Wednesday, September 17, 2014

TMZ: Django Unchained actress played the race and fame cards.

"The "Django Unchained" actress who cried racism against the LAPD ... claiming they harassed and hurt her because she was just making out with her white boyfriend in a car -- has some explaining to do, because we obtained pictures that seem to show A LOT more than sucking face."

An eyewitness who saw Daniele and Brian as he worked in a nearby office tells TMZ ... Brian was sitting in the passenger seat with his feet on the curb and Daniele was straddling him with her shirt pulled up -- breasts exposed. The eyewitness says she was grinding on top of him, rocking back and forth.

The eyewitnesses say Brian then began "horizontally bongoing her boobs back and forth." He says she eventually reached into the center console, grabbed a tissue, wiped him down and then herself and tossed it on the grass.
Someone from the office called the cops and made an indecent exposure complaint.
And now you know, the rest of the story... good day.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What are the chances that all those people who were all over this story, posting numerous times about how outrageous this was...

What are the chances they are now going to amend those remarks and take it back?

Rabel said...


Unknown said...

Get a room, honey.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Desi Arnaz...

I guess the next move it legalize... naturalize whatever word you want to use, public coitus.

ricpic said...

This dissing The Man BS is playing out predictably in NYC. The Man has decided that he doesn't need the aggravation. Stop and frisks are way down and shootings are way up. According to "the community" a small price to pay, since nothing compares to the satisfaction of dissing The Man.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Now that I know how the police got there, her reaction to the police makes sense.

She kicked her acting skills into high gear.

Was there a stick shift on the car?

The Dude said...

Crack is such a scamp!

sakredkow said...

She is a great actress.

Amartel said...

The audio is pretty funny, too. What a crybaby princess, this lady, but hardly a great actor. It's the cop who should get the acting award for improvising such lines as "Thank you for pulling out the race card, I never hear that" and "I'm mildly interested that you have a publicist."

AllenS said...

When I hear the cry of "racism", my first thoughts are -- BULLSHIT.

Just because you're black doesn't mean that the way you present yourself, people have to accept your behavior.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm beginning to receive videos from FB friends of blacks storming stores and looting them in various parts of the South. These attacks often feature unprovoked assaults on whites.

Copycat of the Ferguson debacle.

And, of course, the media won't report these incidents.

Same thing going on in the U.K. and France, except that the malefactors are Muslims. Many neighborhoods in both those countries are off limits to cops and native English.

Likewise, the U.K. and French news media is suppressing these stories.

Rabel said...

I'm kinda surprised to find out that public sex and boob bongo are not legal in California.

I got a fever, and the only prescription is more bongo.

edutcher said...

In the Obamanation, it is illegal to interrupt a soul sista when she gettin' down.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

In California you can put anything to a voter referendum.

We are going to need a name for the initiative.

Proposition 10 1/2.

8 1/2 and 9 1/2 were already taken.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Back in my salad days, I subscribed to "Guitar Player" magazine and got a couple of Django Reinhardt compilations, sort of like trying to give myself an education.

Really liked the music. Listened to it more or less constantly.

Then I saw the Woody Allen movie Sweet and Lowdown (1999).

And I was all, like, holy crap!, people used to dance to that stuff!

This is dance music!!!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Perhaps I should add that my wife and I split one of these at dinner.

I recommend it, highly.

Oh, since you asked, we had fajitas.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Just finished up cable flys. Time for a break.

You know, Sippican Cottage had a number of admirable traits.

Foremost among them was his level adoration of the well-crafted power pop gem.

Ladies and gentlemen, submitted for your approval: I Want You Bad.


That's beside the point.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I don't want to be a pig, here.

I would be remiss not to mention "Django" and the Modern Jazz Quartet. John Lewis and all that.

The song's a standard. Love it.

But I never got the gypsy connection.

My loss, really.

Trooper York said...

I blame the Commissioner of the NFL for this miscarriage of justice.

He must go!

The Dude said...

Jonathan Dwyer agrees.

Hey, CL - I just read that Butane has no dipole moment, thus it is a non-polar organic solvent.

Is that true?

And, if so, what the hey does that mean?

chickelit said...

Butane has no permanent dipole moment. It is non-polar. It is a gas but easily compressed into a liquid, sort of like propane. It could be a solvent, in a closed vessel which didn't allow it to escape. I used to use pentane as a solvent, which is one carbon chain longer than butane.

XRay said...

You'd think the ludicrousnes of the behavior would cause at least some shame, or at least I would. Shame, obviously, another word/concept/expectation shuttled off to the dustbin of history by our progressive betters.

Trooper York said...

Is it me or does the cop in that photo sort of look like Jay Leno?

XRay said...

I thought that cop looked familiar... good catch.

chickelit said...

He says she eventually reached into the center console, grabbed a tissue, wiped him down and then herself and tossed it on the grass.

There are probably photos of the tissue in the grass as well, but the photographer is holding out for more money. I bet someone even retrieved the tissue afterwards for DNA analysis.

rcocean said...

"Is it me or does the cop in that photo sort of look like Jay Leno?"

I think someone on Jay's staff is writing his one-liners.

chickelit said...

I think someone on Jay's staff is writing his one-liners.

Better than writhing on someone's staff...

XRay said...

So long as we're picking out details... she was said to have been 'bongoing' (or something) her boobs. From that photo I see no evidence of such being possible.

The Dude said...

