Monday, September 22, 2014

"The Daily Show springs tense showdown with Native Americans on Redskins fans"

"The four die-hard Redskins fans thought the opportunity was as golden as the vintage helmets of their favorite football team: “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” wanted them to appear on the Comedy Central program to defend the team’s name, which has been under relentless attack."
The Redskins Nation citizens eagerly signed up, most of them knowing that they might be mocked in their interview with correspondent Jason Jones. But several hours into the Sept. 13 taping of the yet-to-air episode, the fans, all from Virginia, said they were suddenly confronted by a larger group of Native American activists — all of whom were in on the showdown prearranged by “The Daily Show.”
On the morning of Sept. 13, the four Redskins fans arrived at the Park Hyatt hotel and began taping an interview with Jones in a small conference room. Their interview lasted about three hours, with Jones playing the role of a sarcastic reporter, accusing them of supporting a racist mascot and using props such as dictionaries, which define the Washington team name as a slur.

The fans found Jones mostly funny. “We kept telling him that we felt the name honored Native Americans,” O’Dell said. “And then we just felt like, ‘Are we done yet?’ ”

As Jones wrapped up his interview with the Redskins fans, he made an unexpected transition, according to O’Dell. “Jason says something like, ‘Well, don’t you think it would be great if you could just have a conversation?’ ” she recalled. “He turns around, and Native American people came in, just glaring at us. ”

Jones pulled out some beer and chicken wings, O’Dell remembered, and sat back and watched. Both the fans and Native Americans said the room first filled with awkward silence, then vitriol. (read more)


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Sometimes the cavalry doesn't come riding to the rescue.

ndspinelli said...

Next they're going to ban ticket scalping as racist.

Trooper York said...

I wish I that I had a chance to be on the panel.

Of course I am not a Redskins fan but I am a fan of offending politically correct scumbags and cocoa sipping nancy boys.

The Dude said...

If they didn't want to be called redskins then perhaps they should have won the war.

Instead they are now homonyms of potatoes. Get over it, losers.

Amartel said...

An ambush leads to tension. what a surprise. The regular joes and josephines say they don't feel racial malice, they feel the logo and name stand for a positive thing. The amerindian hacktivists ignore the stated obvious intent and keep insisting on racism. WHY WOULD THEY KEEP INSISTING UPON RACISM?
1. Hacks gonna hack. Might as well hack with the biggest hack of all, the Faux Newscast, where Retard Nation goes to learn their lines and clap like monkeys. This isn't a real issue. Most Indians don't give a shit about this issue which is why Faux Newscast had to go out and get hacktivists rather than have regular Redskins fans talk to regular Indians.
2. PROJECTION: They're racists and they cannot imagine that the Redskins fans are not. They project their own racism onto the Redskins fans.
3. DEFLECTION: There is no obvious racism in the Redskins name or team logo. It's a proud warrior. Everyone from every culture (except prog culture) appreciates a proud warrior. The picture of the guy on the team logo isn't a crude cartoon like the Atlanta Braves; it's a proud warrior native American version. (Side note: why aren't the Atlanta Braves targeted rather than the Redskins? Hmm.)
The term "Redskin" has not obvious racial animus. It's probably been used by people racist against amerindians but it is also a term commonly used by Amerindians with no particular negative intent. In fact, there are plenty of Amerindian sports teams called Braves, Warriors, etc. But if they just keep saying racism, racism, racism and click their heels together maybe they'll get their wish.
4. To remove intentionality, burrow under and around it, weaken individual will and agency. Divide, divide, divide.

Trooper York said...

I just caught an press conference with the owner of the Ravens where he is plea bargaining with the media who want to crucify him and the rest of the NFL in a politically correct vendetta to destroy football.

One of the questions summed this whole thing up. He was asked if any women were involved in the deciding how to handle the Rice incident. He explained that there were no woman executives. He should have said that they were a football team and not a cupcake factory. This type of thinking will result in the demand that every category of the "protected and selected" victim groups be represented in the corporate structure of the NFL. That is what political correctness is all about. Making money and jobs for race hustlers and gender hustlers and various perverts who have to be paid off with protection money to avoid the trouble that they can cause.

This is the same scam that Joey Gallo pulled on the bars in Brooklyn. Pay me so you don't get a brick through your window. Pay me so I won't bring my civil rights organization to your building site. Pay me a consulting fee to run "classes" so your executives will not be insensitive to the "feelings" of gay women with disabilities who are 1/16 Native American but don't watch football anyway.

Trooper York said...

Ray Rice should suffer the penalties for the crimes he committed to the fullest extent of the law. Just as if he murdered someone like Hernandez. Just as if he did drugs like Dwight Gooden or Darryl Strawberry or A-Rod.

If the Redskins and the NFL surrender to the forces of Political Correctness it will never stop there.

These douches will not be happy until football is destroyed and banned. That is their goal. Don't kid yourself and think they are concerned for the well being and success of the NFL or their fans.

Trooper York said...

I have no problem throwing the book at Ray Rice. Shoot him if it makes you feel good. Why not?

But don't grovel to the extortion of the politically correct. Because it will never end. If the NFL with all of it's power and money knuckles under then it is really all over.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It sound like the owners are ready to weather the storm standing by their man Goodell.

Trooper York said...

They should do more than that. They should drop the sponsors that threatened them. Then they should out them to their fans.

I am sure there are plenty of other companies that would take up the slack. If Budwieser wants to threaten the NFL then drop them and sign up Coors.

ndspinelli said...

Anger is not productive in making business decisions. The NFL will not, and should not, go the Howard Beale on sponsors. That would be suicide. They've made some bad decisions, that would be the worst.

William said...
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William said...

My guess is that only the professional activists among the American Indian community have sufficient time or psychic energy to feel offended by the name. There are, however, a vast number of liberals who relish the opportunity to feel superior to football fans. .....Does anyone personally know any woman who felt diminished by the Masters Golf Club admittance policy? For that matter does anyone know of a journalist who didn't consider that policy more repugnant than sex trafficking?........My immediate ancestors had every reason to fear the Norsemen. They lived in fear of those people, and now culturally insensitive Minnesotans have chosen the name Vikings to further rub salt into wounded feelings. Isn't it about time we stopped celebrating those pillaging rapists.

ndspinelli said...

Rank and file Indians don't give a rat's ass about this mascot horseshit. White liberals and Indian activist do. Rank and file working black folk don't give a rat's ass about Ferguson, white liberals and black activists do.