"Syria's foreign ministry said its UN envoy was informed about the strikes against IS (ISIS, ISIL), which controls large swathes of Syria and Iraq. Activists say at least 70 IS militants were killed in the strikes."
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"The militants said the US drone came down after crashing into a communications tower in Raqqa" |
They should be bombed for using a double q with no u. Off with their heads!
I am more interested in the Obama administration being the only people using ISIS, even the lapdog MSM refuse and continue to call it ISIS. But, the Obama folks can't even be consistent in the acronym. Some call it "Eyesil" and some call it "IZil." Why don't they call them what PJ O'Rourke does, "Self destructive, insane, homeless people."
I mean the Obama folks are the only ISIL people.
O'Reilly went full tilt last night.
Hire an army of mercenaries at top pay and send 'em in. That's his advice.
I'm skeptical that the U.S. can accomplish anything in the Middle East. This is our 3rd or 4th round of trying to fix the situation.
The moral rot and corruption within the U.S. is slowly wearing away the foundation. I see the Jihadis functioning life a wolf sitting outside the border, licking its lips and waiting to attack when the prey sufficiently weakens.
A better solution to the madness might be to fully develop our oil and gas resources so that we limit our involvement in the Middle East somewhat. That would require telling the greenie nuts to go to hell.
Obama entered office vowing to end U.S. foreign wars. He was convinced that the Jihadi war against the West was just a figment of Bush's imagination. Just be nice, and it would go away.
Changing his view of that would mean dismantling his entire worldview.
They need to be careful with that Nobel Peace Prize. It inspired this President to start military action in seven countries to date with no attacks on our homeland to explain it. G.W. Bush after the U.S. was attacked only intervene in four nations over eight years. I understand the value of military intervention in securing peace, but while Bush at least established some, Obama got the prize. Maybe it was a participation award, or maybe they felt it secured the peace by shutting up the leftists about war. Obama may be the most warring president since FDR, but it's good war, even when he fights for both sides.
So, it seems Obama decided to hang his hat on the Bush era authorization to attack in Syria?
Not asking for authorization vote.
The bombing campaign was described as "modest". So long the days of shock and awe.
Soon, Obama and the MSM will declare victory, and then ISIS can get back to business in a short period of time.
Haha. "Modest bombing."
Not like that flamboyant ostentatious Bush bombing. What an awful cowboy, that guy.
Modest bombing in the Unwar on Not Islam. They really think they can talk their way out it.
Obama's a big fan of the drive by. Shoot and then get out of the neighborhood.
So, it seems Obama decided to hang his hat on the Bush era authorization to attack in Syria?
Yes, but lets look at that authorization:
"SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This joint resolution may be cited as the ‘‘Authorization for Use of Military Force’’. SEC. 2. AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES.
(a) IN GENERAL.—That the President is authorized to use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons, in order to prevent any future acts of international terrorism against the United States by such nations, organizations or persons.
(b) WAR POWERS RESOLUTION REQUIREMENTS.— (1) SPECIFIC STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION.—Consistent with section 8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution, the Congress declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the War Powers Resolution."
Does Obama believe Syria was involved in September 11, 2001? He hasn't really made the case for it.
Surely Obama is not using the AUMF against Iraq as rational to attack Syria...
The real question is will Obama step down when his term is over?
For your viewing pleasure -- the "latte salute," via a Whitehouse instagram video.
I'm coming to the realization colonization may be the way to go.
Like it or not, the Middle East is the crossroads of the world and, if you want stability, somebody's got to ride herd on it.
So go in, take over the place, execute anybody who even thinks the word "Terrorist" (the Lefties have already said they like the Roman way of just crucifying a couple hundred as an example), impose our institutions, stamp out Islam, take the oil, and leave after a couple of hundred years.
It is, after all, what the Limeys did in Inja and that worked out.
PS As to the Latte Salute, the only reason he didn't do it with his middle finger raised is the Marine was armed.
"The real question is will Obama step down when his term is over?"
Trooper, he can barely wait to get away from all of us and our grubby, petty little concerns. He wants to move on to his true calling as Supreme Leader of the Universe. Let someone else take over as spokesmodel for the New World Order-USA Division. Plus, he will be busy collecting speaker's fees and revising history. He'll make Carter look fair and balanced by comparison.
Amartel, You're correct. Those close say he checked out some time ago. He thought he would be adored for 8 years. He has looked @ houses in Palm Springs. Golf, schmooze w/ Hollywood. He's vaunting the hours.
"counting" the hours. WTF??
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