Anyone but Hillary".

So, he's got that going for him.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Most people go to Washington and get co-opted.

I don't believe that most people with the right stuff to get elected to national office are so naive.

ricpic said...

That insane Ted Cruz is a CONSTITUTIONALIST!!!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"Imagine"... Ted Cruz campaign theme.

Rabel said...

If Cruz had Rick Perry's face he'd be a lock.

Methadras said...

Well, Cruz is already throwing out the red meat of Obamacare repeal and IRS abolishment and as usual no one is saying, "Hey Ted, How the fuck do you plan to do that?" Sick of the same rehashed horseshit sloganeering. I'll be stunned if he isn't destroyed in Iowa.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"If Cruz had Rick Perry's face he'd be a lock."

America is not ready for a tranny president ;)

ricpic said...

"I'll be stunned if he isn't destroyed in Iowa."

All the little old blue haired ladies will vote for that nice moo cow Jebbie Bush, not that scary raging bull Cruz.

Amartel said...

Ted Cruz is there to lay out the case for a constitutional government so that, at the very least, it is a topic of conversation in the GOP presidential primary where most everyone else will be half-measuring such concerns in order to suck up to moron-independents and corporate sponsors.

Trooper York said...

The only thing Ted Cruz can do is siphon off votes from Scott Walker. Sort of be the Rick Santorum of this season.

I think he will drop out pretty quickly though and throw his support to Walker.

Methadras said...

Personally I have zero beef with Cruz. I like the guy because he's a constitutional conservative and can bring these ideas unabashedly to the masses without shame or reservation and I think he's a great communicator in that regard. However, if that's the only thing he is going to bring to the table...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Announcement? What announcement? That he's crazy?

Oh yeah. I already knew that.

Michael Haz said...

He is young, ideological, bright and well-spoken.

He believes in lowering the income tax rate to stimulate growth.

He believes in a strong military; in American strength being a stabilizing influence in the world.

He paints a compelling picture of what America can be; and an equally compelling picture of the heroism of the founders.

Ted Cruz sounds very much like John F. Kennedy. That liberals flee from Cruz's ideals speaks not of those Kennedyesque ideals, but of how far toward socialism and statism liberals have moved.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Mike, when you're done aggrandizing yourself and the cause of American conservatism, you'll see that being idealistic and patriotic doesn't mean you have to be impressed with excessive military intervention, excessive deficit inflation, or excessive platitudes. If it were, there'd be no Ron/Rand Paul. And the same references to Kennedy were made of Obama. There's nothing wrong with those styles (other than the right hating them when Obama exercised them); there's everything wrong with thinking they substitute for policy arguments.

I posted more on this at TOP. He's essentially a right-wing Obama.

Oh, and Candidate Kennedy's economy and budget and Candidate Reagan's economy and budget are not the 2016 candidate's economy and budget. It's actually ok to shift your prescriptions to match what the situation calls for. Nobody will string you up for it. Unless they're purists of a non-rational sort.

Michael Haz said...

Ritmo, when you're done pulling your own putz for the cause of the Glorious People's Socialist Democracy here at Lem's, how many other places do you visit? Ten? Fifty?

It's the same shit, no matter where it drops.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Same can be said for your shit, Mike.

But at least I can come up with my own thoughts on this stuff. Maybe some day you'll learn to stop resenting and insulting me for that.

Michael Haz said...

Resenting you? Now that is hilarious. Sorry, it's just not part of my life to resent anyone.

Although I understand why liberals are obsessed with it, so insecure and all.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Then how come your insults lacked any substance? And why did you ignore the substantive comment? Is it because all you know is belligerence, when it comes to politics?

I know you've got socially viable interests in real-life. You don't have to hate people for differing from you on one thing having to do with how much war we make and how many billions are kept in the NYSE.

Michael Haz said...

Hate? My, you have a quick finger on the assumptions trigger, don't you? Such inadequacy you must feel to respond like that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm just calling them as I see them. If you said something neutral or kind, I'd notice. I have when you've done that in the past.