Trooper, you don't look anything like Jay Leno. Me neither.

CL - thanks - I saw a news thing about people dissolving cannabis leaves in butane to create so-called hash oil.

Stoners running around with butane soaked leaves, matches and lighters - what could possibly go wrong.

The problem is poor reporting - none of the "writers" are able to tell the story from beginning to end without losing the thread along the way. I think they need to set down the bong and understand that the motto "a little dab will do you" is not appropriate when writing on that subject.

Hell, if they aren't careful they could start a fire while making hash oil, and that might spread over to the meth lab. Kids these days...

XRay said...

Well, nevermind on the bongo what ever, If I try hard I can do so with my manboobs.

Trooper York said...

Is it me or does this bitch look like Poussey from Orange is the new black?

I thought she liked the fish taco?

Trooper York said...

Like Dusty Springfield! Just sayn'

The Dude said...

You don't look like Poussey, either.

The Dude said...

The woman in the photograph looks demented.

XRay said...

I used to hear that hash was made by persons walking between rows of fecund marijunna, the resin gained being scraped off of forearms for hash. No idea, really, of how hash is made.

Good stuff though, hash, especially that laced with those little pockets of opium.

bagoh20 said...

I thought sex in cars was a long-held and beloved American tradition. Who calls the cops on a couple young people having sex. That right there is pulling the old fart card no matter how old you are Mrs. Kravits. Go back in the house and have a drink - Wheel of Fortune is on.

bagoh20 said...

If you don't like it, you keep walking. If you're smart, you video tape it and sell it to TMZ, but call the cops? Sheeze! I don't see the point in that, except to vent your jealousy.

The Dude said...

It was broad daylight - have you seen the pictures?

Bongos optional.

bagoh20 said...

The most embarrassing act in this whole episode is calling the cops. Just pathetic. If it's in front of your house, maybe you tell them to take it somewhere else or turn the hose on them, but calling the cops is just embarrassing. Someone needs a shirt that says "I never get laid, and neither should you."

XRay said...

I know, you're joking. And back seat sex is a worthy tradition. But at least in my day we mangaged to close the doors.

XRay said...

Well hell, maybe you're not joking.

rcocean said...

"Better than writhing on someone's staff..."

It could by Jay himself. He has time on his hands.

rcocean said...

"But at least in my day we mangaged to close the doors."

Cars were bigger back in the day. Ever had sex in a Prius?

XRay said...

No. Though, rc, I thought of that. Then decided it would be piling on.

bagoh20 said...

Seriously, if I was walking down the street and saw that, my reaction would be to run home and screw my old lady... twice. The last person I want to see right then is a cop, and the last person I'd want to be is the one who called them. You could be the bottom - good for him, the top - good for her, a bystander - hey it's free entertainment, the cop - just doing my job, or you could be the sex nazi that probably watched a good long time before succombing to her envy.

Shouting Thomas said...

Sophisticated hedonists know that cars are only good for blow jobs while driving on the Thruway.

bagoh20 said...

You know what? She's not very attractive, so I take back everything I said. Call the cops already - this is disgusting!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

She is no Monica Lewinsky.

XRay said...

To put it this way, that one who views public viewable sex as abnormal is now considered '

You're still joking, right?

bagoh20 said...

It's like finding a hundred bucks on the sidewalk....
stuck to big wet wad of chewing gum.

Kinda gross, but still a lucky day.

KCFleming said...

It's the combination of Do you know who I am? and Do you know what special color I am? that makes this so very special.

If only she was able to work in her gender and maybe some gayosity, it'd been mo better.

The Dude said...

It should be assumed that when a person asks "Do you know who I am?" that they have some form of dementia.

They should the be asked the same series of questions that football players are asked when concussion is suspected, such as "Do you know what day it is, where are we?" and so on.

I still don't know who she is, and I am sorry that I am even as aware of her as I am. I have no doubt that she is a great actress, however, and that someday her career will advance to the point that she can make porn movies.

Boy, she will be on top then!

Darcy said...

I think the story is that people yelled for them to "knock it off" and they just carried on. I'd have called the cops, too.

From what I've seen and read, my overwhelming reaction is "Eww."

Michael Haz said...

Good stuff though, hash, especially that laced with those little pockets of opium.

What are you talking about? Every time I order hash it's laced with little diced potatoes and some onions and salt. Way too much salt.

But a man's got to feed his habit.

XRay said...

Yeah, well, that's what my hash is like these days too.

Amartel said...

Al fresco bonking includes the reward/risk of being seen by other people, including other people who might object. These are the people in your neighborhood, or at least the neighborhood where you decided to put on your show so now you don't reasonably get to be all stunned and amazed, surprised and outraged when cops show up to shoo you on down the road.

sakredkow said...

I think the story is that people yelled for them to "knock it off" and they just carried on. I'd have called the cops, too.

These days I'm going with Don't call the cops unless you absolutely have to. Not that I don't love 'em.

rcocean said...

"Every time I order hash it's laced with little diced potatoes and some onions and salt. Way too much salt."

I have my hash with some eggs. Living life to its fullest.

William said...

If that cop had veered one degree off professional, his career would have ended. It will be interesting to see how this affects her career. My guess is that it will have no adverse impact and might even help her.

The Dude said...

She will have plenty of work in the future. All of it on her back. Plenty of jobs will be waiting for her. Johns, too.

She has to play to her strengths, after all...