Sunday, September 14, 2014

Obama appears to be making up the ISIS strategy on the fly.

From the NYT Paths to War, Then and Now, Haunt Obama ...
Asked by one of the columnists what he would do if his strategy did not work and he had to escalate further, Mr. Obama rejected the premise. “I’m not going to anticipate failure at this point,” he said.
 The president also plays what I would describe as ISIS pundit.
If he had been “an adviser to ISIS,” Mr. Obama added, he would not have killed the hostages but released them and pinned notes on their chests saying, “Stay out of here; this is none of your business.” Such a move, he speculated, might have undercut support for military intervention. (read the whole thing)
What a strange thing to say by a person on whose shoulders rest the awesome responsibility of sending soldiers into harms way. If you are a soldier somewhere halfway around the world, and you read something like that, said by your commander in chief, what are you supposed to think?


Trooper York said...
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Trooper York said...

You are supposed to think that he is fucking idiot who is putting you and your nation at risk because of his feckless stupidity.

Shouting Thomas said...

I was not really as moved in my political judgment by the beheadings as Obama suggests.

What impressed me was how quickly the Iraqi military fell apart and conceded territory to ISIS.

I have the feeling that most people look at things as I do, which is to see the beheadings as a bit of propaganda intended to incite and render us stupid. It's the success of ISIS as a military and political entity that has had an impact on me.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There is something of a nexus between the two biggest stories of the week... ISIS and Ray Rice.

The impact of sensational video.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

As for Obama, we just have to resigned ourselves to not having a president for a while.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

No ill will, btw...

I'm just saying... he is like a figure head.

The Dude said...

Can we pin a note on the mulatto and send him to live in Madison?

john said...

Wasn't Clinton the acknowledged expert on doing things on the fly?

Or was it on doing things with his fly?

KCFleming said...

That JV squad doesn't know its place.

Trooper York said...

It is long past time that we can chalk this up to ineptitude.

This is malice. Pure and simple.

Trooper York said...

This last man who was beheaded was not a soldier. He was not a journalist. He was a man doing good works. Helping people. Bringing food the hungry and medicine to the sick. These animals who follow the "Religion of Peace" cut off his head.

We are told that we can not blame Islam. That we can not slander the Prophet of Islam. That it has nothing to do with Islam.

The only thing this jerkoff can do is golf and fund raise.

Trooper York said...

He tell us he is going to do "something" but he is not going to do it alone. He wants to organize a "coalition of the willing."

This cocksucker couldn't organize a foursome to hit the front nine.

bagoh20 said...

"“I’m not going to anticipate failure at this point,” he said."

That explains perfectly the source everything that's wrong right now, including how he ended up President. Apparently, a lot of people do things without considering the possibility of failure, even when it's a long running pattern.

William said...

Net net, the number of people who have been murdered, tortured, and made homeless in the Middle East has exponentially increased during the Obama administration. Since American forces were not responsible for these atrocities, they don't really count. The analogy I would draw is to the number of unarmed black teen agers shot by Bloods vs the number shot by police officers. Only the latter number is significant and worth bothering about.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

There is something of a nexus between the two biggest stories of the week... ISIS and Ray Rice.

Lol. Steven Crowder already went there…

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

We are told that we can not blame Islam. That we can not slander the Prophet of Islam. That it has nothing to do with Islam.

The only thing this jerkoff can do is golf and fund raise.

The next press conference they should just ask the douchebag what credentials he possesses as a supposed Islamic theologian/religious leader. He sure does seem to think he's in a position to speak on their behalf.

Hagar said...

You have to understand that for Obama "failure" means having to acknowledge he was wrong.

Hagar said...

What in the world did he mean when he said "he was not here in 2003"?

Mentally he was not here, or one of his half-brothers stood in for him? He is a half-brother, and the real Obama has left the building?

rhhardin said...

This was obvious in 2008 to men anyway.

For instance John and Ken (KFI) calling this or that Obama rally an estrogen orgy.

Now I guess everybody sees right through him, not just men.

The less he talks, the better for his ratings.

Lydia said...

But the president said he had already been headed toward a military response before the men’s deaths. He added that ISIS had made a major strategic error by killing them because the anger it generated resulted in the American public’s quickly backing military action.

