Monday, September 8, 2014

Video: NFL Ray Rice Fiancee Takes A Punch (Update*)

Previously unreleased video (allegedly?) showing what happened inside the elevator.

We requested from law enforcement any and all information about the incident, including the video from inside the elevator. That video was not made available to us and no one in our office has seen it until today,” the league said in its statement.

*Update: "Someone Is Lying About Whether The NFL Saw The Ray Rice Tape"... The tape from inside the elevator the NFL claims was not made available to them.


The Dude said...

Then she married him. BWAHAHAHAHA!!!

john said...

....hurts .....scars.....wounds......marks....burns you when it's hot.

Or it could have been just the elevator rail.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Still, the NFL has terribly bungled this... compared to how the NBA dealt with Donald Sterling?

Is that a fair comparison?

Lots of questions.

Rabel said...

What a dumbass. You follow the left hook with a right cross. What are they teaching kids these days.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Let's not get all judgie, here.

Who among us can honestly say he's never punched a woman in an elevator?

The Dude said...

In a follow-on to my previous Thin Man comment:

Nick Charles: I'm a hero. I was shot twice in the Tribune.

Nora Charles: I read where you were shot 5 times in the tabloids.

Nick Charles: It's not true. He didn't come anywhere near my tabloids.

The Dude said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
john said...

Well that didn't take long.

Teary press conference with his wife, admission he is addicted to pain killers, a stint in celebrity rehab, and he will be on someone's roster before the season's over.

ricpic said...

I don't sense any remorse.

ricpic said...

Does the concept of remorse exist in our vibrant yute culture?

john said...

If he had played for Atlanta instead of Baltimore, the whole thing could have been blamed on the white suburbs not coming to the games.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Who among us can honestly say he's never punched a woman in an elevator?

He that is without sin among you, let him first cast... wait... what kind of elevator carry stones?

I hate when that happens ;)

Rabel said...

Please, people, be aware that puns are dangerous and should only be used by experts under controlled conditions.

Nonetheless, this is certainly a sticky situation for Rice.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I don't sense any remorse.

Remorse is more difficult the second time around.

Unknown said...

Was she hamming it up?

The NFL has a player thug problem, and I think they have little choice but to take a stand.

Rabel said...

Before the video release I wasn't convinced he had actually assaulted her, but the way her head snapped backed and she cracked her skull on the railing when he popped her, well, the proof's in the pudding.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The Ravens have released Ray Rice.

bagoh20 said...

The proper punishment would be to have him play one game where no penalties can be called for fouls on him.

bagoh20 said...

It says a lot about you if being knocked out by your fiance doesn't change your mind about marrying him. Clearly he'll make a wonderful husband and father. It will be great when their sons and daughters see that video someday. Who should be more ashamed of it at that point is a toss up.

ndspinelli said...

Now that he's suspended w/o pay I see a Las Vegas divorce quicker than that left hook.

virgil xenophon said...

ndspinelli read my mind. She only married him for the meal ticket. Now that that is gone, she be gone--real soon..

The Dude said...

Now that the video has "surfaced", said as if had been swimming with Lerner's hard drives or something, is anyone in a position to file charges against either one of them?

Ray for hitting her, the soon to be deceased Ms. Rice for profound stupidity?

YoungHegelian said...

Look, I don't care what they do to Rice. Guys who smack women around like that deserve whatever evils befall them.

But, for God's sake, ladies, do not go hitting some huge, steroidal, NFL maniac! No good will come of it. Every guy on the planet knows that picking a fight with a lug like that is an automatic trip to the hospital or morgue. Just don't do it!

The rule of Lemnity said...

That very same reasonableness, if I may characterize your words, YoungHegelian, got ESPN's Stephen Smith suspended.

YoungHegelian said...


Well, the PC police strike again, I suppose.

These guys run into other 6'2" muscular monsters at full speed for a living. They hurt themselves & each other for a living every day.

It's amazing that nowadays the only way that you can discuss "prudence" with young women today is if it's the name of a mutual friend, 'cause nobody thinks it's a virtue, that's for sure.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Man! The way people are talking, the stigma is going to stick to him like white on rice!

KCFleming said...

Never take your face to a fist fight.

KCFleming said...

I thought this was just another lame rap video.

KCFleming said...

This is like Popeye punching Olive Oyl.

AllenS said...

Barry Obama would never do that to Michelle. She'd kick his scrawny ass.

Amartel said...

