Thursday, September 25, 2014

"Zoo in coverup after groundhog dropped by de Blasio dies"

"A week after Hizzoner dropped Staten Island Chuck in front of a crowd of spectators on Feb. 2, the winter-weather prognosticator died of internal injuries — and then the coverup began, The Post has learned."

Staten Island Zoo officials went to great lengths to hide the death from the public — and keep secret the fact that “Chuck” was actually “Charlotte,” a female impostor, sources said Wednesday.

The stand-in was found dead in her enclosure at the Staten Island Zoo on Feb. 9 — and a necropsy determined she died from “acute internal injuries,” sources said.
Here is what PETA has to say...


Amartel said...

Remember when the media wouldn't show photos of people jumping from the WTC on 9/11? Because we, the great smelly unwashed, could not be trusted not to riot in the street and start killing muslims in our rage?

It has come to this.

Trooper York said...


Lem I just posted this story on my blog.

But it seems you had it first.

Good show dude.

Great minds think alike.

Trooper York said...

Or at least they all read the NY Post. Heh.

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ricpic said...

All groundhogs agree: the rent's too damn high and the mayor's too damn tall!

The Dude said...

DeSplatio cannot be trusted with any life form.

Thank goodness all he governs is Y*nkees.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Thanks Troop.

How are you btw. Still busy with the shop?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The guy cannot even be trusted to handle a groundhog.

Btw.. stay off the subways for awhile.

Anonymous said...

Are penalties still called for spiking the ball in celebration after a play?

Anonymous said...

Opposites attract.
Similar large rats repel.
It's just good science.

Amartel said...

MiniTru: Reality must be censored by the Press or the People will arrive at politically undesireable conclusions.

Trooper York said...

They should have someone has experience with handling a slippery hog.

To bad Weiner couldn't get elected.

He knows how to handle a hog. He has photo's to prove it.

Trooper York said...

On the other hand is handling a slippery hog is a requirement it was a good thing that Christine Quinn didn't win. Just sayn'

Anonymous said...

Before the incident, a hot mic picked up him saying under his breath:

"How kulaks would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck clacks off wood."

Anonymous said...

This experiment supports the theory Chuck Schumer could actually be extricated from a liveshot one day.

Amartel said...

It was a girl. #WarOnWomen; #RIP

Things that happen on a #SinkingShip.

Anonymous said...

No glove?
No pavement love.

Anonymous said...

Charlotte slips rat's feudal grip, seeking an honorable demise.

Amartel said...

If the glove doesn't fit
You must jump for it

Rabel said...

Hasn't this happened before?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I forgot about the Weiner.

edutcher said...

Commies kill everything.

Unknown said...

The cover-up is telling.

We need a ninja groundhog to whip around in a circle and kick De Blasio in the head. Leaving DeBlastico fatally injured and thus saving NY.

The Dude said...

Little guy should have ripped that commie's throat out.

I had recent close contact with a fighting groundhog and all I can say is that one needs to avoid their teeth. Too bad the one in the story didn't realize that he should have fought for his life.

Too bad none of us realize that the commies are dropping us just like rodents.

deborah said...

This is on the zoo. They should have had the poor thing examined, it suffered unnecessarily. Fire them for incompetence.

Aridog said...

Those photos say it all. Body language. 1st photo he is leaning away slightly and uncomfortable. Check out his facial expression. 2nd Photo, now he is very obviously leaning back away from the critter as it falls away from from him. What? Critter is diving away from him and he stills reacts in fear? have a big tall wussy for Mayor

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Ari, the bastard laughed!

Aridog said...

Who is the blond cunt next to DeBlasio? She's useless as bull tits as well...

And they say they will do this same shit next year? Really? Kill off the daughter of Chuck/Charlotte too?

How about just have an experienced animal handler do it with the mayor safely at a distance aside running his mouth. I'll go handle the ground hog for $250 bucks plus air fare and a couple nights nights at the Essex House. I'll go eat with Trooper at his places and pay for it to boot.

Foot note: Once you broken up a couple big dog fights, ground hog claws and teeth are not all that scary.

Aridog said...

Looking at the photo here, with all the laughing,...I now know why I hate almost all politicians.

Aridog said...

60-G...she must be partially "Bi"...he fucked her at least twice to produce that odd spawn of his....especially the male one who thinks it is still 1972.

Yeah, I know...I'm a racist, right?

Aridog said...

That groundhog died by an accident caused by the cowardice of the man holding her. It just isn't that hard to hold on to an animal...if you are not a punk pussy butt licking poseur liberal schmuck.

I feel sorriest for the blond woman next to punk De-B, who was likely the handler from the Zoo...if you look at her facial expressions as Charlotte fell, it says it all.

And they plan to do this again next year? Jesus in a jalopy, why can't they just let an experienced handler hold the groundhog, while the politician makes a speech of sucking nonsense, whatever. I do not care.

The whole idea of the politician holding a life form and letting it fall to its death is how I view all politicians. NO reason for that...let a handler with experience handle the is NOT a fucking prop!! I am incensed enough to vote against any and all incumbents, just for the sake of the act.

Pray tell how DID (?) NYC elect this giant pussy as mayor? A city with immense intelligence votes for a dolt? Pray tell, why?!

BTW... I have been bitten multiple times by dogs as well as other critters, normally wild, and I always assume it was my fault for not paying attention to the critter's signals. When you step in to a dog fight you get bit, period...but you will live, trust me...and you may save one or both dogs' lives. A ground hog? And that pussy cunt asshole mayor leans away in fear? As I said, Jesus in a jalopy?