Monday, March 16, 2015

"Durst will return to L.A. to face murder charge"

Eccentric real-estate heir Robert Durst waived extradition Monday in New Orleans and agreed to go to Los Angeles to face a murder charge, hours after an HBO documentary was aired in which he mumbled "What did I do? Kill them all, of course."
"There it is. You're caught," Durst is heard mumbling to himself, adding "What the hell did I do? Killed them all of course."

Filmmaker Andrew Jarecki told Good Morning America on Monday that his team didn't notice Durst's bathroom ramblings for two years because the recording had no video and "you're making a film."

"It took a while to really understand the impact of it," Jarecki said. "It was so chilling to hear it."
If you are following this bit of news, do you hear a confession or do you hear something else? People say all kinds of things all the time that sound like a confession. I don't know.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

If I were an eccentric real-estate heir I'd be offing people left and right so I hear a confession.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

As long as he hasn't said anything racist on tape...

Amartel said...

apparently this all coincided with the denouement of the HBO show about this mystery murder. All a little too coincidental.
The show's called "Jinx" (something that brings bad luck) so that's ironic. Attn Murderers: Tell your life story on "Jinx," please.

AllenS said...

The latest episode of "When the Wealthy Go Bad."

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I know it is great free promotion.

William said...

I've watched the first three episodes. It's compelling viewing. He was the undistinguished scion of a wealthy family. He doesn't seem especially bright, but the fact remains that he got away with multiple murders. That's his big accomplishment in life. Perhaps this show was his way of bragging about his big achievement......He's a hard guy to figure out. He skipped bail and took elaborate and successful precautions to disguise himself. Then he gets caught shoplifting a six dollar sandwich. He's the square root of minus one.