Wednesday, March 25, 2015

"Bergdahl faces charges of desertion"

"Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, the U.S. soldier who was recovered in Afghanistan last spring after five years in captivity, faces charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, according to his lawyer."

"Eugene Fidell, Bergdahl’s attorney, told The Washington Post that his client was handed a charge sheet on Tuesday. Army officials announced they will provide an update in his case at 3:30 p.m. at Fort Bragg, N.C., but declined to discuss new developments ahead of the news conference."


AllenS said...

As he should.

Aridog said...

Agree with AllenS.

I must say that was one very long AR 15-6 board of inquiry & investigation. Now he gets his Article 32 UCMJ investigation (like pre-trial for civilians) to determine if sufficient evidence exists for Court Marshal, General (with a jury of officers & NCO's) or Court officer like a bench trial.

In my experience, once past the Article 32 stage, the court theme is "bring the guilty booger in!"

As it should be in this case.

Aridog said...

Dang! "Court Marshal" = "Court Martial"

Need to make more coffee :-(

Michael Haz said...

Life in prison.

Aridog said...

Correction: A Special Court Martial involves a judge and a three officer is a Summary Court Martial that is like a bench trial...and likely not applicable to these offenses. A General Court Martial has a officer judge and from 5 to 12 Officers as a jury, one of which may be an NCO.

Not being a military criminal I get them confused now and then :-(

john said...
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john said...

Leastwise, he will soon be able to get that sex change operation.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

@iowahawkblog ·
Every member of the Administration who suggested Bergdahl's platoon mates were lying need to resign in disgrace. Starting with @marieharf.... State Dept. spokesperson.

edutcher said...

Looks like the Army is finally having a MacArthur moment vis a vis the Choom Gang.

Maybe more than one.

Methadras said...

Is he going to face any involuntary manslaughter charges for the soldiers that died looking for him?

William said...

Can anyone name the parents of any other military person who were hugged and greeted in the Rose Garden by the President. Obama did that family no favors. If the administration hadn't made such a big deal of his "honorable service", many would have let some of this slide. Bergdahl clearly doesn't deserve six years of back pay, an honorable discharge, and a triumphant homecoming. If he had been allowed to slink back after a tearful apology for the trouble he caused, many would have been willing to grant him oblivion if not pardon. Obama screws up the lives of even those he wants to help--or especially those he wants to help.

Dad Bones said...

In the Obama universe Bergdahl is the new patriot.

Methadras said...

Dad Bones said...

In the Obama universe Bergdahl is the new patriot.

Well, you know, traitors have to remain united and all that.