Monday, June 8, 2020

Defund the NFL

All of us have our own hobbyhorses. You know that issue that really gets you up in arms. For many moolies it is police brutality. For some woman it is sexual harassment in the Me Too style as long as it doesn't affect people who have the same politics.

For me it is the Anti-Americanism of the NFL.

We had a perfect example of the cowardice and the abrogation of American values in the recent Drew Breeze fiasco. He sent out an innocuous tweet that said that all lives matters. The virtue signalling and the social justice police came down on him and punked out like a little bitch.

Watch Joe Namath get creamed.

That's what football used to be about. Players on the field. Men were men and stood by their opinions. Their flag. Their country. They didn't surrender to the politically correct mob. 

Here is head poofter Roger Goodell abandoning a large segment of his fan base:

“We, the National Football League, condemn racism and the systematic oppression of black people,” Goodell continued. “We, the National Football League, admit we were wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier and encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest. We, the National Football League, believe Black Lives Matter. I personally protest with you and want to be part of the much-needed change in this country.”

I have given up on the NFL ever since the kneeling for the National Anthem began. I had been a fan for fifty years but I walked away. I urge all patriotic Americans to follow suit and leave this anti american league made up of felons and racial activists to stew in their own juices.

Defund the NFL. 


edutcher said...

As we all know, all lives do not matter. White, Christian, heterosexual, Trumplican, and/or male lives do not matter.

Unfortunately lives which are not White, Christian, heterosexual, Trumplican, or male are starting to realize that, if they do not fit in one cell of that Venn diagram, they probably fit in another and are making their choices accordingly.

A life that is not white or male realizes the men in her life are up for grabs in the same way Brother Bret's was and, as she values those lives, has decided accordingly. So does a life that is male and heterosexual which realizes the women in his life are up for grabs the minute they quote Sojourner Truth.

Defunding the NFL has been going on ever since Goodell let Brillo Pad Head do his thing. I think it's about to accelerate.

As will be the case with other pro sports. America's found out how much it can do without.

The thugs the Left used to be its spokesmen are about to go the way of the Ditzy Twits.

We may even see white men in pro basketball before long.

chickelit said...

Goodell riddance!

ampersand said...

Joe Biden needs your support Got a match?