Monday, March 16, 2015


I heard somewhere, Twitter, some hole-in-the-wall run down backwater biker bar, there is a contest of some sort to caption this photo, but you now what? After reading all the fawning vapid celebrity-worship comments to the photo, one after another, here and there, the original posting and the twitterer who posed the challenge, I cannot think of anything amusing. And who would waste their time with such an absurd challenge anyway? Gawl. Don't these people have anything better to do?

I am against such idle captioning activities. Down with this sort of thing. The original is a particularly egregious photograph, look at it again to see for yourself it is taken at that precise angle that makes the president's ear look idiotic as if a malevolent puppet maker formed a carelessly cut leather cone and crammed into the side of the puppet's head for a cartoon character's ear that doesn't hear anything. And that's just mean. So I fixed that with Leo DiCaprio's face. That worked out rather nicely, don't you think?

But the whole time I was thinking, oh man, that guy has a Nikon. I bet it's a flagship full-frame. A camera that cannot take a bad picture. And now I'm back to being jealous of other people's cameras and the crap photos they manage with them. The cameraman for this photo did catch a precious moment by being ready, kudos, one that the president's shallow adorers can wet themselves over but he also caught his mockable monkey ear that remind all the rest of us we're living a parody of a satire.

Like this:

These are among the funniest scenes in the Princess Bride, actual satire. The actor depicts an official officially officiating while affecting a mockable debilitating speech impediment. That the man rose to high office of bishop or whatever is what makes it so funny. So absurd. The scenes are nothing without it. It implies corruption because you ask how the character got there. I noticed they've done this with Barry Kripke's character on the television show The Big Bang Theory. It's funny imagining the character delivering an important speech.

But that is comedy and this is life as we live it replete with it comic moments and even among people doing important things. It is humanizing. Imagine for a moment Bush II goofing around like this, as we cool guys do, but as president, and a photo like this is taken in such a way that shows Bush II's close resemblance to Alfred E. Newman to perfection, and the flash of white pain that stabs the spine of each of his detractors when they see it. The original photo, goofing around, goofy ears, the imagined photo goofing around goofy face. I tend to become disgusted when I think neither side deserves this doubling down on goofiness, I'l mention, not fair to everyone in between these two parties, unaffiliated, even all those people too uninterested to vote still do not deserve choices so open to parody. That is the satire of limited choice offered by two parties, the corruption of two controlling parties. There are much better people available in the United States than what these two parties offer. We can do much better than this. We deserve better than this, and one way or another we shall have it.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Four Weddings and a Funeral had a goofy wedding official too.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I got to tweet that pic later on the computer. I'm not getting up now when folks are on their deep sleep and risk stumbling on something.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

“The advantages of democracy for a society are only salient to the extent that you care about the welfare of that society.”

Perhaps that means something in context.

A dig at Obama, perhaps?

If so, then the difference between that and "Obama sucks" is education.

I guess it's a sort of contest.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Well said Chip.

Methadras said...

Even I question how someone like Kripke got into the position he's in and he's a skeevy little pervert. Played so well I might add. Although, he doesn't come close to The Wheaton.

Amartel said...

Amen to all of that.