Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"Ebola case in Dallas confirmed by CDC, first diagnosis in U.S."

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notified the media at 3:32 p.m. Tuesday that Dallas has the first diagnosed Ebola case in the nation."
The federal agency scheduled a media briefing at 5:30 p.m. from its headquarters in Atlanta. Dallas County officials are expected to participate.

A blood specimen from the patient was sent to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, a testing process that can take 24 to 48 hours to confirm an Ebola infection -- or not.

The results came back about 3:32 p.m.
Dr. Thomas Frieden CDCP Director
CNN Update.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe we need Biden to whisper is Obama's ear... "this is a big fucking deal".

The Dude said...

That was mean of them to make the patient get up in front of the crowd like that.

john said...

No shit 60. I'm not usually one to talk about people's looks, but there is something very unhealthy in that doctor.

Anonymous said...

In Obama's America, Liberian email scam deletes you

john said...

OTOH, I replaced a fluorescent with a incandescent bathroom light for good reason.

Should'a just took out the mirror.

chickelit said...

"Frieden" means "peace" in German. I suppose it does no good to point out that we're at war.

Methadras said...

Yup, I told you so.

KCFleming said...

Well, the CDC ain't worried so I am toooooootally unworried.

Mebbe jes a little.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Yea, this is the ebola JV squad. Nothing to worry about.

chickelit said...

@Lem: JV Ebola is Ebolita or "ebola lite"

Unknown said...

You've got to be the most selfish SOB to knowingly have ebola and
get on an aircraft.
Everyone on that aircraft was exposed to the disease.

Forget about him. Now the aircraft and everyone on that aircraft are potential carriers. Or am I wrong?

Unknown said...

Anyone want to sit in the seat he sat in?

Bring your wet-ones!

Christy said...
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Christy said...

April Apple, TV experts are saying Ebola isn't contagious until symptoms are showing, so fellow passengers are not at risk.

What interests me is that the Dallas hospital sent him home with an antibiotics prescription. Antibiotics don't help with the flu. Perhaps Pogo can weigh in on why the ER would have done that?

Unknown said...

TV experts?

hmmm. I feel so assured now.

Amartel said...

Only 4 US hospitals capable of treating Ebola victims. The hospital in Dallas where this guy went sent him home initially even though he told them he had come from Liberia. (This is just a guess on my part but I bet he knew he had Ebola and that is why he came to the U.S., for the free and excellent treatment. Well, once diagnosed, that is.)

So what efforts are being taken to isolate and test the people on the aircraft, at the hospital, and anyone else with whom this guy came in contact? As of this morning, no or spotty information on the topic of containment. Also, the experts don't know exactly how Ebola is spread; this particular strain could be transmitted by air, not just fluid exchange. They don't know and they're being very cavalier downplaying the danger. Obama said no way that Ebola would come to the US. Well, here it is. What else are they lying to us about? You KNOW that if some Important Person was exposed there would be a full court press to DO SOMETHING RIGHT NOW. IT'S AN EMERRRRRGENCY. Look how heads roll right away when the boundaries of the White House are breached. But for now Ebola's just a hypothetical problem, or one only affecting some anonymous unfortunates that no one important knows so no big deal.

Unknown said...

Would anyone feel comfortable sitting in the same aircraft - or the very seat - this guy sat in for 8-12 hours?
(or whatever the length of the flights)

What is United doing to clean and sanitize the exact aircraft(s)?

Unknown said...

I've gotten sick after riding in airplanes - and I'm fairly careful. I assume everything is covered in cold, flu and cholera.

Should everyone wear masks now? Our government doesn't want to startle anyone, especially before an election. I suspect this guy exposed a few flight attendants or other passengers. Planes are giant petri dishes anyway.

I'm not going anywhere in Oct as I had hoped, but I am planning a trip in December. Gloves, masks and bleach wipes might be in order for a crazy germ-o-phobe.. (non-PC stereotype alert:) Occasionally I see Asians wearing masks on planes. They probably have the right idea.

Unknown said...

I want answers, dag nab it.

Oh - silly me - I'll just rely on our dreadful biased media to ask the tough questions.

KCFleming said...

There's incompetence in the White House, Secret Service, IRS, VA hospitals, etc, etc., etc.

So the CDC too is politicized and thereby incompetent.

What the hell is happening?
Who the fuck let's people travel from a highly infectious area with a non-zero risk of having the disease?

It's buffoons all the way down.

The Dude said...

Let? As in allowed? Knowing this crew they probably hand selected him and provided his ticket.

Is it idiocy or malice?

Obama hates this country and will fundamentally transform it.

That may be the only promise that rat bastard actually keeps.

The Dude said...
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Amartel said...

Called it. The guy knew he was infected and got on a plane anyway to come here for competent care. Fuck ups continued after he arrived. Docs didn't ask if he'd traveled lately.

Unknown said...

headline: "Dallas Ebola patient vomited outside apartment on way to hospital"

I'm sure whoever got to clean that up - is just fine.

The media/government Pravda complex assures us there isn't any ebola in the vomit. Promise.

Why the hell are we allowing anyone IN from African countries with ebola outbreaks? This is pure insanity.
My word you are so right, Pogo. This administration is beyond incompetent - everything it touches turns to pure sh*t. - up and down, sideways and forward, in and out. It's a leisure seeking, donor money grubbing, golf-playing joke all the way through.