Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"Rand Paul: Democrats Should Be ‘Embarrassed’ To Be Seen With Bill Clinton"

"Speaking to Fox News Tuesday, the Kentucky Republican and potential 2016 White House contender said that the Democrats are mistaking Clinton’s popularity after the former president spoke at a campaign rally for Alison Lundergan Grimes, the Democrat challenger to Sen. Mitch McConnell."
“We have a lot of conservative Democrats in our state who go to church each week and really don’t approve of his behavior, what he has done with sexual harassment in the workplace,” Paul said, referencing the Monica Lewinsky scandal. “A lot of Democrats in our state don’t approve of that kind of behavior.”

Paul, who previously called Clinton a “serial philanderer,” thinks it’s a mistake for Democrats to view Clinton as some type of role model.

Talking about Clinton’s appearance at Grimes’ rally, Paul said Democrats should return money he has raised and that they should be “embarrassed” to be seen with him.

“I think he’s a bad role model for the workplace, for women’s rights, for all of that, and I think really they ought to be a little embarrassed to be associated or being seen with him,” Paul stated.
I love that Rand Paul is not afraid of the Clintons. Nobody else has ever talked like that about them. It's refreshing. Go after them Senator!

ADDED - I just remember why Paul's tone strikes a chord with me. Do you remember what Bill Clinton said, back when he first ran? How a vote for him would mean two, himself and Hillary, for one?

From a book review, For Love of Politics: Bill and Hillary, the White House Years. 
Sally Bedell Smith's book, published in 2007, is a year-by-year account of how effectively Bill and Hillary work together to win elections, achieve political and policy goals, and contain scandal. In the author's own words, the book explores "how two intelligent, ambitious, and complex people confronted the challenges they faced in the White House, how they worked together and seperately, and how the push and pull of their marriage affected the presidency."

The main point of the book is the idea of "two for one," almost a co-presidency, and less overtly, both Bill's and Hillary's use of the word "we" when describing policy positions and achievements.
Going after Bill, politically, is the same as going after Hillary, because they've sold themselves to the voters as one entity from the beginning. So, that's how Rand Paul is going about attacking them politically. It's brilliant.


Amartel said...

He's playing the game the way a Democrat would. Very alinsky.

"Democrats should be 'embarrassed' to be seen with Bill Clinton." Yeah, what does that say about the woman who is still, after all these years, married to the man.


The rule of Lemnity said...

What should Bill be called, should Hillary win the White House?

My suggestion is first philanderer.

Shouting Thomas said...

I really don't care who's president. Doesn't seem to matter that much.

I have noticed that the concepts of sexual abuse and sexual harassment depend a lot on whose ox is getting gored.

Thus, when one of your favored guys commits abuse, the abuse is confined entirely to the individual who committed it. When one of your opponents commits abuse, the abuse is an indictment of everything that individual stands for and every institution he represents.

So, with Bill, it was "just sex" by an individual. If a Republican or a priests commits the same offense, that offense is an indictment of every aspect of the Republican Party and the Catholic Church.

Unknown said...

Rand is right. Why does Bill Clinton get a pass for his sorted life-long abuse and mistreatment of women? Illiberals insist it's because of the good economy.

Good economic news = it's Ok to rape women.

Shouting Thomas said...


Because abortion.

ricpic said...

ricpic: Bill Clinton's a serial rapist.

ARM, Montana Urban Schmendrik and phx: Hey man, loosen up. And anyway, social justice quack quack quack quack quack.....

Chip Ahoy said...

It is brilliant in that attack everything possible to attack, all fronts at once, kind of brilliance, an aggressive, 'these are the enemies' kind of militant brilliance, and not just opponents, a straightforward frontal brilliance. Brillo! As we say.

Brillo pad e Paul ettes.

Get it? I keel myself.

Uniform: dark suit, white shirt, red tie, leather shoes, pure as a blank canvas.

deborah said...

Chip, you ass.

ricpic said...

I'm beginning to think it's a sign that you've made it when Deb calls you an ass. I mean I'm in the club and proud as punch about it. :^)

Unknown said...

ST. so true.

Every time the pro-democrat media ask a republican a question about abortion, the answer should be "why do democrats in lock-step, support partial birth abortion?"

And then say - "why don't you ask the democrat about abortion.
I have nothing more to add...."

sakredkow said...

I really like Clinton. I think he really mucked it up for us with the philandering - he should have had a much better 2nd term.

Maybe the Repubs thought they got more mileage out of Ken Starr as a prosecutor but I thought they should have picked someone else if they were going to go down that road.

It's still hard for me to think of Monica as much of a victim. She seems more like a co-conspirator against herself, and I do feel bad about her. Clinton was probably lucky to get enmeshed in all that at the time he did in any case. Today no one is spared.

deborah said...

;) @ ricpic

Shouting Thomas said...

I like Bill Clinton, too. Who doesn't like a shirt chasing scoundrel?

I even voted for the bastard twice, and I'm not entirely sorry that I did.

That said, he should have been removed from office after his impeachment. Lying to a grand jury is not tolerable presidential behavior.

sakredkow said...

Lying to a grand jury is not tolerable presidential behavior.

Yeah, I'm not going to say that he should have been removed but that "I did not have sex with that woman" was pretty hard to take.

sakredkow said...

I love that Rand Paul is not afraid of the Clintons. Nobody else has ever talked like that about them.

That doesn't seem very true.

Shouting Thomas said...

It's still hard for me to think of Monica as much of a victim.

Well, the feminists (including the Clintons, I believe) used to argue that sex between a subordinate and a superior was abuse per se because of the power differential.

So, by the old feminist pre-Clinton standard, Monica was a victim.

bagoh20 said...

The difference is that if Clinton was a Republican, both sides would disown him.

Just because a guy is successful it's not gonna make you hang out with him if he did the kind of things Clinton did. You might appreciate his success, but you wouldn't be using him as a role model. He disrespects women, even those closest to him.

I could vote for such a cad for President if he had other good qualities, but he wouldn't be someone I look up to. Then again I don't look up to most politicians, even the good ones. It's not like the job is one of great personal sacrifice, or even a skill set that's all that respectable.

I'm Full of Soup said...

In a debate between Rand and Hildebeast, wouldn't even a librul MSM moderator have to bring up this subject?

sakredkow said...

In a debate between Rand and Hildebeast, wouldn't even a librul MSM moderator have to bring up this subject?

Not a winning strategy for GOP, imo.

edutcher said...

If Rand Paul really is the front runner for '16, this sort of thing is the reason why.

Nice to hear a Republican fight back.

phx said...

I think he really mucked it up for us with the philandering - he should have had a much better 2nd term.

Like his first was that good?

PS What Amartel said.

In the immortal words of Double Aught Whatshisface, "That's the Chicago Way, that's how you take down the Lefties".

Unknown said...

“I think he’s a bad role model for the workplace, for women’s rights, for all of that, and I think really they ought to be a little embarrassed to be associated or being seen with him,” Paul stated.

hmmm How will the pro-democrat hack media spin and twist that? Should be amusing.