Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Activist groups and media are using actors

Most all the websites I visit are covering organized protests about gun control and I'm at the point now where I don't believe anything except all of it is evolved gun control protests and anti-Trump activism. It's all the same actors learning from failure honing their stage presence wearing new costumes, refreshing their cast with new young unassailable faces.

Literally actors.

Apparently this young man, David Hogg, is seen everywhere all at once, from California to Florida, and whose father is retired FBI, now posing as school shooting survivor and is actually a young aspiring actor.

He's adorable when he's not making angry concerned faces. But he's having a bit of trouble remembering his lines. All the websites I've dug into, the videos of him on YouTube, and through comments to articles take this video as proof that the student is being coached. I'm not so sure it's actual coaching, rather, it seems to me more as encouragement through nervousness.

This is the clip that I'm seeing everywhere.

Other right wing websites claim flatly the whole thing is totally bogus. They cite the usual suspects, Soros and Media Matters, organizers of the Women's March on Washington, now hijacked for gun control.

There are scores of videos of David Hogg on YouTube.

Other videos on YouTube present David Hogg as a valid school shooting survivor, while still others show him partying with other actors linked to other protest stories in the news at the same time that he's deeply depressed about his loss of fellow students. 

This is a low-producton value video, the host has some trouble with script and with his computer. The video is rather clumsy while the material he covers is much of what I'm reading. Comments to this video are conspiracy-level pathetic.

Deep in comments section at Legal Insurrection a reader linked to this site. The writer at the link follows the lines of various David Hogg projects, his previous appearances on media, his actual school, his career aim as an actor. Puppet String News. It's an interesting read, but this site too has a conspiracy theory feel to it. (My favorite part was blowing up 100 balloon animals but not being paid. Quite a career step, from balloons to CNN anti-Trump voice and increased gun control.)

Whatever the case, it appears the anti-gun groups have upped their game considerably. They were all locked and loaded, as it were, to hit the streets and the news outlets soon as this story emerged and do so with fierce vengeance. They want something done, anything, even if it's unconstitutional, something to ratchet their way to abolition of 2nd Amendment Constitutional right. So, it seems now they're not so moved by deep sadness but hyped up on sharpened political activism.  


Amartel said...

Some of the real Parkland students also sound like they're reading from a script, dropping in key terms and phrases and filling the space in between with mumbling. Smells like child abuse to me.
Hey teacher leave those kids alone.
Seriously, this is only going to compound the problem and possibly lead to PTSD.
Who is paying for those giant buses that showed up out of nowhere to transport the little evangelizers to key legislators? How did CNN know which kids to feature and which to ignore? There are Parkland kids who are not all hyped up about gun control but they don't get airplay.

edutcher said...

I saw this story elsewhere, with the pic of the "student"'s yearbook from a CA High.

But using actors is typical of the Left. It's also how stupid they are.

Getting busted like this really kills them.

Amartel said...

There are Parkland kids who are not all hyped up about gun control but they don't get airplay.

There are Parkland kids who are all for CC and teachers being armed.

They're on the Net, but Commie News Net isn't going to wreck the agenda.

edutcher said...

And it gets better.

Turns out Mommy is a wheel at CNN.

Can you say, "Fake but real"?

Leland said...

Looks like youtube took the video down.