Friday, July 3, 2015

The Land of the Free?

You remember the Bakery in Oregon who were driven out of business because they did not want to bake a wedding cake for a same sex ceremony? They were fined $135,000 for the pain and suffering of the lesbian couple who was turned away to get a cake from the thousand other bakeries who would be happy to do it for them because they want to drive these people out of business. Which they succeeded in doing because the bakery had to shut its doors.

Now for the rest of the story.

The Commission of Labor Brad Avakian  not only levied this fine on a first time offense but he also imposed a gag order on the Klein's (the owners of the bakery) who were the owners of the now defunct business. He ordered them to "cease and desist" from speaking publicly about not wanting to make cakes for same sex weddings based on their Christian beliefs. In other words he has abrogated their First Amendment rights.

The Social Justice Warriors also went after the Go Fund Me account that was set up to aid the Klein's.  It was closed down so that people who support the Klein's stand would be silenced and not be able to help them. Their First Amendment rights also mean nothing in America these days.

Blogger Kelse Harkness has a copy of the order in which the Commissioner abrogates the First Amendment rights of the Bakers to talk about why they did not want to bake this cake. The latest decision of the Supreme Court does not lead one to believe that they will support these bakers tin the exercise of  their First Amendment rights to practice their religion. Not only are they being forced out of business but they are being gagged at the same time.

You know in New York City they don't even do that to murderers. You can't even ask a job applicant if he had a felony murder on his record. Because murderers, rapists and thieves have rights. Traditional religious people. Not so much.

So on the Fourth of July let's celebrate our Freedom in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

Shut up and take it.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Crushing small business for LOVE wins.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Tyranny for love!

Lawsuits for love!

Small business crushing anti-free speech anti-Christian bigotry - for love!

Get on the love train.

edutcher said...

Where, O where, is the ACLU on this?

I recall one of the trolls at TOP telling us they were the guardians of our civil liberties.

They would do something about the NSA surveillance. Still waiting.

PS Just so everybody knows who tells the truth here, a round of applause for Shout.

He was right. DOJ confirms no hate crime evidence in black church fires.

rcocean said...

Didn't realize Oregon was such a Fascist state.

edutcher said...

When the Big One hits, maybe it'll rearrange opinions in Oregon, too.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The way to respond to the gag order is to make their story into a movie.

Let freedom ring.

Shouting Thomas said...

Did they manage to collect the $90,000 or so they'd already raised?

edutcher said...

It was $109,000 and they do.

Orrey G.Rantor said...

"Didn't realize Oregon was such a Fascist state."

Its been getting worse here every year and dems now have full control of the legislature, thus the new universal gun background check law etc.. They're pushing the tax by mile driven (tracked by gps) deal again because costs are going up and people aren't "driving as much" thus less gas taxes.

Our new governorette was the sec. of state and took over for the disgraced Kitzhaber when he resigned, conveniently just a few months after he was re-elected. State law says she stays in office until the next two year election aka 2016.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If I were a lesbian couple shopping for wedding cake, and one of the bakeries declined to make our wedding cake (on religious grounds), I would be disappointed, But I would try to understand. I might even be angry, but not so angry that my thoughts would turn to: "I want to destroy this business and bring them to their knees."

I would get over it and find a bakery willing to do business with me. Knowing there are plenty of bakeries who will.

I would not run to the arms of big daddy government.

Orrey G.Rantor said...

"I would not run to the arms of big daddy government."

Dont be a H8R now, they're strong and independent lesbians, who apparently suffered “acute loss of confidence,” “doubt,” “excessive sleep,” “felt mentally raped, dirty and shameful,” among another few dozen "alleged physical, emotional and mental damages" they suffered.

Oh I forgot to mention, our new governor is apparently bi-sexual and married to a man. So she's the the first bisexual female governor in the state or something.