Everyone has behaved badly and, worse, incompetently:

1. Hitting people: BAD, especially when you're BAD at it. (Hitting people when you've got about 300 lbs on them is a pussy move. Also, how did he not see the security cameras everywhere?)
2. Gold-digging: BAD, especially when you're BAD at it. (Don't provoke your target until he or she is primed to pay out, dummy.)
3. Covering up crime for profit: BAD, especially when you're BAD at it. (Does anybody learn from precedent anymore?)

Everyone will now suffer for their incompetently BAD conduct, especially Mr. and (Mrs.?) Rice. NO MONEY FOR YOU! The NFL will zombie for a while yet. Now they're overenforcing calls, because they're against violence. Chipping away at the game. As for the rest of us, actual controversies and scandals that affect everyone are shifted off the front page, out of sight, out of mind, so we can talk about these losers.

Amartel said...

Any Coloradans (Chip?): what are the prospects for this Udall character who feels so free to speak on behalf of the beheaded journalists? If I was a parent or relative of these men I would be incensed. It's bad enough that Dems freely coopt and speak on behalf of stupid LIVs but now dead people? Civilians who died unnecessarily b/c of Dem policies and practices? Damn!

Leland said...

I heard about the video during the morning commute. It's not so much the left hook as the timing. One caller this morning said, "well what is he supposed to do if she starts arguing with him, and he can't get out of the elevator before he snaps"... I'm not sure if that caller actually saw the video. It is more like he waited to get her in the elevator and the doors closed before knocking her out.

Anyway, NFL screwed up. They first give a lame 2 week suspension. Then they change the rules to 6 weeks first offense, lifetime second offense, but didn't change Rice's suspension (reasonably so, before we knew of the video). Then another player gets in a domestic dispute, but no suspension. Finally, we see the full security video and now they give him an indefinite suspension after Raven's terminate his contract. That's just mismanagement. Either you leave his two game suspension, raise it to six games (based on your new policy) or do nothing because without a contract he ain't playing anyway. But instead, NFL goes the double jeopardy route.

ndspinelli said...

Allen, That's not hyperbole. I would bet on Michelle kicking his ass.

bagoh20 said...

Showing his ever-present connection to the Black voter, The President was heard to say: "That could of been MY wife." Yea, dude - you wish.

Is it just my racism or is it reasonable to suspect that this will probably bother Black women much less than White women, or even White men?

Michael Haz said...

The confusing part is which group is supposed to riot because of this.

That and how come Roger Goddell just saw the video when everyone else on the planet saw it months ago.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Ray Rice and #WhyIStayed trending 1 & 2.

Michael Haz said...

The NFL made Michael Vick give up dogs as a condition of his re-entry into the league. Do you suppose they'll make Ray Rice give up women?

Chip Ahoy said...

Amartel, I just now read your comment. After I put up that 'I talk to dead people' anim.

ndspinelli said...

It's just the NFL knockout game. The knockout women, children and old folk.

rhhardin said...

They throw rice at weddings.

Trooper York said...

Nick has it right.

He was just playing the knockout game.

Nothing to see here just move along.

chickelit said...

Were either of them punch drunk or was this the usual testosterone fueled outburst?

The Dude said...

To gauge their sobriety let's just say, that compared to Bint & Boy they were as sober as a judge.

Unknown said...

"The confusing part is which group is supposed to riot because of this."

Haz- lol.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The challenge, here, is to turn all this into good publicity for Atlantic City casinos.

The Dude said...

I want to purchase a Ray Rice jersey, only in the wife-beater style.

Is that cool? Ironic enough? Too subtle? Let me know should I ever be too subtle.

Methadras said...

Rabel said...

Before the video release I wasn't convinced he had actually assaulted her, but the way her head snapped backed and she cracked her skull on the railing when he popped her, well, the proof's in the pudding.

Yup, ban railing. Shit is dangerous.

William said...

Cherchez le blanc. I briefly watched MSNBC coverage of the incident. Some woman who claimed to represent black women said that it was unfair to the wife, Janay, to show that video over and over. The woman who represents black women. Went on to say that Janay should be allowed to make her own decisions about what's in the best interests of herself and her family.......On another show, all the male black panelists agreed that after sufficient time has passed and after Rice has expressed sufficient contrition, then he should be considered for reinstatement.......But, of course, Goodell should resign immediately.

William said...

There are all sorts of weird dimensions to the human libido. Sometimes women bond to a man not despite the fact he hits them but because of the fact that he hits them. Perhaps Janay can start a society for the liberation of masochistic women. Let them get married and work out their destiny in their own way without a bunch of Bible thumpers telling them what to do.

The Dude said...

Why thump a Bible when you can kill a bitch, right?

Cherica Adams could not be reached for comment.