Sorry my responsive comment on Cruz provoked such a snarky response in you. All I was curious about, was why it did. Maybe you don't want to say why it did. Maybe you don't know why it did.

I'm pretty open-minded on the effects of Cruz's speech, now that I saw it. I commented on it with those generalized impressions in mind at TOP, which is disappointing, because I think your crowd here is generally a better one. But they didn't seem to respond negatively to it or to prefer to describe their own impressions of Cruz in a partisan way.

Maybe you like him too much to accept impressions on him from outside the party. Even though I'm sure Republicans will even themselves differ on Ted Cruz.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh, I get it now! You're trying to pretend you're psychoanalyzing me!

Tricky, Mike. Very clever. ;-)

For a second I thought you meant it. Ha!

Michael Haz said...

Sorry my responsive comment on Cruz provoked such a snarky response in you.

Says the person who snarked that I worshiped "black men's semen" or some such nonsense a while back.

Pharmacist, heal thyself.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I never said that. It sounds like you're confusing me with Shouting Thomas.

I thought you were a faith healer. A tongue speaker? In any event, not sure what you're diagnosing in me.

Oh wait… was it some abortion thread? That was a Monty Python reference. Every sperm is sacred. I guess you didn't get it. It was a very famous skit.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Here you go. I thought everyone knew these things. I'm not even some huge Monty Python fan, but I'm familiar with most of the references. In any event, I didn't realize you were holding on to that, or even took it offensively all those weeks/months ago.

Sorry, dude.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Lol. Here's some good Monty Python stuff. Topical, too. ;-)

Michael Haz said...

Haz wants us to know that every black man's sperm is sacred.

There you go, Ritmo. You wrote that on March 7th.

Such racism, especially coming from an enlightened liberal. Although if one scratches a liberal, most of the time one will find a racist.

It wasn't about Monty Python, although you now want that tree to hide behind.

Methadras said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

He's essentially a right-wing Obama.

Minus the callous disregard for The Constitution. Yeah, I'll take him over the butt-nugget we have to deal with now. At least Cruz would understand what the Constitution does to place limits on government while protecting the rights of the citizen. Concepts that Urkel either doesn't understand, disdains, or outright ignores. So give me that right wing Obama. I'm waiting to see what he does.

Methadras said...

Michael Haz said...

Haz wants us to know that every black man's sperm is sacred.

Yeah, but even a black mans semen is still white. Cause racist.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Such racism, especially coming from an enlightened liberal. Although if one scratches a liberal, most of the time one will find a racist.

That's interesting. The one who injected race into that discussion was, drum roll please, Michael Hazenstab! He did it by referencing the "Holocaust" (or whatever) of black fetuses supposedly caused by any black women having an abortion. So I guess being a right-winger means you can reference something without being quoted, because anyone using your terms or frame of reference is bad if they don't also share your ideology.

You must have been quite the example in high school to come up with a rule that stupid.

It wasn't about Monty Python, although you now want that tree to hide behind.

It sure was, but far be it from me to under-appreciate the degree to which you believe you can read minds. Being as paranoid as you are must leave you awfully suspicious of people's motives. So suspicious in fact, that you actually believe I came up with the phrase "(every) sacred sperm" without something as popular as the Monty Python skit where it originated in mind.

Did Medicare cover your lobotomy?

Michael Haz said...

I can't imagine what it must be like to live a life in which my persona requires that I demean people every day on several blogs.

I feel sorry for you Ritmo, I really do.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You only feel demeaned because you refuse to listen, and refuse to learn.

Either that, or you're a masochist.

I'm just having an honest discussion. I don't know of a "politeness" that forces dishonesty onto people.

I guess we just must be different that way. But my way works. I know for a fact that there are people who prefer honesty to phony courtesy or flattery.

I'd say I feel sorry for you if you don't, but that would just be giving into what sounds like a form of self-righteous pity.

Learning to accept differences doesn't have to come at such costs, I'd hope.

Good luck to you, Sir.