If he had been “an adviser to ISIS,” Mr. Obama added, he would not have killed the hostages but released them and pinned notes on their chests saying, “Stay out of here; this is none of your business.” Such a move, he speculated, might have undercut support for military intervention.

Sounds to me like he’s pissed ISIS made such a dumb move because now he’s been forced to do something Bush-like big and messy.

Trooper York said...

As an American you should know that if you are ever in trouble the President will do jack shit about it.

Unless you are a deserter.

Titus said...

I am watching Miss America. Mass and New York are in the top 12!!!

lots of tits and they all totally wax their clits. Not a bush in the house.


rcocean said...

Obama's approval ratings are cratering among his key demographics:

Black support has dropped from 95% to 93%,Jewish support from 65% to 64%, White Gay support from 70% to 65%.

Its looks bad for O.

Methadras said...

He's so smart, so brilliant, so mentally acute that he can literally, in real time, make up a strategy as he goes along.

Michael Haz said...

Obama is not ignorant, inept, or naive. He is carrying out the steps he want taken to transform America into what he believes it should be.

It's hard for some to believe, but it is a fact. He has become a dictator running a corrupt, powerful government that spies and threatens members of the media, lies to Congress, refuses to follow the constitution, has gutted the ranks of experienced military officers, and weaponized the Department of Homeland Security. And that's just the short list.

To think all this is happening because Obama is weak or stupid is ridiculous. It is willful and deliberate.

He is making a token show of pretending to want to fight ISIS, when in fact he does not and will not, beyond dropping a few bombs. He opposes Israel and Egypt, and covertly supports ISIS and the objective of creating a caliphate. He has welcomed the Muslim Brotherhood into the White House, indeed, onto his National Security staff, and has appointed a Muslim convert as CIA Director.

He want America to lose, get it?

The Dude said...

Valerie Jarrett agrees.

As do all the law prof types and learned elites in this nation.

It will be interesting to see who is still standing after the shooting stops.

Amartel said...

Slight divergence from Haz:
Obama is not a stupid man but he's no George W. Bush. He does and says a lot of stupid things, which are amusing to mock since I can't do anything about them. I think a better word to describe the Obama brain is provincial. He's the narrow-minded bitter clinger that he tried to project onto the people of Pennsylvania. Incurious.
Virtually no knowledge of the world outside the academic bubble prior to the presidency and there's no evidence much has seeped in since.
By comparison, Bush was quite cosmopolitan and sophisticated. He was at least able to acknowledge opposing arguments honestly and take action to accommodate them.
The movement for which Obama serves as spokesmodel is quite powerful, however. They've been scripting his life story since college. No wonder he thinks he's a celebrity brainiac savior of the planet. He sees it on the news, constantly. It's on his teleprompter. It's in the script.

Amartel said...

TOTUS: ignorant, inept and naïve but unfortunately not weak. The progs have got most of the media on their side and the sliver that isn't feels obligated to play fair and balanced, to say nothing of the various government funded cranks churning out "studies" on how conservatives and conservative views are various forms of Badness, most of the entertainment industry assuming the same thing, RINOs putting up no, or token, resistance, and all of academia, down to the kindergarten level, propagandizing for the State.

Amartel said...

"I'm not going to anticipate failure at this point."

1. As Bagoh pointed out, a real executive would anticipate failure and adjust accordingly.

2. In O'Blamer-backwards-land- projection speech, that's exactly what he's doing, anticipating failure. It's baked in the cake. If* things fall apart, Obama will blame Republicans for pushing him to go to War (what is it good for?) and there will be lots of video of McCain and Graham war-mongering to "prove" it and no video of Dems saying the same things. Obama will be portrayed as having been "dragged into it" "reluctantly." Dragging his golf bag dejectedly behind him. Sad trombone. Kidding, golf will not be mentioned. Of course, it's nowhere near that simple. Some Rs want it, some Ds want it, and everyone has different ideas about how it should be prosecuted. Obama seems to be taking the path of least possible success/most possible failure.


Michael Haz said...

Strategy? Ha! There is no beyond the US becoming Assad's air force, which will work fine until we have bomb Assad's enemies, then he can continue slaughtering his own countrymen.

A real strategy would include identifying the baddest of the bad guys then going town to town, kicking in doors and killing the bad guys, and scaring the hell out of their subordinates so they run away. that requires intel and boots on the ground, lots of boots. And Barry isn't going to do that because he's too nuanced and shit. And Muslim.